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Presentations given by Cyclotron Institute members

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There are 521 presentations listed below.

FebA. Bonasera, "
modeling key reactions of light nuclei
," key reaction in nuclear astrophysics, ECT* , Trento, Italy
FebA. McIntosh, "
How neutrons shape our universe and our civilization
," Saturday Morning Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JanL. McIntosh, "
From Strosacker to Shipping Radionuclides: Producing At-211 for novel medical applications
," Hillsdale College Talk, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI, USA
JanG. Rogachev, "
Clustering in atomic nuclei
," Colloquium at GSI, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
DecA. Bonasera, "
nuclear astrophysics with lasers
," IQSE AMO QO seminar series, physics department, TAMU, college station, TX
NovM. Sorensen, "
Progress on the Extraction of 58Fe's Photon Strength Function with the DAPPER Array Using the Forward Method
," APS DNP, Waikoloa, HI, United States
NovA. Pilot, "
At-211 Production and Research at Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute
," Hippo Hullabaloo, College Station, USA
NovA. Lestone, "
Constraining neutron-induced fission cross sections using surrogate reactions with radioactive beams
," LANL Fission FIESTA, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
NovA. Bonasera, "
Producing energy from fusion
," Society for fusion science&engineering, TAMU, college station, TX
NovA. McIntosh, "
Search for Toroidal Nuclear Resonances in the Cluster Disassembly of 28Si
," Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, Toulouse, France
OctI. Haynes, "
Nuclear Forensics of Americium-based Samples Using Intra-Elemental Isotopic Ratios
," Consortium for Nuclear Forensics 2024 Workshop, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States
OctC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensics Research at Texas A&M University
," Consortium for Nuclear Forensics 2024 Annual Workshop, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
OctJ. Santucci, "
Searching For 174Yb and 178Hf 0+ states with two-neutron transfer reactions
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, USA
OctB. Wellons, "
Photoneutron Calibration Standard: extracting cross sections of GDR response in the heavy nucleus 169Tm
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, USA
OctC. Folden III, "
Experiments with the AGGIE Gas-Filled Separator at Texas A&M University
," 2024 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Boston, MA, USA
OctP. Adsley, "
Measuring the 39K(p,γ)40Ca reaction with DRAGON
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, USA
OctShahina, "
Direct low-energy measurement of the 25Mg(a,n) reaction via neutron spectroscopy
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, USA
OctN. Nica, "
New Visualization Technique of High-Spin Level Schemes: Double Helix Level Scheme of 171Yb
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, United States
OctA. McIntosh, "
Development of The Detector Array for Photons, Protons, and Exotic Residues
," DNP, Boston, MA, USA
OctP. Adsley, "
Probing the origins of the chemical elements
," DNP 2024, Boston, MA, USA
OctS. Yennello, "
“Remembering Birger Back, Robert Vandenbosch and Victor Viola: pioneers in nuclear fission - Part 2”
," DNP, Boston , MA, USA
OctN. Nica, "
," US Nuclear Data Program Annual Meeting 2024, TUNL, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
OctG. Rogachev, "
Clustering in Nuclei - the present state of the art
," Colloquium at Mississippi State University, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA
OctN. Nica, "
Miscellanea on ENSDF Evaluation: Tools
," US Nuclear Data Program Annual Meeting 2024, TUNL, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
OctN. Nica, "
Mesoscopic Phenomenological Model of Rotational Motion: Double Helix Level Scheme of 171Yb
," US Nuclear Data Program Annual Meeting 2024 , TUNL, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
OctM. Dias Rodrigues, "
Radioisotopes production using lasers: from basic science to applications
," 4th International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion, Frascati, Italy
SepS. Yennello, "
“Medical Isotope Production with Cyclotrons"
," “Medical Isotope Production with Cyclotrons”, Joint IAEA-USA International School on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Application: Advancing Human Health, Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge , TN, USA
SepP. Adsley, "
Indirect experimental approaches to charged particle reactions in astrophysics
," NPA IX, TU Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
SepA. McIntosh, "
Nuclear Data in CENTAUR 2
," CENTAUR Site Review, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
SepA. Alafa, "
Analyzing data acquired during the TexNeut commissioning experiment
," CENTAUR Site Review, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, U.S.A.
SepA. Bonasera, "
nuclear fusion reactions using lasers
," 37th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM 2024), Instituto Superior Técnico, lisbon, portugal
SepK. Hagel, "
Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
," XIIth International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy, GANIL, Caen, France
AugA. Lestone, "
Using ChatGPT to Code in ROOT, Geant4, and More
," Brown Bag Luncheon, Cyclotron, College Station, TX, USA
AugA. Kirkland, "
Functionalized Detectors for Superheavy Element Homolog Chemistry Experiments
," Nucleus-Nucleus 2024, Whistler, Canada
AugC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Research at Texas A&M University
," 14th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Whistler, BC, Canada
AugI. Haynes, "
Nuclear Forensics of Americium-based Samples Using Intra-Elemental Isotopic Ratios
," American Chemical Society Fall 2024 Meetings, 2024-08-21, Denver, CO, United States
AugP. Adsley, "
The ab initio revolution in low-energy nuclear physics
," Cyclotron Colloquium, Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, United States of America
AugS. Yennello, "
“Search for toroids in excited nuclear material”
," NUCLEUS NUCLEUS COLLisions, Whistler, Canada
AugJ. Garcia, "
Radiochronometric analysis of a historical 226Ra pigment sample for nuclear forensics
," Denver, CO, USA
AugA. McIntosh, "
DAPPER: A high efficiency array for measuring full gamma energy with charged particle coincidence
," Nucleus-Nucleus 2024, Whistler, BC, USA
AugL. McIntosh, "
The Horizon-broadening Isotope Production Pipeline Opportunities (HIPPO) Program
," HIPPOmoot, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
AugS. Yennello, "
“Racing the Clock to Beat Cancer: 211At at Texas A&M”
," Low Energy Community Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA
AugC. Folden III, "
Update from Texas A&M University
," Low-Energy Community Meeting, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
AugA. McIntosh, "
Cross Section Measurements for 149Tb Production
," TAMU HIPPOcampus, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
AugL. McIntosh, "
“Hot Stuff”: Producing At-211 for novel medical applications
," TAMU HIPPOcampus, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulA. McIntosh, "
Nuclear Data
," CENTAUR Science Advisory Committee Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA
JulA. Alafa, "
Calculating Multiple-Scattering Corrections by Exploiting MCNP Forced Collisions (My Time at LANL)
," CENTAUR Science Advisory Committee Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, U.S.A.
JulL. McIntosh, "
“Hot Stuff”: Producing At- 211 for novel medical applications
," 27th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI) and the 55th Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP), Fort Worth, TX, USA
JulK. Hagel, "
Multi-Nucleon-Transfer and the production of Heavy Elements
," Exploring the heavy exotic neutron-rich nuclides via multinucleon transfer reactions, RIKEN, RIKEN, USA
JunG. Rogachev, "
Nuclear Clusters and Their Role in Nucleosynthesis
," International Nuclear Astrophysics Summer School, Aci Trezza, Sicily, Italy
JunG. Rogachev, "
State of the Art in the Experimental Nuclear Cluster Physics
," Conference on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP5), Hvar, Croatia
JunL. McIntosh, "
Getting Astatine to Researchers
," Society of Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, Toronto, Canada
JunI. Haynes, "
Nuclear Forensics of Americium-based Samples Using Intra-Elemental Isotopic Ratios
," DOE University Program Review, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States
JunK. Hagel, "
Alpha Decaying Heavy Elements Produced in Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions of Heavy Nuclei
," FRIB Theory Alliance Topical Program The Path to Superheavy Isotopes, Michigan State University, FRIB, East Lansing, Mi, USA
JunN. Nica, "
Could revisiting the principles of a level scheme bring new insight into high-spin physics?
," 7th International Workshop of the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics on Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reaction Dynamics, University of Ioannina, Ioannina , Greece
MayA. Bonasera, "
Dynamic production of electron-positron pairs in strong fields.
," 7th International Workshop of the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ioannina, Greece
MayG. Rogachev, "
Recent Advances in Understandiing of Clustering in Atomic Nuclei
," Colloquium at Gumilev University, Gumilev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
MayG. Rogachev, "
Recent Advances in Understanding of Clustering in Atomic Nuclei
," Colloquium at Nazarbaev University, Nazarbaev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
MayR. Wada, "
Experimental search for high-spin resonant states in collisions of 28Si + 12C at 35 MeV/nucleon, using FAUST array
," International workshop on Multi faces of Eos and Clustering, INFN-Catania, Catania, Italy
MayS. Yennello, "
“Racing the Clock to Cure Cancer”
," University of Oregon , Eugene, Oregan, USA
MayS. Yennello, "
“Search for toroids in excited nuclear material”
," Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics Workshop ( HINPw7), Ioannina, Greece
AprS. Yennello, "
DOE Isotope Program Strategic Planning Meeting
," Germantown, MD, USA
AprJ. Holt, "
Nuclear microphysics of neutron stars, core-collapse supernovae, and neutron star mergers
," Texas A&M Commerce Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Commerce, TX, USA
AprJ. Holt, "
Microscopic calculations of neutrino scattering and absorption in warm dense matter
," N3AS Seminar, College Station, USA
AprN. Nica, "
Developing a New Visualization of High-Spin Level Schemes
," Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest , Romania
AprN. Nica, "
Data-Based Research Project: How to build a Level Scheme?
," 25th Technical Meeting of the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators , International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
AprN. Nica, "
TAMU NSDD EVALUATION CENTER Report Oct 2022 - Apr 2024
," 25th Technical Meeting of the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
AprD. McClain, "
Ion Trapping for CRES Events: A GOLIATH Upgrade to the He6-CRES Experiment
," APS April Meeting 2024: Quarks to Cosmos, Sacramento, CA, USA
AprV. Iacob, "
Plateau Correction in High Precision Half-Life Measurements
," APS April Meeting, April 3 - 6, 2024, Sacramento , California, United States
AprJ. Holt, "
Generative modeling of nucleon-nucleon interactions
," 2024 April APS Meeting, Sacramento, USA
AprG. Rogachev, "
Exploring the structure of exotic nuclei and origin of the elements with advanced charged-particle and neutron detectors systems
," Eurica 2024 Nuclear Community Webinar, Schlumberger (SLB, a global multinational oilfield services company), College Station, TX, USA
MarJ. Garcia, "
Development of a methodology for the nuclear forensic analysis of a historical 226Ra pigment sample
," Spring 2024 ACS National Meeting & Exposition , New Orleans, LA, USA
MarS. Yennello, "
“Accelerating Solutions for Society; Synergies of Discovery Science and Applications at the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute"
," 2024 International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators, Virginia Beach, VA, USA
MarA. McIntosh, "
DAPPER and Triton Beams
," Trotin 2024, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
FebT. Onyango, "
Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung in Fermi-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
," Stewardships Science Academic Programs Symposium, college station, TX, United States
FebM. Sorensen, "
Forward Analysis of 58Fe's Photon Strength Function With The DAPPER Array
," SSAP, Washington, D.C, United States
FebA. Alafa, "
TexNeut at a Glance
," Stewardships Science Academic Programs Symposium, Arlington, VA, U.S.A.
FebM. Dias Rodrigues, "
Radioisotopes production using lasers: from basic science to applications
," HB11/COST PROBONO Scientific seminars on Hydrogen boron-11 fusion , College Station, USA
FebA. Alvarez, "
Preliminary Analysis towards 55Fe Photon Strength Function using 54Fe(d, p) 55Fe reactions with DAPPER
," Stewardship Science Academic Programs, Arlington, Virgina, United States
JanA. Bonasera, "
Electron-positron pair production in strong fields produced by heavy ions
," Mini workshop on electron positron pair physics at TAMU, cyclotron, college station, tx
JanD. Melconian, "
6He-CRES: Recent progress and future plans
," XLV Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico
DecV. Iacob, "
Precise half-life measurement of 29P
," 6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa Village, HI, United States
DecC. Folden III, "
Survival of Excited, Heavy Compound Nuclei
," 6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
NovA. McIntosh, "
Cross section measurement for 149Tb production
," Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Wikoloa, HI, USA
NovM. Sorensen, "
Progress on the Extraction of 58Fe’s Photon Strength Function with the DAPPER Array Using the Forward Method
," APS DNP, Waikoloa, HI, United States
NovC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensic Analysis of Manhattan Project Plutonium
," Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
NovK. Hagel, "
Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
," Workshop on Particles Correllations and Femtoscopy 2023 , INFN, Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS), Physics and Astronomy Department “E. Majorana” of the University of Catania, Catania, Italy
NovK. Hagel, "
Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
," Workshop on Particles Correllations and Femtoscopy 2023 , INFN, Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS), Physics and Astronomy Department “E. Majorana” of the University of Catania, Catania, Italy
NovC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensic Analysis of Manhattan Project Plutonium
," 66th Radiobioassay & Radiochemical Measurements Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
OctC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensic Analysis of Manhattan Project Plutonium
," Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Durham, North Carolina, USA
OctJ. Holt, "
Normalizing flows for Monte Carlo importance sampling and quantum many-body calculations
," Fall 2023 meeting of TSAPS, TSAAPT, and Zone 13 of the SPS, San Angelo, TX, USA
SepC. Gagliardi, "
The STAR Forward Upgrade
," 25th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2023), Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
SepY. Koshchiy, "
Experiments with Texas Active Target Detector on Rare Isotope Beams
," XXXVII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics September 7, 2023, Warsaw, Poland
SepN. Nica, "
Status of Texas A&M - Cyclotron Institute USNDP Evaluation Center
," Nuclear Data Advisory Committee Meeting, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
AugJ. Garcia, "
The dissolution of a 224Ra mock pigment sample for future nuclear forensic analyses of a historical 226Ra pigment sample
," Fall 2023 ACS National Meeting & Exposition , San Francisco, CA, USA
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Mechanism of astatine and bismuth sorption on extraction chromatography resins from nitric acid media
," ACS Fall 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
AugC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Capabilities at Texas A&M University
," Low-Energy Community Virtual Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
AugJ. Mildon, "
Effects of Deformation on the Survival of Radon & Radium Compound Nuclei
," NN2024, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
AugA. Abbott, "
Photon Strength Function of 58Fe using the Oslo and Shape Methods
," 2023 CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
AugT. Onyango, "
Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Fermi Energies
," Scientific Advisory Committee meeting for CENTAUR, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugP. Adsley, "
(Not) Understanding globular cluster pollution through nuclear reactions
," Surrey Nuclear Seminar, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
JunJ. Holt, "
Microscopic many-body theory for hot and dense matter 2
," Special Nuclear Physics Lecture Series, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
JunA. Abbott, "
Research Summary: Photon Strength Function of 58Fe using the Oslo and Shape Methods
," Follow-up Postdoctoral Interview, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC, USA
JunJ. Bishop, "
First observation of the β3αp decay of 13O via β-delayed charged-particle spectroscopy
," PROCON2023, Warsaw, Poland
JunJ. Holt, "
Microscopic many-body theory for hot and dense matter 1
," Special Nuclear Physics Lecture Series, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
JunM. Dias Rodrigues, "
Medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics
," Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science conference (ARIS 2023), Avignon, France
JunM. Sorensen, "
Preliminary Forward Analysis on 58Fe’s Photon Strength Function using DAPPER
," Nuclear Chemistry GRC, Colby Sawyer, New London, NH, United States
MayJ. Bishop, "
TexAT and TeBAT: a multitude of experiments
," TPC2023, College Station, TX, USA
MayJ. Holt, "
Microscopic optical potentials for the FRIB era
," FRIB TA Topical Program: Theoretical Justifications and Motivations for Early High-Profile FRIB Experiments, East Lansing, USA
MayC. Parker, "
Texas A&M University Master's Program in Radiation Effects
," SEE Symposium and MAPLD Combined Workshop, La Jolla, CA, USA
MayA. McIntosh, "
," TPC 2023, College Station, TX, USA
MayE. Tereshatov, "
Mixtures of active pharmaceuticals for studying behavior of medical radioisotopes
," 3rd International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary
MayM. Barbui, "
alpha-cluster structure of 18Ne
," ANL Physics Division Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA
AprC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Research at Texas A&M University
," 20th Workshop on [a] Recoil Separator for Superheavy Element Chemistry & Physics, Darmstadt, Germany
AprJ. Bishop, "
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
," APS April Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA
AprA. Bonasera, "
Exploring sub-barrier fusion reactions
," SDSS-V/IReNA Science Festival, Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven., leuven, belgium
MarD. Scriven, "
The development of TexNeut and Spectroscopy of 10Li using Isobaric Analogue States
," Lawrence-Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA, USA
MarA. McIntosh, "
Data Needs & Capabilities for TAMU: Capabilities for 149Tb production
," Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities (WANDA), Washington D.C., USA
FebA. Bonasera, "
Exploring sub-barrier fusion reaction
," frontiers, zoom meeting http://imp.fudan.edu.cn/1002xshd/list.htm, shangai, china
FebT. Onyango, "
Photon Production in Fermi-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
," Stewardships Science Academic Programs Symposium , Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America
FebA. Abbott, "
Photon Strength Function of 58Fe Using DAPPER and The Oslo Method
," 2023 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
β decay as a probe of new physics: an overview of the fundamental symmetries research at the CI
," UT Knoxville Physics Seminar, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, USA
FebE. Tereshatov, "
Astatine and bismuth behavior in the presence of ionic liquids
," 5th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
FebJ. Bishop, "
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
," IReNA Online Seminar Series, Online, USA
JanA. Abbott, "
Research Summary: Photon Strength Function of 58Fe using the Oslo and Shape Methods
," Postdoctoral Interview, College Station (Virtual), TX, USA
JanA. Abbott, "
Photon Strength Function of 58Fe Using DAPPER and The Oslo Method
," 2023 DOE Review Visit, TAMU, College Station, TX, USA
JanN. Nica, "
Evaluation of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data for U.S. Nuclear Data Program 2023-2026
," College Station, USA
JanL. McIntosh, "
Isotope R&D and Production
," DOE Review, TAMU, College Station, TX, USA
JanN. Nica, "
Data-Based Physics Research: Level Scheme Re-Concept
," Brown Bag Luncheon presentation (preliminary to the DOE grant inspection, 2023), Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
JanM. Sorensen, "
Progress on the Extraction of 58Fe’s Photon Strength Function at LANL
," CENTAUR SAC, LANL, Los Alamos, NM, United States
DecJ. Bishop, "
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
," ECT* Workshop on "Key Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics", ECT*, Trento, Italy
DecD. Melconian, "
Precision β decay: nuclei
," Fundamental symmetries LRP Town Hall Meeting, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
DecA. Bonasera, "
Calculation of light nuclei sub-barrier fusion cross section in an imaginary time-dependent mean field theory
," Key Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics – KRINA22, ECT*, trento, italy
DecK. Hagel, "
Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
," 22nd Zimányi Winter Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics, Wigner Research Center for Physics, Budapest, Hungary
NovN. Nica, "
Precision Internal Conversion Coefficients Measurements for US Nuclear Data Program
," NSAC Long Range Plan Town Hall Meeting on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Astrophysics, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA
NovD. Melconian, "
Technical developments for fundamental symmetry measurements
," Nuclear Structure Town Hall Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA
NovJ. Bishop, "
Future indirect approaches at Texas A&M
," NSAC Long Range Plan Town Hall Meeting on Nuclear Structure, Reactions, and Astrophysics, Virtual, USA
NovN. Nica, "
Texas A&M University US Nuclear Data Program Texas A&M Evaluation Center Report 2022
," National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory , Upton, NY, USA
NovE. Tereshatov, "
Overview of Radiochemistry at Texas A&M University
," LRC Seminar, Virtual, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
NovJ. Mildon, "
Progress in Research
," TAMU, College Station, TX, United States
NovJ. Garcia, "
Development of a methodology for the radiochronometric analysis of a radium pigment sample for nuclear forensics
," Progress in Research, Texas A&M University, College Station , TX, 77840
NovL. McIntosh, "
Graduate Program at Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," CAARI-SNEAP 2022, Denton, TX, USA
NovA. Abbott, "
Investigating Low Energy Heavy-Ion Response of sCVD Diamond Detectors
," 2022 CAARI-SNEAP, Denton, Texas, USA
OctL. McIntosh, "
Undergraduate Research at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M
," CAARI-SNEAP 2022, Denton, TX, USA
OctC. Parker, "
Radiation Effects Facility at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," CAARI-SNEAP 2022, Denton, TX, USA
OctT. Onyango, "
Coarse Graining of Heavy-Ion Collisions at Fermi Energy
," Division of Nuclear Physics American Physical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
OctT. Hankins, "
Investigating Resonant State Modification with a Coulomb Trajectory Model
," Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP), New Orleans, LA, United States
OctD. McClain, "
Toward the Future: Upgrading the 6He-CRES Experiment with an Ion Trap
," 2022 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, New Orleans, LA, United States of America
OctJ. Bishop, "
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
," Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctP. Adsley, "
Understanding globular cluster pollution through nuclear reactions
," APS DNP Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
Expanding RIB Capabilities at the Cyclotron Institute: 3He- LIG production with an Isobar Separator LSTAR
," APS DNP, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctA. McIntosh, "
Apparent Temperatures of Neutron-poor and Neutron-rich Compound Nuclei
," Annual Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctL. McIntosh, "
Horizon-broadening Isotope Production Pipeline Opportunities (HIPPO) Program
," 2022 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctL. McIntosh, "
Educational Impact of ARUNA Labs
," ARUNA Town Hall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctD. Scriven, "
Studying Structure of 10Li by 9Li(p,p)9Li of T=2 Isobaric Analogue States in 10Be
," American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctN. Nica, "
Evaluation Issues
," Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, Australia National University , Canberra, Australia
OctN. Nica, "
," Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, Australia National University , Canberra, Australia
SepE. Tereshatov, "
Automated Purification and Study of Fundamental Properties of Medical Radioisotope Astatine-211 by Solvent Extraction from Nitric Acid Media
," International Solvent Extraction Conference, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
SepK. Hagel, "
Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in collisions of 47 MeV/u projectiles
," NuSym22, X International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy, INFN Catania, Catania, Italy
SepE. Tereshatov, "
Chromatography Study of Fundamental Properties of Medical Radioisotope Astatine-211
," 33rd International Symposium on Chromatography, Budapest, Hungary
SepP. Adsley, "
Understanding globular cluster pollution through nuclear reactions
," International Nuclear Physics Conference 2022, Cape Town, WC, South Africa
SepL. McIntosh, "
Steps Forward in Astatine-211 Production and Chemistry at Texas A&M University
," DOE Isotope Program Astatine-211 Users' Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA
SepA. Bonasera, "
Dynamics of fusion in laser produced non-equilibrated plasmas.
," 2nd International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion, acicastello, italy
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Astatine interaction with ion exchange and extraction chromatography resins in nitric acid media
," ACS Fall 2022, Chicago, USA
AugL. Bills, "
Targetry Advancements for Isotope Production at Texas A&M
," WTTC18, Whistler, BC, Canada
AugA. Abbott, "
Calibrating DAPPER to measure Photon Strength Function of 58Fe using (d,pγ) in Inverse Kinematics
," 2022 CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA
AugV. Zakusilova, "
Metal Sorption on Functionalized Silicon Detectors for the Future Study of Meitnerium Chemistry
," CENTAUR Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (In-person, poster), Livermore, CA, USA
AugD. Scriven, "
CENTAUR Neutron Detector Update: TexNeut
," CENTAUR Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Lawrence-Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA, USA
AugT. Onyango, "
Coarse Graining of Heavy-Ion Collisions at Fermi Energies
," Scientific Advisory Committee meeting for CENTAUR, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore, California, United States of America
AugI. Haynes, "
155Eu Fission Product Analysis
," Keepin Nonproliferation Sciences Program, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugP. Adsley, "
ARUNA 2022 Update
," Low-Energy Community Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL, USA
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Current Status and Future Plans of Super Heavy Element study at Texas A&M University
," Low Energy Community Meeting 2022, Virtual, Lemont, IL, USA
JulI. Haynes, "
Fission Product Analysis of 155Eu
," Los Alamos National Laboratory C-NR Team Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chemistry Division , Los Alamos, NM, United States
JulJ. Pan, "
Balance function as a unique probe of the quark gluon plasma: experimental overview and outlook
," WPCF 2022 – 15th Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, East Lansing, MI, USA
JulM. Barbui, "
Alpha-cluster structure of 18Ne
," DREB2022, Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
JunA. Bonasera, "
Nuclear Astrophysics with Lasers
," The 11th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, laboratori nazionali del sud, catania, italy
JunP. Adsley, "
Transfer Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics
," INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy
JunE. Tereshatov, "
Automation of astatine recovery from nitric acid media
," Horizon-broadening Isotope Production Pipeline Opportunities (HIPPO), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunC. Folden III, "
Introduction to Superheavy Elements
," Exotic Beam Summer School 2022, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA
JunS. Yennello, "
Inclusive Excellence: You Can Make a Difference
," Exotic Beam Summer School, Notre Dame University, South Bend, USA
JunJ. Garcia, "
Developing a Methodology for the Radiochronometric Analysis of Radium Pigments and Paints for Nuclear Forensics
," 2022 University Program Review (UPR), Michigan League, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
MayM. Barbui, "
Alpha-cluster structure of 18Ne
," Cyclotron colloquium, College Station, TX, USA
MayE. Tereshatov, "
Fundamental behavior of metals in the presence of non-conventional solvents
," The 19th Radiochemical Conference - RadChem 2022, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic
MayV. Zakusilova, "
Metal Adsorption on Functionalized Silicon Detectors for the Future Study of Meitnerium Chemistry
," TASCA 22, 19th Workshop on Recoil Separator for Superheavy Element Chemistry & Physics, GSI (Virtual, 10+5 min), Darmstadt, Germany
MayA. Abbott, "
Extracting Photon Strength Function of 58Fe from 57Fe(d,pγ)58Fe Reaction using DAPPER
," 8th Workshop on Level Density and Gamma Strength, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
MayC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Research at Texas A&M University
," 19th Workshop on [a] Recoil Separator for Superheavy Element Chemistry & Physics, Darmstadt, Germany
AprM. Dias Rodrigues, "
Medical Radioisotope Production Using Inverse Kinematics
," APS April meeting 2022 - Nuclear Physics for Energy, Medicine, and Security, New York, NY, United States
AprT. Onyango, "
Coarse Graining of Heavy-Ion Collisions at Fermi Energy
," April American Physical Society, New York, New York, United States of America
AprL. McIntosh, "
Texas Research Expanding Nuclear Diversity
," April Meeting of American Physical Society, New York, NY, United States
AprA. Mukhamedzhanov, "
Status of 12C+12C fusion and Trojan horse as Invaluable tool to advance it
," IReNA/ChETEC meeting on nuclear reaction measurements underground, Rome, Italy
AprJ. Bishop, "
'Indirect' measurements at 'TAMU'
," Topical meeting of IReNA - FA1 and ChETEC-INFRA Nuclear reaction measurements in Underground Laboratories , Rome, Italy
AprE. Tereshatov, "
Automation of astatine recovery from nitric acid media
," Workshop on isotope opportunities at TAMU, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AprD. Anderson, "
Measurement of medium-induced modification of γdir+jet and π0+jet yield and acoplanarity in p+p and central Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV by STAR
," Quark Matter 2022, Krakow, Poland
AprN. Nica, "
Miscellanea of an ENSDF evaluator (evaluation issues)
," Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network , IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
AprC. Folden III, "
AggieRad: A New Facility for the Characterization of Radioactive Materials
," Workshop on Isotope Opportunities, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
AprN. Nica, "
Medical Radioisotopes Production Studies: 67Cu Case
," Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network , IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
MarJ. Garcia, "
Development of a methodology for the radiochronometric analysis of 226Ra-containing radiological samples for nuclear forensics
," ACS Spring 2022 National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA
MarE. Tereshatov, "
Automation of astatine recovery from nitric acid media
," ACS Spring 2022, San Diego, CA, USA
MarV. Zakusilova, "
Metal Adsorption on Functionalized Silicon Detectors for the Future Study of Meitnerium Chemistry
," American Chemical Society Spring 2022, Bonding Through Chemistry, In-person, 15+5 min, San Diego, California, USA
MarS. Yennello, "
Inclusive Excellence: You can make a difference
," Sherry Yennello, Argonne National Laboratory , Lemont, United States
MarS. Yennello, "
Probing the equation-of-state with heavy ion collisions
," TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
MarS. Yennello, "
Diving deep on the periodic table to find a treatment for cancer
," Simon Frasier University, Burnaby, Canada
MarS. Yennello, "
Diving deep on the periodic table to find a treatment for cancer
," University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
FebS. Yennello, "
Diving deep on the periodic table to find a treatment for cancer
," University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
FebA. Abbott, "
Characterizing and Correcting Effects on Measured Excitation Energies in DAPPER
," 2022 SSAP Symposium, Virtual, College Station, Texas, USA
FebJ. Bishop, "
Novel experiments with a TPC: beta-delayed charged-particle spectroscopy and neutron-induced reactions
," IOP Nuclear Physics Group Colloquium, University of Birmingham (Remote), Birmingham, United Kingdom
JanS. Yennello, "
Nuclear Chemistry: Fundamental Science Serving Society
," International Atomic Energy Agency CUWiP, virtual, virtual
JanL. Bills, "
Introduction to the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," International Atomic Energy Agency CUWiP, Virtual, USA
JanJ. Bishop, "
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
," Saint Mary's University (Remote), Halifax, Canada
JanM. Sorensen, "
The DAPPER Array: Measuring Photon Strength Functions in Inverse Kinematics
," CENTAUR SAC, LLNL, Livermore, Ca, United States
DecL. McIntosh, "
Developing isotope production capabilities with heavy-ion beams at Texas A&M University
," The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2021, Honolulu, HI, USA
DecE. Tereshatov, "
Fast and efficient recovery of 211At at Texas A&M University: Gaining insight of at chemistry in the liquid phase
," Pacifichem 2021, College Station, USA
DecA. McIntosh, "
Time-resolved equilibration: How to measure the motion of protons and neutrons on a subzeptosecond timeframe
," Zimanyi School 2021: 21st Zimanyi School Winter Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
NovA. McIntosh, "
The asymmetry dependence of temperatures measured in fusion-evaporation reactions and in multi-fragmentation reactionsThe asymmetry dependence of temperatures measured in fusion-evaporation reactions and in multi-fragmentation reactions
," 2021 International Workshop on the Multi-facets of the Equation of State and Clustering (IWMEC-2021), GANIL, Caen, France
NovR. Wada, "
High and low energy nucleon productions in intermediate heavy ion collisions, using AMD with Fermi boost and 3Body collision terms
," IWM-EC 2021: International workshop on Multi-facets of EOS and Clustering, GANIL, CAEN, France
NovV. Iacob, "
V_ud from superallowed nuclear β+ decays: new high-precision experimental results
," 11th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2021), (Virtual meeting), Melbourne, Australia
NovN. Nica, "
," Nuclear Data Week(s) 2021 (CSEWG-USNDP-NDAG), Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) (online), Upton, NY, USA
NovN. Nica, "
Medical Radioisotopes Production Studies: 67Cu Case
," Nuclear Data Week(s) 2021 (CSEWG-USNDP-NDAG), Brookhaven National Institute, National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) (online), Upton, NY, USA
OctC. Folden III, "
The Bottom of the Periodic Table
," Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
OctS. Yennello, "
Nuclear Science Serving Society: Advances in 211At production at Texas A&M University
," MIT, Cambridge, US
OctJ. Bishop, "
Evidence against the Efimov effect in 12C from spectroscopy and astrophysics
," 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Online, USA
OctL. McIntosh, "
Current capabilities in astatine-211 production at Texas A&M University
," Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, "Boston", MA, USA
OctA. McIntosh, "
Probing the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve in fusion-evaporation reactions
," 2021 International Symposium on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy (NuSym21), Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
OctA. McIntosh, "
Evidence for the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve in fusion reactions
," Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Zoom, Zoom
OctC. Parker, "
Probing a possible excited-state of tritium via the 6He(p,t) reaction with TexAT
," 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Online, virtual, USA
OctA. Abbott, "
Using DAPPER to measure 58Fe Photon Strength Function via the Oslo Method
," CENAUR LANL Visit, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
SepC. Parker, "
Development of the TexNeut array for basic science
," CENTAUR-JINPA Neutron Detector Workshop, online, College Station, USA
SepC. Parker, "
From there and back again: perspectives of an Ohio graduate student and visitor
," 50 Years of Discovery at the Edwards Accelerator Laboratory, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA
SepA. McIntosh, "
Impacts of neutron excess on equilibrating and equilibrated nuclear systems
," Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AugV. Zakusilova, "
Characterization of Thiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold-Coated Silicon Chips for Future Detection of Radioactive Isotopes
," American Chemical Society Fall 2021, Resilience of Chemistry, Virtual, 15+5 min, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
AugK. Hagel, "
Investigation of Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
," Sherry Yennello Glenn Seaborg Award Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
AugA. McIntosh, "
Thermodynamics, Dynamics and Equilibration
," Glenn Seaborg award symposium in honor of Sherry Yennello, ACS Fall Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
AugS. Yennello, "
Fundamental Science Impacting Society
," ACS meeting, Atlanta, US
AugC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensics Research at Texas A&M University
," American Chemical Society Fall 2021 Virtual Meeting & Expo, N/A, N/A, N/A
AugA. Abbott, "
Using DAPPER to measure Photon Strength Functions via the Oslo Method
," ACS Seaborg Symposium , Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, United States
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Non-conventional solvents for astatine and bismuth separation
," ACS Fall 2021, Atlanta, GA, USA
AugL. Bills, "
Advancements in Bi Targetry for At-211 Production
," ACS Fall 2021, Seaborg Award Symposium in Honor of Sherry Yennello, Atlanta, GA, USA
AugL. McIntosh, "
Advancing Research in Texas through Experiments in Medical Isotope Science
," ACS Fall Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
AugJ. Bishop, "
Advances in nuclear spectroscopy with TPCs
," Low-Energy Community Meeting, Virtual, USA
AugL. McIntosh, "
Steps Forward in Astatine-211 Production and Chemistry at Texas A&M University
," DOE Isotope Program Astatine-211 User Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA
AugG. Rogachev, "
Search for Bose condensation in nuclei
," From quasi-classics to Bose condensation and everything in between, online, College Station, USA
AugC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Capabilities at Texas A&M University
," Low-Energy Community Virtual Meeting, East Lansing, MI, USA
AugJ. Bishop, "
Ongoing experiments with TexAT: Neutron-induced, transfer, and elastic scattering reactions
," Low-Energy Community Meeting, Virtual, USA
AugJ. Pan, "
Recent experimental progresses in balance function measurements from ALICE and STAR experiments
," Balance Function Workshop, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
AugE. Tereshatov, "
New class of chemical compounds for studying medical radioisotopes and superheavy elements
," Promotion Seminar, College Station, USA
JulS. Yennello, "
Astatine Production Toward Targeted Alpha Therapy
," NSCL - MSU, East Lansing, us
JulL. McIntosh, "
Diversifying physics via a nuclear science summer camp
," 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, Virtual, USA
JulJ. Bishop, "
Geant4 Masterclass: simulation of TPCs
," University of Connecticut, LNS Avery Point, Groton, CT, USA
JunG. Rogachev, "
Clustering in light nuclei, Hoyle state and Efimov effect
," Nuclear Physics at the Edge of stability, online, Trento, Italy
JunD. Melconian, "
Using trapped atoms and ions for fundamentally cool physics
," REU seminars at the CI, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunE. Tereshatov, "
Functionalized surfaces and oxidation states of on-line produced thallium
," TASCA 21, Darmstadt, Germany
JunC. Parker, "
Development of a neutron detector array for basic science: TexNeut
," ISR-1 Seminar, LANL, virtual, United States
JunD. Melconian, "
Towards measuring the Fierz interference parameter in 6He β decay from a Penning trap using the CRES technique
," 2021 CAP Congress, Virtual, Canada
JunG. Christian, "
Direct and indirect measurements of charged-particle capture reactions
," Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, Virtual, Canada
MayN. Nica, "
," Technical Meeting of the NSDD network (virtual), Nuclear Data Services, IAEA Vienna , Vienna, Austria
MayN. Nica, "
Texas A&M US Nuclear DATA Program
," HINPw6 – Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics, Athens, Greece
MayV. Iacob, "
Precise branching ratio measurement for the superallowed β+ decay of 34Ar
," 6-th Workshop of The Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics (HINPw6), 14-16 May, 2021, (Virtual workshop), Athens, Greece
MayA. Bonasera, "
Calculation of the 12C+12C sub-barrier fusion cross section in an imaginary time-dependent mean field theory
," HINPw6 workshop, athens, greece
MayS. Yennello, "
CENTAUR and LANSCE Synergistic Science
," LANSCE Futures Spring Workshop 2021: Nuclear Science, LANL, virtual, Texas, United States
AprA. Abbott, "
Preparing DAPPER to measure Photon Strength Functions
," 2021 CENTAUR Review, Virtual, College Station, Texas, United States
AprN. Nica, "
About difficult evaluation decisions: a case study
," ENSDF 2021, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory , Upton, NY, USA
AprJ. Holt, "
Normalizing flows for microscopic calculations of the equation of state
," Nuclear forces for precision nuclear physics, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA, USA
AprA. Hood, "
Identification of Multinucleon Transfer Products with Short-Lived Daughter Nuclei
," American Physical Society, Online, Virtual, United States
AprP. Wen, "
Constraining the nonanalytic terms in the isospin-asymmetry expansion of nuclear equation of state
," APS April Meeting 2021, College Station, Texas, United States
AprC. Folden III, "
Influence of Z and N on Fusion-Evaporation Cross Sections for Heavy Element Synthesis
," APS Virtual April Meeting, College Park, MD, USA
AprC. Folden III, "
Influence of Z and N on Fusion-Evaporation Cross Sections for Heavy Element Synthesis
," APS Virtual April Meeting, N/A, N/A
AprV. Iacob, "
Experimental tests of isospin symmetry breaking in superallowed beta decay
," APS April Meeting, April 17 - 20, 2021, (Virtual meeting), College Park, MD, USA
AprL. McIntosh, "
Isotope Production Capabilities at Texas A&M University
," APS April Meeting, College Station, USA
AprE. Shin, "
Response functions for hot and dense nuclear nuclear matter from chiral nuclear forces
," APS April Meeting 2021, APS, Online Meeting, USA
AprL. Bills, "
Determination of Alpha-Emitting Activity of At-211 in situ
," April APS Meeting 2021, Virtual, College Station, TX, USA
AprC. Parker, "
Progress in the development and characterization of position- and n/γ-discriminating neutron detector modules
," APS April Meeting, Online, virtual, United States
AprV. Zakusilova, "
Characterization of 1-(11-Mercaptoundecyl)imidazole Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold-Coated Silicon Chips
," American Chemical Society Spring 2021, Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century, Virtual, 15+5 min, San Antonio, Texas, United States
AprA. Hood, "
Smashing Gold on Gold: Producing and Identifying Trans-Target Multinucleon Transfer Products
," Texas Section of the APS, Texas A&M University at Corpus Cristi, Virtual, TX, United States
AprC. Folden III, "
Influence of Z and N on the Synthesis of Heavy Elements in Fusion-Evaporation Reactions
," ACS Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting & Expo, Washington, DC, USA
AprC. Folden III, "
Influence of Z and N on the Synthesis of Heavy Elements in Fusion-Evaporation Reactions
," ACS Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting & Expo, N/A, N/A
AprE. Tereshatov, "
Conventional solvents for astatine and bismuth separation
," ACS Spring 2021, College Station, USA
AprJ. Holt, "
Normalizing flows for microscopic calculations of the equation of state
," Nuclear Physics Journal Club, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
AprL. Bills, "
Beam characterization for safe At-211 production
," ACS Spring 2021, Virtual, College Station, TX, USA
MarJ. Holt, "
Chiral effective field theory for nuclear matter and neutron stars
," Hadron in Nucleus 2020, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan
MarA. Abbott, "
Preparing DAPPER to measure Photon Strength Functions
," CENTAUR Group Meeting, Virtual, Virtual, Texas, United States
MarH. Park, "
Intensity of a weak 519-keV γ ray following β decay of the superallowed emitter 34Ar determined via the 33S(p, γ)34Cl reaction
," Virtual Joint Nuclear and Astrophysics Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
MarN. Nica, "
Texas A&M US Nuclear DATA Program", DOE Nuclear Data Program Manager's Inspection at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Data Evaluation Center, Mar
," DOE Nuclear Data Program Manager's Inspection at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Data Evaluation Center, TAMU Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
MarG. Rogachev, "
Nuclear Frontiers with Active Targets
," FLNR seminar, Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, Dubna, Russia
FebS. Yennello, "
Climate Surveys and Assessments to Achieve Your Goals
," APS - IDEA, Virtual, United States
FebN. Nica, "
Texas A&M US Nuclear DATA Program
," Virtual Joint Nuclear and Astrophysics Seminar, TAMU Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
FebJ. Bishop, "
Almost Medium-Free Measurement of the Hoyle State Direct-Decay Component With a TPC
," Previews of the Future in Low-Energy Experimental Nuclear Physics: A Postdoctoral Seminar Series, Online, College Station, USA
FebA. Abbott, "
Design and Testing of YAP:Ce Array for DAPPER
," 2021 SSAP, Virtual, College Station, Texas, United States
FebS. Yennello, "
CENTAUR:Expanded Opportunities in a Virtual World
," SSAP Symposium, Virtual, United States
FebM. Sorensen, "
Beam Rate Dependent Effects on Single Crystalline Diamond Detector
," 2021 SSAP, Virtual, Virtual, United States
FebD. McClain, "
Modifications to the 6He-CRES Experiment for Ion Bunching and Trapping
," SSAP, College Station, Texas, United States
FebM. Nasser, "
Commissioning the Texas A&M University Penning Trap via Offline Mass Measurements
," SSAP, College Station, United States
FebS. Yennello, "
Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute and CENTAUR as generators of nuclear talent
," WANDA21, virtual, United States
JanM. Sorensen, "
The Photon Strength Function of 60Fe with DAPPER
," Virtual Joint Nuclear and Astrophysics Seminar, Texas A&M, College Station, TX, US
JanS. Yennello, "
Getting Involved in Undergraduate Research
," Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, virtual, virtual, United States
DecA. Saastamoinen, "
Background free measurement of β-delayed protons from 27P for the astrophysical 26mAl(p,γ)27Si reaction
," Joint Nuclear and Astrophysics Seminar, Physics and Astronomy / Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
DecN. Nica, "
Texas A&M Evaluation Center Precision Internal Conversion Coefficients Measurements Follow-up
," Nuclear Data Week 2020, USDNP Meeting, Dec 1-4, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
DecN. Nica, "
Texas A&M Evaluation Center Strategic Priorities
," Nuclear Data Week 2020, USNDP Meeting, Dec 1-4, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA (Dec 2020), Upton, NY
DecN. Nica, "
 Texas A&M University US Nuclear Data Program Texas A&M Evaluation Center Report 2020
," Nuclear Data Week 2020, USNDP Meeting, Dec 1-4, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
DecG. Rogachev, "
Nuclear Frontiers with Active Targets
," RAON colloquium "virtual", RAON, Daejon, South Korea
DecY. Koshchiy, "
State of the art experiments with active target detectors developed at Cyclotron Institute
," Cyclotron Institute seminar, Cyclotron Institute Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
NovS. Yennello, "
Nuclear Chemistry: Fundamental Chemistry Impacting Society
," Invited presentation for College Station High School Science Club, College Station High School, College Station , Texas, United States
NovS. Yennello, "
Curing Cancer from the Inside: The Promise of Targeted Alpha Therapy
," Distinguished Lecture in Chemistry, UT Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States
NovJ. Holt, "
Hot and dense neutron-rich matter in supernovae and neutron star mergers
," Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
NovL. McIntosh, "
Developing isotope production capabilities with heavy-ion beams at Texas A&M University
," Division of Nuclear Physics of American Physical Society, Virtual, United States
NovA. Vonder Haar, "
Isolation of 211At from bismuth target in nitric acid media using hydrophobic organic solvents
," 2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, New Orleans, LA, United States
NovT. Whitehead, "
Nucleon-Nucleus Global Optical Potential from Chiral Effective Field Theory
," 2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Virtual, USA
NovP. Wen, "
Constraining the nonanalytic terms of the nuclear symmetry energy with chiral nuclear forces
," 2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, College Station, Texas, United States
OctA. Abbott, "
Silicon Characterization for DAPPER
," 2020 Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, MSU (Virtual), East Lansing , Michigan, United States
OctA. Hood, "
Benchmarking an Active Catcher Array for the Study of Multinucleon Transfer Reactions
," Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, MSU (Virtual), New Orleans, LA, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
High-precision half-life measurement of 29P
," Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) 2020, It was remote via zoom., College Station, TX, USA
OctA. McIntosh, "
Kr+C Reactions to Explore the Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
," Division of Nuclear Physics of American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Zoom Land, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctE. Shin, "
Spin and density response functions for hot and dense nuclear matter from chiral nuclear forces
," DNP Fall Meeting 2020, APS, Online Meeting, USA
OctA. Hannaman, "
The Search for alpha - Clustered Toroidal Nuclei in 28Si
," Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, Virtual, New Orleans, LA, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
Searching for BSM physics via the precision frontier: β decay experiments using atom and ion traps
," NSCL/FRIB Virtual Nuclear Science Seminar, MSU/NSCL, East Lansing (virtually), USA
OctM. Sorensen, "
Gamma Ray Detection in DAPPER Array for (d,pγ) Reactions
," 2020 Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, MSU(Virtual), East Lansing, Michigan, United States
SepJ. Bishop, "
Measurement of neutron-induced enhancement of the triple-alpha process with a TPC
," Virtual Joint Nuclear and Astrophysics Seminar, Texas A&M, College Station, USA
SepG. Rogachev, "
Origin of the Elements
," Lecture to Woodlands Science Academy students, Woodlands Science Academy, Woodlands, TX, USA
SepS. Yennello, "
Toward Inclusive Excellence in Nuclear Science
," ChETEC Action Split Period 4 Main Event, Virtual, Croatia
AugG. Christian, "
Future neutron detection capabilities at TRIUMF for nuclear astrophysics and structure
," TRIUMF Science Week, TRIUMF (Remote), Vancouver, CANADA
AugC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensics Research at Texas A&M University
," ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo, San Francisco, CA, United States
AugC. Folden III, "
Nuclear Forensics Research at Texas A&M University
," ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo, N/A, N/A
AugV. Zakusilova, "
Extraction and Separation of Iridium(IV) and Rhodium(III) from Hydrochloric Acid Media by a Quaternary Ammonium-Based Hydrophobic Eutectic Solvent
," ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo, Pre-recorded, 20 min, San Francisco, California, United States
AugG. Christian, "
Studying stellar nucleosynthesis through heavy-ion gated transfer reactions
," Argonne National Lab Heavy Ion Discussion, Argonne National Lab (Remote), Lemont, IL, USA
AugM. Sorensen, "
DAPPER: Preparations to Measure Iron 60’s Photon Strength Function
," CENTAUR SAC Virtual Meeting, College Station, TEXAS, United States
AugA. Abbott, "
Development of DAPPER for Measuring 60Fe Gamma Ray Strength Function
," 2020 CENTAUR SAC Virtual Meeting, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, Texas, United States
JulS. Yennello, "
Advancing Research in Texas through Experiments in Medical Isotope Science
," NIDC At-211 meeting, ORAU, virtual, US
JulC. Ko, "
Contemporary nuclear physics
," Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
MayG. Christian, "
Particle gated transfer reactions: A tool for studying stellar nucleosynthesis
," UK Locodown Seminar Series, U. Liverpool (remote), Liverpool , UK
AprA. Hood, "
Measurements of the 16C + 12C and 16C + 13C Fusion Cross Sections with Implications for Astrophysics
," APS Virtual April Meeting, Washington D.C., United States
AprD. Scriven, "
Deleopment of Position and n/γ Discriminant Neutron Detector Modules
," American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics, Virtual,
FebS. Ota, "
Chemical abundances near the surface of AGB stars
," Joint Nuclear & Astrophysics Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
FebS. Yennello, "
Center for Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research
," 2020 SSAP symposium, Washington, DC, USA
FebA. Hood, "
Exploring Multinucleon Transfer for Super-Heavy Element Formation
," Stewardship Science Academic Programs (SSAP) Symposium 2020, Washington D.C., United States
FebM. Nasser, "
Automation and Computation of TAMUTRAP
," Stewardship Science Academic Programs 2020, Washington, DC, United States
FebD. McClain, "
Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy in a Penning Trap
," Stewardship Science Academic Programs 2020, Washington DC, United States
FebA. Abbott, "
Silicon Characterization in Preparation for Measurement of 60Fe Gamma Strength Function
," 2020 SSAP symposium, Washington, D.C., United States
FebM. Sorensen, "
BaF2 Detector Characterization for Photon Strength Function of 58Fe in Preparation for 59Fe(d,p)60Fe Experiment
," SSAP Symposium, Washington, D.C, United States
JanS. Yennello, "
Probing the nuclear Equation- of-State with Heavy-ion Collisions
," 58th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Helmholtz Institute, Bormio, Italy
DecC. Ko, "
Coalescence production of (anti-)(hyper-)nulcei in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
," Third EMMI Workshop on Anti-Matter, Hyper-Matter and Exotic Production at the LHC, Wrozlaw, Poland
NovC. Folden III, "
Prospects for Discovery of the Next Superheavy Element
," Southwest Regional Meeting and Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, El Paso, TX, United States
NovJ. Bishop, "
TexAT: nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics with a versatile TPC
," Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA
NovN. Nica, "
Precise αKInternal Conversion Coefficients Measurements of 30.77-keV M4 Transition in 93mNb: Last Test of Internal Conversion Theory
," US National Nuclear Data Week 2019, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
NovD. Melconian, "
Status of the superallowed data set
," Fundamental Symmetries Research with Beta Decay, The Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA, USA
NovN. Nica, "
Texas A&M University US Nuclear Data Program TAMU NSDD CENTER Report 2019
," US National Nuclear Data Week 2019, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, US
NovS. Yennello, "
Studying the Stars here on Earth: Experimental investigations of the nuclear equation-of-state
," University of Virginia, Charlotseville, VA, USA
NovS. Yennello, "
Graduate Studies in Nuclear Science: an Exciting Beginning to a Great Future
," University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States
OctC. Folden III, "
Future of New, Superheavy Element Discoveries
," Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Savannah, GA, United States
OctD. Melconian, "
Polarized angular correlations in 37K: Recent results from TRINAT
," APS Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting, Crystal City, VA, USA
OctJ. Bishop, "
Measurement of near-threshold states in 12C using β-delayed charged particle decay
," DNP, Arlington, USA
OctJ. Holt, "
Nucleon-nucleus optical potentials from chiral nuclear forces
," 4th International Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams, Maresias, Brazil
OctC. Gagliardi, "
STAR Status, Plans, and Upgrades
," Ann. Meet. Nucl. Phys. Div. APS (DNP 2019), RHIC Town Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA
OctC. Gagliardi, "
Probing Gluon Polarization in the Proton with Jets at STAR
," ), Ann. Meet. Nucl. Phys. Div. APS (DNP 2019), Arlington, VA, USA
OctC. Ko, "
Nuclear matter properties at finite temperature from effective interactions
," The 9th International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy, Da Nang, Vietnam
SepS. Shlomo, "
Sensitivity of Giant Resonances Energies of Nuclei to Properties of Nuclear Matter
," 21st Colloque GANIL. Strassbourg, France, Strassbourg, France
SepJ. Holt, "
Hot and dense matter in supernovae and neutron star mergers
," Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
SepE. Tereshatov, "
Hydrophobic ionic liquids and eutectic mixtures in metals separation: behavior of medical indium and thallium radionuclides
," 4th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technology, Sitges, Spain
SepJ. Holt, "
Microscopic optical potentials from chiral nuclear forces
," Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
SepS. Shlomo, "
Sensitivity of Giant Resonances Energies of Nuclei to Properties of Nuclear Matter
," ECT* Workshop on “Light clusters in nuclei and nuclear matter: Nuclear structure and decay, heavy-ion collisions, and astrophysics , ECT*, Trento, Italy, Trento, Italy
SepA. Abbott, "
Preparations for Measuring the Gamma Ray Strength Function of 60Fe using 59Fe(d,p)60Fe
," 2019 DOE Review, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, Texas, United States
SepA. Abbott, "
Study of alpha-alpha Correlation Functions in Heavy Ion Reactions
," 2019 DOE Review, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, Texas, United States
SepM. Sorensen, "
Extracting the Nuclear Caloric Curve from AMD Simulations
," DOE Review, Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TEXAS, United States
SepM. Barbui, "
Looking for states analogous to the 12C Hoyle state in heavier nuclei
," Light clusters in nuclei and nuclear matter: Nuclear structure and decay, heavy ion collisions and astrophysics, ECT* European center for theoretical studies in nuclear physics and realted areas, Trento, Italy
SepJ. Gauthier, "
A nucleation model analysis of neck emission yields in heavy ion reactions
," Light clusters in nuclei and nuclear matter: Nuclear structure and decay, heavy ion collisions, and astrophysics (ECT Workshop 2019), ECT, Trento, Italy
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Surface functionalization towards nihonium homologs adsorption study
," 6th International Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of the Transactinide Elements, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
AugC. Folden III, "
Heavy Element Research at Texas A&M University
," 6th International Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of the Transactinide Elements, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
AugR. Rapp, "
Heavy Flavor in Nuclear Collisions -- Part I: Focus on Open Heavy Flavor
," Third International ϸing on QCD Challenges from pp to AA, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
AugM. Nasser, "
Automation and Computation of TAMUTRAP
," CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugN. Schroeder, "
β decay simulations in TAMUTRAP
," CENTAUR Scientific Advisory Conference, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugD. McClain, "
Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy Simulations with Kassiopeia
," CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugD. Melconian, "
Angular correlation measurements at ISAC: using the atomic nucleus to search for BSM physics for 20 years
," ISAC 20 Symposium, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
AugA. Abbott, "
Preparations for Measuring the Gamma Ray Strength Function of 60Fe using 59Fe(d,p)60Fe
," CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugA. Abbott, "
Study of alpha-alpha Correlation Functions in Heavy Ion Reactions
," 2019 CENTAUR SAC Meeting, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM, United States
AugR. Rapp, "
Open Issues in Open Heavy-Flavor Physics in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
," Third International ϸing on QCD Challenges from pp to AA, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
AugS. Ahn, "
TexAT activities and idea to combine with HRS
," Low Energy Community Meeting 2019, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
AugS. Ahn, "
HabaNERO: A new experimental tool for the study of (α,xn) reaction rates in the weak r process
," Low Energy Community Meeting 2019, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
JulC. Ko, "
Transport model study of chiral magnetic effects
," Workshop on the Study of QCD Phase Diagram and New-type Topologic Effect, Weihai, China
JulS. Yennello, "
Studying The Stars Here On Earth: How The Equation of State of Nuclear Matter Impacts The Formation Of The Elements
," ACS-DNCT Summer School in Nuclear Chemistry, San Jose State University, San Jose, Ca, USA
JulC. Gagliardi, "
STAR Spin: Present and Future
," Workshop on QCD Physics and the Study of the QCD Phase Diagram, Shandong University, Weihai, China
JulC. Ko, "
Light nuclei as a probe of the QCD phase diagram
," Workshop on the Study of QCD Phase Diagram and New-type Topologic Effect, Weihai, Chian
JulC. Ko, "
Light Nuclei Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
," Fudan University, Shanghai, China
JulR. Rapp, "
Brownian Motion of Heavy Quarks and the Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma
," Physics Colloquium, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
JulV. Goldberg, "
New era of resonance reaction studies
," 69th International Conference «Nucleus-2019» on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure «Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics, Nuclei at Borders of Nucleon Stability, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
JulS. Shlomo, "
Giant resonances in 40,48Ca, 68Ni, 90Zr, 116Sn, 144Sm and 208Pb and Properties of Nuclear Matter
," LXIX Int. Conf.NUCLEUS-2019 on Nucl. Spectroscopy and structure, JINR, Dubna, Russia, Dubna, Russia
JulJ. Holt, "
Nuclear many-body theory from microscopic chiral 2N and 3N forces
," APCTP Focus Program in Nuclear Physics 2019 “Nuclear Many-Body Theories: Beyond the Mean Field Approaches", Postech University, Pohang, South Korea
JunA. Saastamoinen, "
Reaction experiments with exotic beams (lecture part 2)
," Exotic Beam Summer School 2019, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
JunA. Saastamoinen, "
Reaction experiments with exotic beams (lecture part 1)
," Exotic Beam Summer School 2019, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
JunY. Koshchiy, "
TexAT: Experiments with modified TPC detector
," Brown-bag lunch series, Ciclotron Institute TAMU, College Station, TX, USA
JunS. Ahn, "
Lecture series: Nuclear Experimental Techniques with Rare Isotope Beams
," Exotic Beam Summer School 2019, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
JunA. Bonasera, "
Nuclear Physics Using Lasers
," 10th European Summer School on Experimental Astrophysics,, catania, italy
JunC. Ko, "
Effects of vorticity in relativistic heavy ion collisions
," International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Dynamics, Grossetto, Italy
JunA. Bonasera, "
A novel approach to medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics
," MDM Anderson research center, houston, usa
JunC. Ko, "
Density fluctuation in baryon-rich quark matter
," Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
JunC. Ko, "
Light nuclei yield ratio and nucleon density fluctuations
," Central China Normal University , Wuhan, China
JunJ. Holt, "
Vertex corrections to dynamical response functions of neutron matter
," INT-JINA workshop on weak interactions for astrophysics, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, USA
JunC. Ko, "
The coalescence model for particle production
," Central China Normal University , Wuhan, China
MayG. Chubaryan, "
Advanced technique for investigation of the properties of Superheavy nuclei.
," The present and the future of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Research, JINR, Dubna, Russia
MayN. Nica, "
Precise αK and αT Internal Conversion Coefficients Measurements as Test of Internal Conversion Theory: the case of 39.752(6)-keV E3 Transition in 103mRh
," 2019 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Beijing, China
MayC. Folden III, "
The Next Element: How Chemists Are Expanding the Periodic Table
," American Chemical Society Webinar, Washington, DC, United States
MayC. Ko, "
In-medium effects on pion production
," Challenges to Transport Theory for Heavy-Ion Collisions, Trento, Italy
MayK. Hagel, "
Investigation of the Decomposition of Dilute Nuclear Matter
," Challenges to Transport Theory for Heavy-Ion Collisions, ECT*, Trento, Italy
MayH. Clark, "
Upgrades to the Radiation Effects Facility at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," SEE Symposium, La Jolla, CA, USA
MayH. Clark, "
Status of the Radiation Effects Facility at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," SEE Symposium, La Jolla, CA, USA
MayJ. Hardy, "
Measuring |Vud| and testing CKM unitarity: past, present & future
," Workshop on the Current and Future Status of the First-Row CKM Unitarity, Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
MayC. Ko, "
Fifty years of scientific career and the history of AMPT
," International Workshop on Partonic and Hadronic Transport Approaches for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Dalian, China
MayP. Shidling, "
Gas cell for TAMUTRAP: Texas A&M University Penning trap facility
," Brown-bag lunch series, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
AprD. Melconian, "
Outlook for the determination of Vud
," Workshop on Precise beta decay calculations for searches for new physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy
AprD. Melconian, "
Outlook for the determination of Vud
," Atomic nuclei as laboratories for BSM physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy
AprA. Saastamoinen, "
Breakup of 9C and 66Se at RIKEN
," Cyclotron Institute Brown Bag Lunch Series, TAMU Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AprR. Rapp, "
Heavy-Flavor Probes of Hot QCD Matter
," APS April Meeting, Denver, CO, USA
AprN. Nica, "
Precise αK and αT Internal Conversion Coefficients Measurements of 39.752(6)-keV E3 Transition in 103mRh: Test of Internal Conversion Theory
," 23rd Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
AprN. Nica, "
Code GABS:%Iγ calculation when Iγ normalization (NR) is known
," 23rd Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
AprN. Nica, "
Code PANDORA andENSDF CONSISTENCY CHECKING:modify to get both “γfrom level” and “γto level listings”
," 23rd Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
AprC. Ko, "
Chiral kinetic study of chiral magnetic and vortical effects in HIC
," The 5th Workshop on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions, Beijing, China
AprS. Shlomo, "
Determining modern energy density functional for nuclear many-body systems
," Institute of Nuclear Research Workshop on nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research, Ukraine Academy of Science Kiev, Ukraine, April 8-10, 2019, Kiev , Ukraine
AprN. Nica, "
Precise αK and αT Internal Conversion Coefficients Measurements of 39.752(6)-keV E3 Transition in 103mRh: Test of Internal Conversion Theory
," "Horia Hulubei" National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania
AprN. Nica, "
Progress Report on Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Activities at Texas A&M University
," 23rd Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, IAEA Vienna, Vienna, Austria
MarC. Folden III, "
The Two Biggest Problems in Heavy Element Science (and What the Cyclotron Institute is Doing About Them)
," College of Science External Advisory and Development Council Meeting, College Station, TX, United States
MarS. Yennello, "
Studying The Stars Here On Earth: How The Equation of State of Nuclear Matter Impacts The Formation Of The Elements
," AAS-HEAD meeting, Monterey, Ca, USA
FebJ. Holt, "
Hot and dense matter in supernovae and neutron star mergers
," University of Houston, Houston, USA
FebC. Folden III, "
The Evolving Periodic Table and its Incredible Elements!
," American Chemical Society Program-in-a-Box Webinar , Washington, DC, United States
FebD. Melconian, "
Fundamental symmetry tests using atoms and ions
," Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA
FebA. Bonasera, "
Nuclear Physics Using Lasers
," University of Prague Seminar, prague, ceck republic
JanJ. Holt, "
Constraints on the nuclear equation of state from microscopic many-body theory
," CUSTIPEN workshop: EOS of dense neutron-rich matter in the era of gravitational wave astronomy, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
OctV. Iacob, "
Precise Half-Life Measurement of S-30
," Fifth Joint Meeting of the Nucl. Phys. Divisions of the American Physical Society and Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, HI, US
OctL. Duran, "
Mass measurements of 23Na and beamline upgrades for the TAMUTRAP facility
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctS. Andaloro, "
Using machine learning to improve gamma-neutron discrimination in p-terphenyl and 6Li glass detectors
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
TAMUTRAP facility: A Penning trap facility for weak interaction studies
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
In situ characterization of β scattering at TRINAT
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
TAMUTRAP facility: A Penning trap facility for weak interaction studies
," 7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP2018), Traverse City, TX, USA
SepD. Melconian, "
Fundamentally cool physics with trapped atoms and ions
," Physics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
SepE. Tereshatov, "
Functionalized Surfaces in Chemical Studies
," Brown Bag Lunch, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AugP. Shidling, "
Ion trap application: Fundamental weak interaction studies using ion traps
," 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI), Grapevine, TX, USA
AugV. Kolhinen, "
TAMUTRAP facility update
," 2018 Low-energy Community Meeting, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
JulL. Duran, "
Mass measurements of 23Na and beamline upgrades for the TAMUTRAP facility
," Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulS. Andaloro, "
Using machine learning to improve gamma-neutron discrimination in p-terphenyl and 6Li glass detectors
," Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulS. Andaloro, "
Using machine learning to improve gamma-neutron discrimination in p-terphenyl and 6Li glass detectors
," LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Summer Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulL. Duran, "
Mass measurements of 23Na and beamline upgrades for the TAMUTRAP facility
," LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Summer Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulD. Melconian, "
Trapped atoms and ions for tests of the charged electroweak interaction
," Center for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
JulV. Iacob, "
Precise half-life measurement of the superallowed beta emitter S-30
," Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2018, Sinaia, Romania
JunP. Shidling, "
TAMUTRAP: Texas A&M University Penning trap facility
," Brown-bag lunch series, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunD. Melconian, "
A precision measurement of the β asymmetry parameter using laser-cooled 37K
," 7th Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP 2018), University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany
MayD. Melconian, "
β decay asymmetry measurements with trapped atoms
," 13th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2018), Palm Springs, CA, USA
MayJ. Hardy, "
Nuclear beta decays and CKM unitarity
," 13th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2018), Palm Springs, CA, USA
MayS. Yennello, "
Isospin effects in nuclear reactions
," International Workshop on Multi facets of EoS and Clustering, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia & Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy
AprG. Chubaryan, "
Secondary heavy ion beams as a tool for investigation of fussion mechanism
," Spontaneous and Induced Fission of Very Heavy and Super Heavy Nuclei, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Villazzano, Trento, Italy
MarD. Melconian, "
Nuclear β decay: using the atomic nucleus to probe symmetries of the weak interaction
," Joint APS/AAPT/SPS meeting, Tarleton University, Stephenville, TX, USA
NovE. Tereshatov, "
On a way to study Nihonium chemistry
," Exploring the Nuclear Frontier: 50 Years of Beam, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
AugE. Tereshatov, "
New chemical media for superheavy element study
," 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC, USA
AugD. Melconian, "
First mass measurement using TAMUTRAP
," Brown-bag lunch series, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JulD. Melconian, "
Using trapped atoms and ions for fundamentally cool physics
," Talk for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunE. Tereshatov, "
Radioimpurity In medical In-111 isotope
," Brown Bag Lunch, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AprD. Melconian, "
Fundamentally cool physics with trapped atoms and ions
," Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
JanD. Melconian, "
Precision measurement of the positron asymmetry of laser-cooled, spin-polarized 37K
," April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C., USA
OctB. Fenker, "
Precise measurement of the positron asymmetry in the decay of spin-polarized 37K
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Vancouver, BC, Canada
OctD. Melconian, "
Status of the TAMUTRAP facility at Texas A&M University
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Vancouver, BC, Canada
SepD. Melconian, "
Single Event Effect Microchip Testing at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute
," Radiation Technologies Event – New Developments and Current Challenges with Radiation Technologies, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA
AugD. Melconian, "
Probing fundamental symmetries via precision correlation measurements of β decay
," High Sensitivity Experiments Beyond the Standard Model, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
JunD. Melconian, "
Fundamentally cool physics with trapped atoms and ions
," Talk for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunE. Tereshatov, "
Metal Extraction by Green Solvents: Ionic Liquids and Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Mixtures
," 18th International Conference on Green Chemistry, San Francisco, CA, USA
FebE. Tereshatov, "
Cyclotron Institute Opportunities in Chemical Studies of Super Heavy Elements
," Cyclotron Colloquium, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, TX, USA
AugE. Tereshatov, "
Study of chemical behavior of Tl and In as light homologues of element 113
," 250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
JunB. Fenker, "
Measurement of the nuclear polarization in optically-pumped 37K: Progress towards a measurement of the β-asymmetry parameter
," 6th International Symposium Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP 2015), Victoria, BC, Canada
AprD. Melconian, "
Nuclear physics with trapped atoms and ions
," "Pizza and Profs" presentation for the Texas A&M University Honors Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
DecD. Melconian, "
A new correlation Penning trap for fundamental physics at Texas A&M
," 6th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2004), Takamatsu, Japan
DecM. Mehlman, "
Current status of the TAMUTRAP facility
," 6th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2004), Takamatsu, Japan
OctM. Mehlman, "
Current status of the TAMUTRAP facility
," American Physical Society - Texas Section 2014 Fall Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
Half-life and branching ratio measurements of T=1/2 mirror nuclei
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctB. Fenker, "
Measurement of the β-asymmetry in the decay of magneto-optically trapped, spin-polarized 37K
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
TAMUTRAP: an ion trap facility for weak interaction and nuclear physics studies
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Washington, HI, USA
SepD. Melconian, "
Measurements of correlations in β-decay using laser and ion traps
," Solvay Workshop on Beta-Decay Weak Interaction Studies in the Era of the LHC, Brussels, Belgium
AugD. Melconian, "
β-decay correlation measurements using ion and laser traps
," 15th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15), Dresden, Germany
FebD. Melconian, "
Probing properties of the weak interaction using trapped atoms and ions
," University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
DecD. Melconian, "
Precision measurements of β-decay correlation parameters from trapped atoms and ions
," X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications (LASNPA), Montevideo, Uruguay
NovD. Melconian, "
Precision β-decay studies using trapped atoms and ions
," NSCL, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
OctP. Shidling, "
Report on current status of TAMUTRAP facility
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Newport News, VA, USA
OctR. Behling, "
Report on the measurement of the beta asymmetry parameter, Aβ, of 37K
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Newport News, VA, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
Fundamentally cool physics with trapped atoms and ions
," Physics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
OctB. Fenker, "
Nuclear spin polarization of 37,41K by optical pumping
," Texas Section of the APS, Brownsville, TX, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Nuclear physics with trapped atoms and ions
," Saturday Morning Physics, Physics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
DecP. Shidling, "
TAMUTRAP facility for weak interaction physics
," DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Delhi University, New Delhi, India
DecP. Shidling, "
Precise lifetime measurements of T=1/2 nuclei
," DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Delhi University, New Delhi, India
DecR. Behling, "
Update of the 37K Experiment
," ISAC Science Forum, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
SepD. Melconian, "
The state of the art for extracting Vud from nuclear β-decay
," 7th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, Cincinnati, OH, USA
JulD. Melconian, "
Weak (and ridiculously weak) interactions as tests of fundamental physics
," Talk for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunD. Melconian, "
Polarized β decay observables from laser-cooled atoms: progress and outlook for fundamental symmetry tests
," Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Calgary, AL, Canada
MayM. Mehlman, "
Texas A&M Penning trap facility — program for the study of the fundamental weak interaction (TAMUTRAP)
," 11th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
MayD. Melconian, "
Isospin-symmetry-breaking effects in nuclear β decay
," 11th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
AprD. Melconian, "
Isospin-symmetry-breaking effects in nuclear β decay
," April APS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
SepD. Melconian, "
Isospin symmetry breaking in the β decay of 32Cl
," XXXII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland
AugP. Shidling, "
Physics with stopped beams at TRIP-TRAP facility
," Joint ATLAS-HRIBF-NSCL-FRIB User Workshop, NSCL, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
AprD. Melconian, "
Probing symmetries of the weak interaction via the β decay of laser-cooled, polarized 37K
," Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
AprP. Shidling, "
Precise lifetime measurement of 37K
," April APS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA
NovD. Melconian, "
Correlation measurements in nuclear β decays
," Violations of Discrete Symmetries in Atoms and Nuclei, ECT*, Trento, Italy
SepD. Melconian, "
Experimental status of Vud and near-term future prospects
," 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, University of Warwick, Warwick, United Kingdom
AugD. Melconian, "
Precision β-decay studies using neutral atom traps
," International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
AugD. Melconian, "
The β+ decay of 37K as a multi-faceted probe of fundamental physics
," The 2nd International Ulaanbaatar Conference on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
OctD. Melconian, "
Probing fundamental properties of the weak interaction: atomic meets nuclear meets high-energy physics
," University of Texas - Austin, Austin, TX, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
Upgrade of a right-handed current search using highly-polarized, laser-cooled 37K
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Waikaloa, HI, USA
JulD. Melconian, "
Fundamentally cool physics
," Talk for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JunD. Melconian, "
The Cyclotron Institute upgrade at Texas A&M and polarized correlation studies with 37K at ISAC/TRIUMF
," Workshop on Atomic Physics with Rare Atoms, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Symmetries in Nature: A glimpse into the beauty and art of science
," Saturday Morning Physics lecture, Physics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
JanD. Melconian, "
β decay correlation studies using very cold, highly polarized sources
," XXXII Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc, Mexico
SepD. Melconian, "
The ft values of β-decaying nuclei: How can nuclear physics continue to reduce the uncertainty in the value of Vud
," Exotic Nuclei and Matter 2008, Ryn, Poland
OctD. Melconian, "
Scalar and right-handed current searches using trapped atoms
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Newport News, VA, USA
AugD. Melconian, "
UCN β decay
," TRIUMF Town Meeting, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
JunD. Melconian, "
Nuclear β decay, Vud and the CKM mass-mixing matrix
," 2007 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
MarD. Melconian, "
Probing fundamental properties of the weak interaction: Some recent experimental progress
," Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
MarD. Melconian, "
Probing fundamental properties of the weak interaction: Some recent experimental progress
," Physics Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Probing fundamental properties of the weak interaction: Some recent experimental progress
," Dan Melconian, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Ideas for research at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University
," Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Correlation measurements using laser-cooled, polarized 37K
," CAP-DNP Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, Banff, AL, Canada
MayD. Melconian, "
Superallowed β emitters and unitarity of the CKM mass-mixing matrix
," 8th Annual Meeting APS Northwest Section, Tacoma, WA, USA
MarD. Melconian, "
Standard model tests of the weak interaction using the β-decay of laser-cooled 37,38mK
," Dan Melconian, Kellog Radiation Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
OctD. Melconian, "
The β decay of laser-cooled 37,38mK as a probe of new physics
," Los Alamos National Laboratory P-25 Seminar Series, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
SepD. Melconian, "
Search for right-handed currents in the β+ decay of laser-cooled, polarized 37K
," Joint meeting of the DNP-APS and Physical Society of Japan, Maui, HA, USA
DecD. Melconian, "
Searching for right-handed currents in the β-decay of laser-cooled, polarized 37K
," TRIUMF Users Group Annual General Meeting, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
FebD. Melconian, "
Testing fundamental symmetries using the β-decay of 37,38mK from a neutral atom trap
," Dan Melconian, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA
FebD. Melconian, "
Testing fundamental symmetries using the β-decay of 37,38mK from a neutral atom trap
," National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
JanD. Melconian, "
Testing fundamental symmetries using the β-decay of 37,38mK from a neutral atom trap
," Center for Experimental Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
JanD. Melconian, "
The TRIUMF neutral atom trap physics program
," TRIUMF seminar, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
OctD. Melconian, "
Detection system for a β+-ν correlation experiment in a magneto-optical trap
," American Physical Society - Division of Nuclear Physics (APS-DNP), Santa Fe, NM, USA

If you encounter any problems or require further assistance, please contact Dan Melconian.