Topic: Publication institution

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Publications for topic "Publication institution" sorted by recency

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Ion-trap application: Fundamental weak interaction studies using ion traps, P. D. Shidling, Veli S. Kolhinen, Benjamin Schroeder*, Morgan Nasser*, Asim Ozmetin and Dan Melconian*, in: 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conference Proceedings 2160, Grapevine, Texas, USA, pages 070011, 2019 pub id: 957 [DOI] [URL]
Characterization of the CATRiNA neutron detector system, J. F. Perello*, S. Almaraz-Calderon*, B. W. Asher, L. T. Baby, N. Gerken and K. Hanselman, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 930, 196--202 (2019) pub id: 950 [DOI] [URL]
A novel transparent charged particle detector for the CPET upgrade at TITAN, D. Lascar, B. Kootte, B. R. Barquest, U. Chowdhury, A. T. Gallant, M. Good, R. Klawitter, E. Leistenschneider, C. Andreoiu, J. Dilling, J. Even, G. Gwinner, A. A. Kwiatkowski and K. G. Leach, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 868, 133 - 138 (2017) pub id: 936 [DOI] [URL]
Studies of systematic effects of the AstroBox2 detector in online conditions, A. Saastamoinen, E. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, R. Chyzh, L. Trache and R. E. Tribble, in: Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS 2018), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 463, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (virtual), pages 251 - 253, ScienceDirect, 2020 pub id: 934 [DOI] [URL]
GADGET: a gaseous detector with Germanium tagging, M. Friedman, D. Pérez-Loureiro, T. Budner, E. Pollacco, C. Wrede, M. Cortesi, C. Fry, B. Glassman, M. Harris, J. Heideman, M. Janasik, B. T. Roeder, M. Roosa, A. Saastamoinen, J. Stomps, J. Surbrook, P. Tiwari and J. Yurkon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 940, 93--102 (2019) pub id: 932 [DOI] [URL]
Pionic Fusion of $^4\mathrm{He}+^{12}\mathrm{C}$, Andrew Zarrella, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 2018 pub id: 930  [URL]
Proton-proton correlation functions measured using position-sensitive FAUST Array, Lauren Heilborn, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 2018 pub id: 929  [URL]
Charge-breeding of radioactive ions at the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, D. P. May, F. P. Abegglen, J. Arje and G. Tabacaru, in: Proc. 23rd International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'18), Catania, Italy, pages 20--23, JACoW Publishing, 2019 pub id: 924 [DOI] [URL]
Comparative Analysis of the Light Nuclei Diffractive Scattering on $^{12}\mathrm{C}$, O. A. Ponkratenko, E. I. Koshchy, Val. M. Pirnak, A. A. Rudchik, A. T. Rudchik, K. Rusek, Yu. M. Stepanenko, V. V. Uleshchenko and Yu. O. Shyrma, in: XXXV Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics Exotic Nuclei, Acta Physica Polonica B 49, Piaski, Poland, pages 313, Jagiellonian University, 2018 pub id: 923 [DOI] [URL]
Search for the high spin members of the $\alpha$:$2n$:$\alpha$ band in $^{10}\mathrm{Be}$, S. Upadhyayula, G. V. Rogachev*, V. Z. Goldberg, J. Hooker, C. Hunt, H. Jayatissa, Y. Koshchiy, E. Uberseder and A. Volya, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020029, 2018 pub id: 922 [DOI] [URL]
Resonance reactions at Astana cyclotron, D. K. Nauruzbayev, A. K. Nurmukhanbetova, V. Z. Goldberg, G. V. Rogachev*, M. S. Golovkov and A. Volya, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020030, 2018 pub id: 921 [DOI] [URL]
Evidence for resonances in the $7\alpha$ disassembly of $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$, X. G. Cao, E.-J. Kim, K. Schmidt, K. Hagel, M. Barbui, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, G. Giuliani, M. R. D. Rodrigues, S. Kowalski, H. Zheng, M. Huang, A. Bonasera*, R. Wada, G.-Q. Zhang, C. Y. Wong, A. Staszczak, Z. X. Ren, Y. K. Wang, S. Q. Zhang, J. Meng and J. B. Natowitz, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020021, 2018 pub id: 920 [DOI] [URL]
Searching for states analogous to the $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ Hoyle state in heavier nuclei using the thick target inverse kinematics technique, M. Barbui, K. Hagel, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, R. Wada, V. Goldberg, R. T. de Souza, S. Hudan, D. Fang, X. G. Cao and J. B. Natowitz, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020027, 2018 pub id: 919 [DOI]
Use of a nucleation based ternary fission model to reproduce neck emission in heavy-ion reactions, J. Gauthier, M. Barbui, X. G. Cao, K. Hagel, R. Wada, S. Wuenschel and J. B. Natowitz, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020036, 2018 pub id: 918 [DOI]
Nuclear Data Sheets for $A=140$, N. Nica, Nuclear Data Sheets 154, 1--403 (2018) pub id: 916 [DOI] [URL]
Superallowed $\beta$-Decay Branching Ratio Measurement of $^{26}\mathrm{Si}$, M. Bencomo, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University, 2018 pub id: 907  [URL]
Heavy-Flavor Theory at ``Hard and Electromagnetic Probes 2018'', R. Rapp*, in: Int. Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes 2018, Proceedings of Science HardProbes2018, Aix-Les-Bains, France, pages 029, 2019 pub id: 900 [DOI] [URL]
TAMUTRAP facility: Penning trap facility for weak interaction studies, Praveen D. Shidling, Veli S. Kolhinen, Benjamin Schroeder*, Morgan Nasser*, Asim Ozmetin and Dan Melconian*, in: 7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP2018), Hyperfine Interactions 240, Traverse City, Michigan, USA,, pages 40, 2019 pub id: 895 [DOI] [URL]
Equilibration chronometry and reaction dynamics, A. Rodriguez Manso, A. B. McIntosh, K. Hagel, L. Heilborn, A. Jedele, A. Wakhle, A. Zarrella and S. J. Yennello*, in: IWM-EC2018, Il Nuovo Cimento C 41, Catania, Italy, pages 180, Societa Italiana di Fisica, 2019 pub id: 892 [DOI] [URL]
Isospin effects in nuclear reactions, S. Yennello*, in: IWM-EC2018, Il Nuovo Cimento C 41, Catania, Italy, pages 170, Societa Italiana di Fisica, 2019 pub id: 891 [DOI] [URL]
Thermal dileptons as QCD matter probes at SIS, F. Seck, T. Galatyuk, R. Rapp* and J. Stroth, in: FAIRness 2017, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1024, Barcelona (Spain), pages 012011, {IOP} Publishing, 2018 pub id: 890 [DOI] [URL]
From in-Medium Color Forces to Transport Properties of QGP, Shuai Y. F. Liu and Ralf Rapp*, in: XXVIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2018), Nuclear Physics A 982, Venice, Italy, pages 215 - 218, 2019 pub id: 887 [DOI] [URL]