First name(s): |
J. |
Last name(s): |
Fallis |
Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
First measurement in the Gamow window of a reaction for the γ-process in inverse kinematics: 76Se(α,γ)80Kr, J. Fallis, C. Akers, A. M. Laird, A. Simon*, A. Spyrou, G. Christian*, D. Connolly, U. Hager, D. A. Hutcheon, A. Lennarz, P. O'Malley, S. J. Quinn, J. Riley, A. Rojas, C. Ruiz and M. Williams, Physics Letters B 807, 135575 (2020)
pub id: 1060 [DOI] [URL]
Direct measurement of astrophysically important resonances in 38K(p,γ)39Ca, G. Christian*, G. Lotay, C. Ruiz, C. Akers, D. S. Burke, W. N. Catford, A. A. Chen, D. Connolly, B. Davids, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D. Hutcheon, A. Mahl, A. Rojas and X. Sun, Phys. Rev. C 97, 025802 (2018)
pub id: 810 [DOI] [URL]
Direct measurement of resonance strengths in 34S(α,γ)38Ar at astrophysically relevant energies using the DRAGON recoil separator, D. Connolly, P. D. O'Malley, C. Akers, A. A. Chen, G. Christian*, B. Davids, L. Erikson, J. Fallis, B. R. Fulton, U. Greife, U. Hager, D. A. Hutcheon, S. Ilyushkin, A. M. Laird, A. Mahl and C. Ruiz, Phys. Rev. C 97, 035801 (2018)
pub id: 838 [DOI] [URL]
Nuclear Force Imprints Revealed on the Elastic Scattering of Protons with 10C, A. Kumar, R. Kanungo, A. Calci, P. Navrátil, A. Sanetullaev, M. Alcorta, V. Bildstein, G. Christian*, B. Davids, J. Dohet-Eraly, J. Fallis, A. T. Gallant, G. Hackman, B. Hadinia, G. Hupin, S. Ishimoto, R. Krücken, A. T. Laffoley, J. Lighthall, D. Miller, S. Quaglioni, J. S. Randhawa, E. T. Rand, A. Rojas, R. Roth, A. Shotter, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata and C. Unsworth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 262502 (2017)
pub id: 685 [DOI] [URL]
Direct Measurement of the Astrophysical 38K(p,γ)39Ca Reaction and Its Influence on the Production of Nuclides toward the End Point of Nova Nucleosynthesis, G. Lotay, G. Christian*, C. Ruiz, C. Akers, D. S. Burke, W. N. Catford, A. A. Chen, D. Connolly, B. Davids, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D. A. Hutcheon, A. Mahl, A. Rojas and X. Sun, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 132701 (2016)
pub id: 308 [DOI] [URL]
Investigation of the role of 10Li resonances in the halo structure of 11Li through the transfer reaction, A. Sanetullaev, R. Kanungo, J. Tanaka, M. Alcorta, C. Andreoiu, P. Bender, A. A. Chen, G. Christian*, B. Davids, J. Fallis, J. P. Fortin, N. Galinski, A. T. Gallant, P. E. Garrett, G. Hackman, B. Hadinia, S. Ishimoto, M. Keefe, R. Krücken, J. Lighthall, E. McNeice, D. Miller, J. Purcell, J. S. Randhawa, T. Roger, A. Rojas, H. Savajols, A. Shotter, I. Tanihata, I. J. Thompson, C. Unsworth, P. Voss and Z. Wang, Physics Letters B 755, 481 - 485 (2016)
pub id: 309 [DOI] [URL]
Mass measurements of neutron-rich Rb and Sr isotopes, R. Klawitter, A. Bader, M. Brodeur, U. Chowdhury, A. Chaudhuri, J. Fallis, A. T. Gallant, A. Grossheim, A. A. Kwiatkowski, D. Lascar, K. G. Leach, A. Lennarz, T. D. Macdonald, J. Pearkes, S. Seeraji, M. C. Simon, V. V. Simon, B. E. Schultz and J. Dilling, Phys. Rev. C 93, 045807 (2016)
pub id: 628 [DOI] [URL]
Measurement of radiative proton capture on 18F and implications for oxygen-neon novae reexamined, C. Akers, A. M. Laird, B. R. Fulton, C. Ruiz, D. W. Bardayan, L. Buchmann, G. Christian*, B. Davids, L. Erikson, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D. Hutcheon, L. Martin, A. St. J. Murphy, K. Nelson, D. Ottewell, A. Rojas and A. Spyrou, Phys. Rev. C 94, 065803 (2016)
pub id: 585 [DOI] [URL]
Inverse Kinematic Study of the 26gAl(d,p)27Al Reaction and Implications for Destruction of 26Al in Wolf-Rayet and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars, V. Margerin, G. Lotay, P. J. Woods, M. Aliotta, G. Christian*, B. Davids, T. Davinson, D. T. Doherty, J. Fallis, D. Howell, O. S. Kirsebom, D. J. Mountford, A. Rojas, C. Ruiz and J. A. Tostevin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 062701 (2015)
pub id: 96 [DOI] [URL]