All keywords in the database
- 1
- 119Sn
- 11Li
- 131mXe
- 135Xe
- 14F
- 150 ≤ A ≤ 189
- 1592
- 198Au
- 2
- 20 ≤ A ≤ 38
- 2014
- 23Al
- 27P
- 3
- 31Ar
- 4
- 4He-Induced Reactions
- 4π gas proportional counter
- 6
- 6 ≤ A ≤ 19
- A
- Absorption
- Active gas target
- Alpha particles
- Analysis
- Analytic solution
- Anapole moment
- Angular distribution and correlation measurements
- astrophysics reaction rates
- Asymmetry
- Asymptotic normalization coefficient
- At-211
- Atom & ion trapping & guiding
- Atom trap
- Atom-at-a-time
- Atom–ion collisions
- Atomic and molecular beams
- Atomic masses
- Atomic parity non-conservation
- Average equilibrium charge
- Axial-vector mesons
- B
- β decay
- β delayed γ decay
- β p β γ
- β-delayed proton decay
- β-p decay of 20Mg
- Baryon spin
- Beam bunching
- Beam optics
- Beam purification
- Beam transport
- Beam-energy scan program
- Beta decay
- Beta-decay spectra
- Beta-delayed proton emitters
- Beta-delayed protons
- Beta-neutrino angular correlation
- Big-bang
- Binding energies and masses
- BNN method
- Boron
- Boron/Vanadium
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- Bosons
- Bottomonia suppression
- Branching ratios
- C
- Calibration
- Californium-252
- Caloric curve
- Charge particle detection
- Charge state
- Charged currents
- Charged particle
- Charged-particle detection
- Charged-particle detector
- Charged-particle spectrometers
- Chiral effective field theory
- Chiral symmetry restoration
- CKM unitarity
- Cluster fusion
- CO
- CO2 laser photon
- Coherent neutrino scattering
- Collective models
- Collinear optical pumping
- Collision induced ionization
- Collision theories
- Color glass condensate
- Color-screening
- Column chromatography
- Complex G-matrix interaction
- Comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty
- Compton back-scattering
- Compton effect
- Conserved vector current hypothesis
- Constrained molecular dynamics
- Continuum random phase approximation
- Correlation
- Correlation function
- Correlations
- coupled-channel & distorted wave models
- CP invariance
- Cross-section
- cross-section prediction
- CsI(Tl) detectors
- Cutoff velocity
- Cyclotrons
- Cylindrical
- D
- Data evaluation
- Dead time
- Dead-time
- Decay heat
- Density
- Density dependence
- Desorption
- Detection
- Detector systems
- Detectors
- Di-hadron correlations
- Diagnostics
- Differential cross sections
- Diffusion
- Digital β counting
- Digital signal processing
- Direct photons
- Direct reaction
- Direct-photon
- Double photoionisation
- Double-beta decay
- Double-spin asymmetry
- E
- Elastic scattering
- Electric and magnetic
- Electromagnetic probes
- Electromagnetic transitions
- Electron
- Electron and muon capture
- Electron beam energy calibration
- Electron beam energy reproducibility
- Electron capture
- Electron loss
- Electron transfer
- Electron volt energy 550 MeV to 974 MeV
- Electron volt energy 561 keV to 1728 keV
- Electron-capture decay
- Electron-impact ionisation
- Electroweak
- Electroweak interaction
- Electroweak interactions in nuclear physics
- Elementary particle electric moment
- Elliptic flow
- Emitting sources
- Energy levels & level densities
- Energy resolution
- EoS
- Equation of state
- Equilibrium charge distribution
- Event analysis
- Event-by-event
- Exotic hadrons
- Exotic light nuclei
- Experimental apparatus
- Experimental conditions
- Experimental nuclear physics
- Experimental probes
- Explosive burning in accreting binary systems
- Explosive nuclear astrophysics
- Extending dead-time
- Extensions of fermion sector
- Extraction
- extraction chromatography
- F
- Fatty acid
- Femtoscopy
- Fermions
- Finite temperature
- Fission
- Fission fragments
- Flow
- Fluctuations
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluorescence yield
- Focal plane detector
- Focusing
- Forward elastic scattering
- Francium
- Fundamental symmetries
- Fusion
- Fusion experiments
- Fusion-evaporation reactions
- G
- γ transitions and level energies
- Gamma transitions
- Gamma-ray detector
- Gamma-ray production
- Gas catcher
- Gas lasers
- Gas stopper
- Germanium
- Giant resonance
- Gold
- Gridded ionization chamber
- H
- H particle
- Hadronic and partonic mean fields
- Hadronic effective field theory
- Hadronic molecule
- Hadronic transport
- Hadronization
- Hafnium
- Half-life
- Half-lives
- Halo features
- Halo nucleus
- Heavy elements
- Heavy flavor
- Heavy ion beams
- Heavy ion induced fusion
- Heavy ions
- Heavy nuclei
- Heavy Quark
- Heavy-ion beam irradiation
- Heavy-ion collisions
- Heavy-quark diffusion
- High angular resolutions
- High-precision half-life measurement
- High-pT direct photons
- High-speed digitizer
- Hot
- Hot CNO breakout
- Hot CNO cycle breakout
- Hubble's Law
- Hydrogen characterization
- Hydrophobic eutectic solvent
- Hydrostatic stellar nucleosynthesis
- I
- Implantation
- Inclusive jets
- Inertial confinement fusion
- Inertial fusion
- Initial fluctuation
- injection
- Interference fragmentation function
- Intermediate heavy ion reactions
- Internal conversion measurements
- Inverse Compton scattering
- Inverse kinematics
- Ion
- Ion beam analysis
- Ion beams
- Ion cooling
- Ion guide method
- Ion range in systems prepared near a liquid–gas phase transition
- Ion trap
- Ion trapping
- Ionization
- Ionization chambers
- Ionization of gases
- Iridium(IV)
- Irradiated depleted uranium
- Isobaric analog states
- Isoscalar E1
- Isoscalar giant monopole resonance
- Isoscaling
- Isospin mixing
- Isospin physics
- Isospin symmetry breaking
- J
- J/ψ suppression
- Jet
- K
- K X-ray satellites
- Kinetic energy release
- Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
- L
- LaBr3(Ce)
- Landau's free energy
- Landau's theory
- Lanthanide films
- Laser
- Laser beams
- Laser Compton scattering gamma ray
- Laser cooling
- Laser experiments
- Laser ionization
- Laser trapping
- Laser-driven fusion
- Laser-plasma
- Laser-plasma interaction
- LCS y-ray beam production
- Least-squares method
- Li 10
- Lifetimes
- Light element characterization
- Lithium
- Lithium characterization
- Lithium fluoride
- Live-time
- Live-time fraction
- ΛΛ interaction
- Lorentz invariance
- Low energy nuclear physics
- Low energy resonance reactions
- Low Threshold Cryogenic Semiconductor Detector
- M
- M4 transition
- Magnetic instruments and components
- Magnetic sensors
- Magneto-optic trap
- Mass spectrometry
- Massive Yang-Mills
- Maximum likelihood
- Mean-field effects
- Measurement by laser beam
- MeV/u
- Micro pattern
- Micro pattern gas amplifier detector
- Micromegas
- Microwaves
- Mixed elemental targets
- Model
- Models beyond the standard models
- Molecular dynamics
- Molecular plating
- Molybdenum
- Momentum achromat recoil spectrometer
- Monte Carlo
- Monte Carlo methods
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Multi-dimensional analysis
- Multi-elemental analysis
- Multifragmentation
- Multiple electron capture
- Multiple electron loss
- Multiwire position sensitive proportional counter
- N
- N
- Neutral atom trap
- Neutralization
- Neutrino asymmetry
- Neutrino mass and mixing
- Neutrinos
- Neutron
- Neutron capture
- Neutron detection
- Neutron detector efficiency
- Neutron halo
- neutron irradiation
- Neutron matter
- Neutron multiplicity
- Neutron physics
- Neutron star
- Neutron star cooling
- Neutron stars & pulsars
- New SUBARU storage ring
- Nickel
- NΩ dibaryon
- Noble gas sampler
- Noble gases
- Non-perturbative Diffusion
- Nonflow
- Nuclear
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear β decay
- Nuclear binding energy
- Nuclear data
- Nuclear decay
- Nuclear energy levels
- Nuclear equation of state
- Nuclear forces
- nuclear forensics
- Nuclear fragmentation
- Nuclear many-body theory
- Nuclear matter
- Nuclear matter in neutron stars
- Nuclear Mean Field
- Nuclear physics
- Nuclear properties
- Nuclear Reactions
- Nuclear spin polarization
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear structure & decays
- Nuclear structure and decays
- Nuclear targets
- Nuclear tests of electroweak models
- Nuclear tests of fundamental interactions
- Nuclear theory
- Nuclear transition probabilities
- Nucleosynthesis
- Nucleosynthesis in explosive environments
- O
- O
- Optical cooling and trapping atoms
- Optical cooling of atoms
- Optical pumping
- Optical, coupled-channel & distorted wave models
- P
- p + A
- Parity violation
- Particle beam diagnostics
- Particle beam injection
- Particle decays
- Particle identifications
- Particle interactions
- Particle-hole dispersive optical model
- Particles
- Parton energy loss
- Paul trap
- Penning trap
- Pepper pot
- Petawatt
- Petawatt laser
- Petawatt laser interaction with cluster gases
- Photochemical machining
- Photon emission
- Photons
- Physics
- Plasma
- Plasma physics
- Plasma temperature
- Polarization
- Polarization phenomena
- Position-sensitive
- Precision
- Precision measurements
- Problem solving
- Projectile charge distribution
- Projectile-like fragment
- Properties of QGP
- Proton emission
- Proton inelastic scattering
- Protons
- Publisher's note
- Q
- Q values
- QCD Jets
- QCD matter
- QCD phase diagram
- QCD phase transition
- Quantum chromodynamics
- Quantum fluctuations
- Quantum phase transition
- Quantum-fluctuations method
- Quark-gluon plasma
- Quarkonia
- Quarkonium
- Quasi-projectile mass reconstruction
- Quaternary ammonium salt
- R
- Radiative capture
- Radioactive beams
- Radioactive ion beams
- Radioactivity
- Range of plasma ions in cold cluster gases
- Rare beams
- Rare isotope beams
- Reaction studies
- Reactions
- Reactions induced by unstable nuclei
- Reactions with rare isotope beams
- Reactor background estimate
- Recoil transfer chamber
- Recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy
- Reconstructed primary isotopes
- Relativistic electron beams
- Relativistic electrons
- Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Research reactor
- Resonance reactions
- Resonances
- Resonant elastic scattering
- RFQ cooler buncher
- Rhodium(III)
- Right-handed currents
- Rotating target wheel
- Rutherford scattering
- Rutherfordium
- S
- S-factor
- Scalar interaction
- Scattering
- Secondary emission
- Self-consistent method
- separation
- Shakeoff electron
- Silicon
- Silicon-strip detectors
- Simulation
- Skyrme Energy Density Functional
- Soft-dipole resonance
- Solvent extraction
- SPACS parametrization
- spallation reaction
- Spatial resolution
- Spectral functions
- Spectrometer
- Spectroscopic factor
- Standard model
- Standard model test
- Statistical phenomena & chaos
- Stochastic mean field
- Storage rings
- Stripping
- Structure of light exotic nuclei
- Sum rules
- Sum-fit
- Superallowed beta decay
- Superallowed nuclear beta decay
- Supernova
- Symmetry energy
- Synchrotron radiation facility
- T
- T-matrix
- T=2
- target
- targeted alpha therapy
- Temperature
- Tensor interaction
- Test theory
- Texas
- Thermal and statistical models
- Thermal photon emission
- Thermodynamic -matrix
- Thick target inverse kinematic method
- Ti:sapphire laser
- Time dependence
- Time interval
- Time of flight method
- Time projection chamber
- Time-of-flight
- Total absorption
- Transactinide homolog chemistry
- Transfer reaction
- Transition density
- Transport
- Transport Coefficients
- Transport model
- Transversity
- Trap-assisted spectroscopy
- Trapping
- TTIK method
- Two particle correlation
- U
- Ultracold neutrons
- Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Unitarity test of the CKM matrix
- Universities & colleges
- V
- Vacancies
- Vacancy rearrangement
- Vector mesons
- Vud
- W
- Weak force
- Weak interaction and lepton aspects
- Weak interactions
- Weak interactions in beta decay
- weapons-grade plutonium
- White paper
- Widths
- X
- X- and γ-ray spectroscopy
- X-ray bursts
- Z
- Zirconium