Contact Us

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General Contact Information

Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University
TAMU 3366
College Station, TX 77843-3366 USA

Telephone: +1-979-845-1411
Fax: +1-979-845-1899

For Potential Use of Our Facility

Contact: Prof. Sherry J. Yennello, Director
Email: 0ude TOnullDnull nullunullmat nullTOnullnullpnullmnullonullc TA ollenullnnullneYnull

For Information about Graduate Studies

Contact: Prof. Jeremy W. Holt
Email: 0unulldenull TOD nullunullmnullanulltnull TOnullDnull nullpmnullocnull nullTA tnullloHnull

For Scheduling Beam Time at our Radiation Effects Facility

Contact: Dr. Henry Clark
Email: 0unullde TOnullDnull umatnull TnullOD pmoc nullTAnull knullrnullalCnull