First name(s): |
R. |
Last name(s): |
Rapp |
Institute: |
Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR |
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Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
QCD challenges from p-p to A-A collisions, J. Adolfsson, A. Andronic, C. Bierlich, P. Bozek, S. Chakraborty, P. Christiansen, D. D. Chinellato, R. J. Fries, G. Gustafson, H. van Hees, P. M. Jacobs, D. J. Kim, L. Lönnblad, M. Mace, O. Matonoha, A. Mazeliauskas, A. Morsch, A. Nassirpour, A. Ohlson, A. Ortiz, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, G. Paić, D. V. Perepelitsa, C. Plumberg, R. Preghenella, R. Rapp*, C. O. Rasmussen, A. Rossi, O. V. Rueda, A. V. D. Silva, D. Silvermyr, A. Timmins, T. Sjöstrand, R. Törnkvist, M. Utheim, V. Vislavicius, U. A. Wiedemann, K. Zapp and W. Zhao, The European Physical Journal A 56, 1 (2020)
pub id: 1134 [DOI] [URL]
Extraction of heavy-flavor transport coefficients in QCD matter, R. Rapp*, P. B. Gossiaux, A. Andronic, R. Averbeck, S. Masciocchi, A. Beraudo, E. Bratkovskaya, P. Braun-Munzinger, S. Cao, A. Dainese, S. K. Das, M. Djordjevic, V. Greco, M. He, H. van Hees, G. Inghirami, O. Kaczmarek, Y. -J. Lee, J. Liao, S. Y. F. Liu, G. Moore, M. Nahrgang, J. Pawlowski, P. Petreczky, S. Plumari, F. Prino, S. Shi, T. Song, J. Stachel, I. Vitev and X.-N. Wang, Nuclear Physics A 979, 21--86 (2018)
pub id: 886 [DOI] [URL]
Probing the Fireball at SIS-18 Energies with Thermal Dilepton Radiation, F. Seck, T. Galatyuk, R. Rapp* and J. Stroth, in: CPOD 2016, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10, Wroclaw, Poland, pages 717, Acta Physica Polonica B Editorial Office, 2017
pub id: 795 [DOI] [URL]
Physics Perspectives of Heavy-Ion Collisions at Very High Energy, N.-B. Chang, S.-S. Cao, B.-y. Chen, S.-y. Chen, Z.-Y. Chen, H.-T. Ding, Z.-Q. Liu, L.-G. Pang, G.-y. Quin, R. Rapp*, B. Schenke, C. Shen, H.-J. Xu, Q. Wang, X.-N. Wang, B.-W. Zhang, H.-Z. Zhang, X.-R. Zhu and P.-F. Zhuang, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 621001 (2016)
pub id: 207 [DOI] [URL]
Heavy-flavour and quarkonium production in the LHC era: from proton--proton to heavy-ion collisions, A. Andronic, F. Arleo, R. Arnaldi, A. Beraudo, E. Bruna, D. Caffarri, Z. Conesa del Valle, J. G. Contreras, T. Dahms, A. Dainese, M. Djordjevic, E. G. Ferreiro, H. Fujii, P.-B. Gossiaux, R. G. de Cassagnac, C. Hadjidakis, M. He, H. van Hees, W. A. Horowitz, R. Kolevatov, B. Z. Kopeliovich, J.-P. Lansberg, M. P. Lombardo, C. Lourenço, G. Martinez-Garcia, L. Massacrier, C. Mironov, A. Mischke, M. Nahrgang, M. Nguyen, J. Nystrand, S. Peigné, S. Porteboeuf-Houssais, I. K. Potashnikova, A. Rakotozafindrabe, R. Rapp*, P. Robbe, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, H. Satz, R. Schicker, I. Schienbein, I. Schmidt, E. Scomparin, R. Sharma, J. Stachel, D. Stocco, M. Strickland, R. Tieulent, B. A. Trzeciak, J. Uphoff, I. Vitev, R. Vogt, K. Watanabe, H. Woehri and P. Zhuang, The European Physical Journal C 76, 1--151 (2016)
pub id: 204 [DOI] [URL]
The Hot QCD White Paper: Exploring the Phases of QCD at RHIC and the LHC, Y. Akiba, A. Angerami, Helen Caines, A. Frawley, U. Heinz, B. Jacak, J. Jia, T. Lappi, W. Li, A. Majumder, D. Morrison, M. Ploskon, J. Putschke, K. Rajagopal, R. Rapp*, G. Roland, P. Sorensen, U. Wiedemann, N. Xu and W. A. Zajc, 2015
pub id: 574 [URL]
Dilepton production in high energy heavy ion collisions with 3+1D relativistic viscous hydrodynamics, G. Vujanovic, C. Yang, B. Schenke, S. Jeon, R. Rapp* and C. Gale, in: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2012 (QM 2012), Nuclear Physics A 904-905, Washington D.C., pages 557c-560c, 2013
pub id: 417 [DOI]