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Studies of systematic effects of the AstroBox2 detector in online conditions
Pub type: Inproceedings
Citation: saastamoinen_NIMA_2019
Status: Published
Journal: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Booktitle: Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS 2018)
Volume: 463
Year: 2020
Month: January
Pages: 251 - 253
Publisher: ScienceDirect
Location: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (virtual)
ISSN: 0168-583X
Abstract: After commissioning the AstroBox2 detector has been used already for several physics experiments. During some of the experiments systematic effects in the measured decay spectra have been observed and related to gain shifts due to the environment, the chemical nature of the isotope under investigation, and to the beam implantation rate. In this article we report the observations and influence of these systematic effects that may well be of interest to other similar experiments with stopped rare isotope beams and detectors relying on gas amplification. Full characterization and understanding of these effects call for further systematic studies.
Month_val: 1
Conference_dates: September 16-21, 2018
Keywords: Implantation, Micro pattern gas amplifier detector, Micromegas, Radioactive ion beams
Authors: Saastamoinen, A.
Pollacco, E.
Roeder, B. T.
Chyzh, R.
Trache, L.
Tribble, R. E.
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