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Primary Care Grant Program


Professional travel to conferences, meetings or experiments outside the Cyclotron Institute is critical to career advancement in terms of getting one’s work recognized, learning about the work of others, networking, learning new skills, and participating in professional service. Additionally, for many Cyclotron Institute members, participation in experiments at the Cyclotron Institute is an important part of their role. When the attendee is the primary caregiver for an adult or child, these responsibilities present an additional challenge for participation. While childcare sometimes is provided at conferences, the cost usually is absorbed by the attendee because these expenses are not often reimbursable by federal grants or state accounts. Additionally, there are instances when a local experiment that involves key personnel (scientific or technical) may not be compatible with usual care routines, incurring unexpected costs.

The Cyclotron Institute Community Awareness Development Assembly Primary Care Grant Program will provide funds to cover primary care needs for members of the Cyclotron Institute incurred when participating in a scholarly conference, symposium, workshop, meeting or experiment. Grants are limited to $500 per person per year, and may be used to cover additional travel costs (for a caregiver or an individual who requires primary care), and/or care costs that exceed normal care routines. The same event cannot be claimed by two members of the same family.

Eligibility Criteria

This program is open to all employees (faculty, staff, students) in the Cyclotron Institute.

Application Process

Submit an application, preferably prior to travel or the scheduled experiment. Applications are subject to rolling review. While emergencies do occur, in general submissions should be made at least one week in advance of travel. Earlier submissions increase the likelihood that a response can be given in advance. Information given in the application process will be treated confidentially subject to university guidelines.

The following criteria will be used to review applications:

  • Contribution of professional travel or local experiment to the requester’s career advancement or to success of experiment;

  • Brief contextual explanation of need for support including statement from supervisor, if appropriate; and

  • Nature of participation for which funds are requested.

Processing of Awarded Grants

Funds will be paid through direct deposit as supplemental pay after the event has been completed and receipts have been submitted to the appropriate business coordinator. Receipts are required. As supplemental pay these funds will be subject to taxes. Please note that applying for funding is separate from requesting approval to travel. Those receiving these grants for activities outside of Bryan/College Station will need to submit requests for travel as they would normally do for any professional travel. Distribution of funds will happen on a quarterly basis.

The application form is available here.

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