The Cyclotron Institute welcomes scholars from around the world to visit and interact with Cyclotron faculty and staff. The Cyclotron Institute can provide limited financial support to visiting scholars through its Visiting Scholar Program (VSP). Funds from the VSP can be used to support the visit of a scholar entirely, or to supplement other support already provided by other sources.
Any active researcher with a Ph.D. degree, or equivalent, in an area relevant to the research at the Institute, is eligible to apply for the VSP. The applicant should not be employed by the Cyclotron Institute or Texas A&M University at the time of application.
Applications for the VSP are accepted twice per year on September 1 and March 1. Applicants should submit a current CV, including list of publications, and a document (three pages or less) outlining their plans for a research program at the Institute. This should include a timeline of planned work. The research plan should be developed in close collaboration with a host at the Cyclotron Institute. Hosts should be contacted by the applicant ahead of time. Hosts will furnish a statement of support to the committee, outlining how the visitor will enhance their existing research program. The applicant and host will also submit an estimated budget. Eligible costs are travel expenses, housing support, and full-time or part-time salary. All documents should be submitted to Prof. Rainer Fries at 0udnulle TOD nullumat nullTnullOD nullpmonullc nullTA snulleirFJRnull in time for full consideration.