H. Zheng
First name(s): H.
Last name(s): Zheng
Institute: Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University
This author is also known under the following synonyms:
(All publications of this author under all names are included in the publication list below)

Publications of H. Zheng

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

High and low energy nucleon productions in intermediate heavy ion collisions, R. Wada, Q. Hu, G. Tian, W. Lin, Z. Chen, R. Han, X. Liu, M. Huang and H. Zheng, in: IWM-EC2021, Il Nuovo Cimento C 45, Ganil, France, pages Jun, SIF, 2022 pub id: 1245 [DOI] [URL]
A Constrained Molecular Dynamics (CoMD) study of nuclear near-ground-state properties, T. Depastas, G. A. Souliotis, K. Palli, A. Bonasera and H. Zheng, in: HINPw6, EPJ web conferences 252, Athens, Greece (virtual), pages 07003, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1176 [DOI] [URL]
Investigation of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition in the static AMD, W. Lin, P. Ren, X. Liu, H. Zheng, M. Huang, G. Qu and R. Wada, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 48, 085103 (2021) pub id: 1129 [DOI] [URL]
Evidence for resonances in the $7\alpha$ disassembly of $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$, X. G. Cao, E.-J. Kim, K. Schmidt, K. Hagel, M. Barbui, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, G. Giuliani, M. R. D. Rodrigues, S. Kowalski, H. Zheng, M. Huang, A. Bonasera, R. Wada, G.-Q. Zhang, C. Y. Wong, A. Staszczak, Z. X. Ren, Y. K. Wang, S. Q. Zhang, J. Meng and J. B. Natowitz, in: 4th International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics (SOTANCP), AIP Conference Proceedings 2038, Galveston, TX, USA, pages 020021, 2018 pub id: 920 [DOI] [URL]
Collision dynamics of alpha-conjugate nuclei, K. J. Schmidt, X. Cao, E.-J. Kim, K. Hagel, M. Barbui, J. Gauthier, S. Wuenschel, G. Giuliani, M. R. D. Rodrigues, H. Zheng, M. Huang, A. Bonasera, R. Wada, G. Zhang and J. B. Natowitz, in: International Workshop on Multi facets of Equation of state and Clustering, Il Nuovo Cimento 39 C, Caen, France, pages 394, 2017 pub id: 636 [DOI] [URL]
Indications of Bose-Einstein condensation and Fermi quenching in the decay of hot nuclei, P. Marini, H. Zheng, A. Bonasera, G. Verde and A. Chbihi, in: International Workshop on Multi facets of Equation of state and Clustering, Il Nuovo Cimento 39 C, Caen, France, pages 389, 2017 pub id: 607 [DOI] [URL]
A novel approach to the island of stability of super-heavy elements search, A. Wieloch, M. Adamczyk, M. Barbui, N. Blando, G. Giuliani, K. Hagel, E.-J. Kim, S. Kowalski, Z. Majka, J. Natowitz, K. Pelczar, R. Płaneta, K. Schmidt, Z. Sosin, S. Wuenschel, K. Zelga and H. Zheng, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 01003, 2016 pub id: 595 [DOI] [URL]
Properties of excited $A = 40$ nuclear systems with varying matter composition, K. Schmidt, J. B. Natowitz, M. Barbui, K. Hagel, A. Bonasera, G. Giuliani, H. Zheng, M. Rodrigues, R. Wada, M. Huang, C. Bottosso and S. Kowalski, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 07021, 2016 pub id: 594 [DOI] [URL]
A laser application to nuclear astrophysics, M. Barbui, W. Bang, A. Bonasera, K. Hagel, K. Schmidt, H. Zheng, R. Burch, M. Barbarino, J. B. Natowitz, G. Dyer, H. J. Quevedo, E. Gaul, A. C. Bernstein, M. Donovan, S. Kimura, M. Mazzocco, F. Consoli, R. De Angelis, P. Andreoli and T. Ditmire, in: Proceedings of the 7th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1595, Sicily, Italy, pages 168-172, 2014 pub id: 572 [DOI] [URL]
Density and temperature in quantum nuclear systems, H. Zheng, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Texas A\&M University, 2014 pub id: 551  [URL]
Exploring the alpha cluster structure of nuclei using the thick target inverse kinematics technique for multiple alpha decays, M. Barbui, K. Hagel, V. Z. Goldberg, J. B. Natowitz, H. Zheng, G. Giuliani, G. G. Rapisarda, S. Wuenschel and X. Liu, in: INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 66, EDP Sciences, Firenze, Italy, pages 03005, 2014 pub id: 157 [DOI] [URL]
The many facets of the (non-relativistic) Nuclear Equation of State, G. Giuliani, H. Zheng and A. Bonasera, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 76, 116 - 164 (2014) pub id: 418 [DOI] [URL]
Experimental signals of a nuclear liquid-gas phase transition, J. Mabiala, A. Bonasera, H. Zheng, A. B. McIntosh, Z. Kohley, P. Cammarata, K. Hagel, L. Heilborn, L. W. May, A. Raphelt, G. A. Souliotis, A. Zarrella and S. J. Yennello*, in: 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420, San Antonio, Texas, pages 012110, 2013 pub id: 302 [DOI] [URL]
Particle-particle correlation functions as an experimental probe of the nuclear asymmetry energy, L. Heilborn, H. Zheng, A. Bonasera, A. B. McIntosh, P. J. Cammarata, J. Mabiala, L. W. May, A. Raphelt, G. A. Souliotis, A. Zarrella and S. J. Yennello*, in: 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420, San Antonio, Texas, pages 012111, 2013 pub id: 303 [DOI] [URL]