Topic: Annual reports

Publications input into annual reports



  • 181 publications (0 read)
  • 1051 authors [view]
  • 2 Subtopics
Publications for topic "Annual reports" sorted by recency
| 1-100 | 101-181 |

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Sum Rules and Photon Emission in Hadronic Matter, Nathan P. M. Holt, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University, 2016 pub id: 635  [URL]
$\psi$(2S) Production at the LHC, Xiaojian Du and Ralf Rapp*, in: 16th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2016), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 779, Berkeley, USA, pages 012042, IOP Publishing, 2017 pub id: 634 [DOI] [URL]
$T$-Matrix Approach to Strongly Coupled QGP, Shuai Y. F. Liu and Ralf Rapp*, in: 16th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2016), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 779, Berkeley, USA, pages 012034, IOP Publishing, 2017 pub id: 633 [DOI] [URL]
Thermal electromagnetic radiation in heavy-ion collisions, R. Rapp* and H. van Hees, The European Physical Journal A 52, 257 (2016) pub id: 632 [DOI] [URL]
Open heavy flavor in QCD matter and in nuclear collisions, Francesco Prino and Ralf Rapp*, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 43, 093002 (2016) pub id: 631 [DOI] [URL]
Dileptons and Chiral Symmetry Restoration, P. M. Hohler and R. Rapp*, in: 7th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions, Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 276, Montréal, Québec, Canada, pages 253 - 256, 2016 pub id: 629 [DOI] [URL]
Jet Hadronization via Recombination of Parton Showers in Vacuum and in Medium, Rainer J. Fries, Kyong Chol Han and Che Ming Ko, in: 7th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions, Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 276, McGill University, Montréal, Canada, pages 297 - 300, 2016 pub id: 624 [DOI] [URL]
Spinodal instabilities in baryon-rich quark matter, Che Ming Ko and Feng Li, International Journal of Modern Physics E 26, 1740012 (2017) pub id: 623 [DOI] [URL]
Density fluctuations in baryon-rich quark matter, Che Ming Ko and Feng Li, Nuclear Science and Techniques 27, 140 (2016) pub id: 620 [DOI] [URL]
Indications of Bose-Einstein condensation and Fermi quenching in the decay of hot nuclei, P. Marini, H. Zheng, A. Bonasera, G. Verde and A. Chbihi, in: International Workshop on Multi facets of Equation of state and Clustering, Il Nuovo Cimento 39 C, Caen, France, pages 389, 2017 pub id: 607 [DOI] [URL]
Shape analysis applied in heavy ion reactions near Fermi energy, S. Zhang, M. Huang, R. Wada, X. Liu, W. Lin and J. Wang, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44, 035101 (2017) pub id: 597 [DOI] [URL]
Giuseppe Viesti - An appreciation, Joseph B. Natowitz, in: Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 1753, Medellin, Colombia, pages 020001, 2016 pub id: 596 [DOI] [URL]
A novel approach to the island of stability of super-heavy elements search, A. Wieloch, M. Adamczyk, M. Barbui, N. Blando, G. Giuliani, K. Hagel, E.-J. Kim, S. Kowalski, Z. Majka, J. Natowitz, K. Pelczar, R. Płaneta, K. Schmidt, Z. Sosin, S. Wuenschel, K. Zelga and H. Zheng, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 01003, 2016 pub id: 595 [DOI] [URL]
Properties of excited $A = 40$ nuclear systems with varying matter composition, K. Schmidt, J. B. Natowitz, M. Barbui, K. Hagel, A. Bonasera, G. Giuliani, H. Zheng, M. Rodrigues, R. Wada, M. Huang, C. Bottosso and S. Kowalski, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 07021, 2016 pub id: 594 [DOI] [URL]
From femtonova to supernova: Heavy-ion collisions and the supernova equation of state, K. Hagel, M. Hempel, J. B. Natowitz, G. Röpke, S. Typel, S. Wuenschel, R. Wada, M. Barbui and K. Schmidt, in: 12th International Conference on nucleus-nucleus collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Univ Catania, Dept Phys & Astron; INFN Lab Nazionali Sud & Sezione Catania; Int Union Pure & Appl Phys, Catania, Italy, pages 07018, EDP SCIENCES, 2016 pub id: 593 [DOI] [URL]
Testing CVC and CKM unitarity via superallowed nuclear beta decay, J. C. Hardy and I. S. Towner, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Proton-emitting Nuclei (PROCON2015), Nucl. Phys. Rev. 33, Lanzhou, China, pages 208, 2016 pub id: 587 [DOI] [URL]
Using heavy-ion collisions to elucidate the asymmetric equation-of-state, Sherry Yennello* and Alan McIntosh, in: XXI International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications, and International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (ISEN-2015), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 724, Varna, Bulgaria, pages 012054, 2016 pub id: 575 [DOI] [URL]
Jet Fragmentation via Recombination of Parton Showers and Its Medium Modification in Heavy Ion Collisions, K. C. Han, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Texas A\&M University, 2016 pub id: 560  [URL]
Constraints on the asymmetric equation of state from heavy-ion collisions, Sherry Yennello*, Alan McIntosh and Lauren Heilborn, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 07004, 2016 pub id: 546 [DOI] [URL]
Progress in constraining the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve, Alan B. McIntosh and Sherry J. Yennello*, in: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, EPJ Web of Conferences 117, Catania, Italy, pages 07019, 2016 pub id: 545 [DOI] [URL]
AstroBox2 -- Detector for low-energy $\beta$-delayed particle detection, A. Saastamoinen, E. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, A. Spiridon, M. Dag, L. Trache, G. Pascovici, R. De Oliveira, M. R. D. Rodrigues and R. E. Tribble, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 376, 357 - 360 (2016) pub id: 536 [DOI] [URL]
Upgrade of the TAMU MDM-focal plane detector with MicroMegas technology, A. Spiridon, E. Pollacco, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, R. Chyzh, M. Dag, R. E. Tribble, L. Trache, G. Pascovici and R. De Oliveira, in: The XVIIth International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS2015), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 376, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, pages 364-368, 2016 pub id: 535 [DOI] [URL]
| 1-100 | 101-181 |