Add a CI publication

Welcome and thank you for using this form!

Some publishers have changed their formats, like EPJ; for some reason, they stopped providing BibTeX files and so will not work here. If so, send Dan an email of the complete BibTeX file. The best thing to do is try downloading the RIS (seems to still be available on the publisher's sites) and use an online converter (e.g. to make the BibTeX file. But do check for mistakes, e.g. the converter gave me "and collaboration), (the S. π RIT}" instead of what should be a new Bib field "collaboration = {the SπRIT collaboration}".

It is expected all back-logged submissions have been entered as of Mar 15, 2024. If you can't find it, try submitting again.

Categories (mention all that apply when sending the complete BibTeX file): see the page all topics and mention each that apply, in particular:

Only one publication can be added at a time. All fields are required.

This is a three step process:

  1. Enter basic information about yourself and the publication.
  2. Confirm the information pulled from the web, categorize the publication, and indicate which authors made a significant contribution.
  3. Check all the information and submit the publication for entry into the database.

Step 1   [RESET]