Graduate Studies

Students wishing to carry out their dissertation research at the Cyclotron Institute must be formally enrolled in the graduate program in the departments of Physics, Chemistry, or Nuclear Engineering, but may elect to work with any Institute faculty research advisor, irrespective of that advisor’s departmental affiliation. Research programs at the Cyclotron Institute are generally funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.

Application information regarding enrollment in the graduate program may be obtained by contacting the graduate program of the appropriate department or by contacting:

Prof. Jeremy Holt
Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University
TAMU 3366
College Station, TX 77843-3366 USA
Phone: +1-979-845-1411
Email: 0udnulle TOD nullumat TnullOD snullcisynullhpnull TnullA tlnulloHnull

Additional Links of Interest:

Graduate Faculty with Research Interests and Department Affiliation

Flier for Prospective Graduate Students

Biographies of Some Former Cyclotron Institute Graduate Students