First name(s): |
A. M. |
Last name(s): |
Laird |
Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
21Ne energy levels approaching the α-particle threshold, C. Angus, J. Frost-Schenk, A. M. Laird, P. Adsley*, R. Longland, C. J. Barton, C. Aa Diget, C. Marshall, F. Portillo~Chaves and K. Setoodehnia, Phys. Rev. C 109, 044323 (2024)
pub id: 1380 [DOI] [URL]
Progress on nuclear reaction rates affecting the stellar production of 26Al, A. M. Laird, M. Lugaro, A. Kankainen, P. Adsley*, D. W. Bardayan, H. E. Brinkman, B. Côté, C. M. Deibel, R. Diehl, F. Hammache, J. W. den Hartogh, J. José, D. Kurtulgil, C. Lederer-Woods, G. Lotay, G. Meynet, S. Palmerini, M. Pignatari, R. Reifarth, N. de Séréville, A. Sieverding, R. J. Stancliffe, T. C. L. Trueman, T. Lawson, J. S. Vink, C. Massimi and A. Mengoni, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50, 033002 (2023)
pub id: 1298 [DOI] [URL]
Constraints on key 17O(α,γ)21Ne resonances and impact on the weak s process, M. Williams, A. M. Laird, A. Choplin, P. Adsley*, B. Davids, U. Greife, K. Hudson, D. Hutcheon, A. Lennarz and C. Ruiz, Phys. Rev. C 105, 065805 (2022)
pub id: 1244 [DOI] [URL]
The impact of 17O+α reaction rate uncertainties on the s-process in rotating massive stars, J. Frost-Schenk, P. Adsley*, A. M. Laird, R. Longland, C. Angus, C. Barton, A. Choplin, C. Aa Diget, R. Hirschi, C. Marshall, F. Portillo~Chaves and K. Setoodehnia, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 2650--2657 (2022)
pub id: 1243 [DOI] [URL]
First measurement in the Gamow window of a reaction for the γ-process in inverse kinematics: 76Se(α,γ)80Kr, J. Fallis, C. Akers, A. M. Laird, A. Simon*, A. Spyrou, G. Christian*, D. Connolly, U. Hager, D. A. Hutcheon, A. Lennarz, P. O'Malley, S. J. Quinn, J. Riley, A. Rojas, C. Ruiz and M. Williams, Physics Letters B 807, 135575 (2020)
pub id: 1060 [DOI] [URL]
Direct measurement of resonance strengths in 34S(α,γ)38Ar at astrophysically relevant energies using the DRAGON recoil separator, D. Connolly, P. D. O'Malley, C. Akers, A. A. Chen, G. Christian*, B. Davids, L. Erikson, J. Fallis, B. R. Fulton, U. Greife, U. Hager, D. A. Hutcheon, S. Ilyushkin, A. M. Laird, A. Mahl and C. Ruiz, Phys. Rev. C 97, 035801 (2018)
pub id: 838 [DOI] [URL]
Direct Measurement of the Key Ec.m.=456 keV Resonance in the Astrophysical 19Ne(p,γ)20Na Reaction and Its Relevance for Explosive Binary Systems, R. Wilkinson, G. Lotay, A. Lennarz, C. Ruiz, G. Christian*, C. Akers, W. N. Catford, A. A. Chen, D. Connolly, B. Davids, D. A. Hutcheon, D. Jedrejcic, A. M. Laird, L. Martin, E. McNeice, J. Riley and M. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 242701 (2017)
pub id: 768 [DOI] [URL]
Measurement of radiative proton capture on 18F and implications for oxygen-neon novae reexamined, C. Akers, A. M. Laird, B. R. Fulton, C. Ruiz, D. W. Bardayan, L. Buchmann, G. Christian*, B. Davids, L. Erikson, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D. Hutcheon, L. Martin, A. St. J. Murphy, K. Nelson, D. Ottewell, A. Rojas and A. Spyrou, Phys. Rev. C 94, 065803 (2016)
pub id: 585 [DOI] [URL]