Top Row CKM Unitarity Workshop

January 7-8 2019, College Station, Texas

The Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University

Image of Dr John Hardy, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Texas A&M University (Photo by Jim Lyle, TTI Communications.)

Dr. John Hardy

University Distinguished Professor

The Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University is proud to honor the professional career of University Distinguished Professor John Hardy on the occasion of his retirement from Texas A&M University.

Program of Invited Talks

Time Speaker Title
Monday Morning Session Chairperson - Dan Melconian
09:00 Joe Natowitz
Sherry Yennello
Grigor Rogachev
09:15 Ian Towner Reflections on 50 years of collaboration
09:35 Tommi Eronen Superallowed beta decay Q-values from Penning trap mass spectrometry
10:15 Maxime Brodeur John’s last experiment at Notre Dame and more
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 Michael Ramsey-Musolf Electroweak Boxes & CKM Unitarity
11:55 Mikhail Gorshteyn New result for Inner radiative correction to vector beta decay
12:35 Lunch
Monday Afternoon Session Chairperson - Ian Towner
14:15 Bill Marciano New result for Inner radiative correction to vector beta decay
14:55 General Discussion
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 Witek Nazarewicz Isospin mixing in nuclei
16:25 Bertram Blank Weak-interaction studies with nuclear beta decay
17:05 General Discussion
Monday Evening
19.00 Dinner for Workshop Participants at the Stella Hotel
Tuesday Morning Session Chairperson - Bob Tribble
09:00 Albert Young Beta Decay Studies with Ultracold Neutrons
09:40 Matt Moulson Status of Vus
10:20 Coffee Break
10:40 John Hardy Measuring Vud and testing CKM Unitarity: past, present and future
11:20 General Discussion
12:35 Lunch
Tuesday Afternoon
14:00-16:00 Cyclotron Institute Reception
Photo of The Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University.


Hawking Auditorium
The Mitchell Institute
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Texas A&M Unitarity
College Station, Texas

Local Organizing Committee

Joe Natowitz
Dan Melconian
Kris Hagel
Robert Burch Jr
Yiu-Wing Lui

Workshop Secretary
Paula Barton: