Publications for topic "2020-2023" sorted by journal and type
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Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Separation and Purification Technology


The European Physical Journal A

Publications of type Inproceedings


A Constrained Molecular Dynamics (CoMD) study of nuclear near-ground-state properties, T. Depastas, G. A. Souliotis, K. Palli, A. Bonasera* and H. Zheng, in: HINPw6, EPJ web conferences 252, Athens, Greece (virtual), pages 07003, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1176 [DOI] [URL]
Newtonian dynamics of imaginary time-dependent mean field theory, Aldo Bonasera, in: HINPw6, EPJ web conferences 252, Athens, Greece (virtual), pages 05001, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1175 [DOI] [URL]
A novel approach to medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics, Márcia Regina Dias Rodrigues, Victor E. Iacob, Ninel Nica, Brian Roeder, Gabriel Tabacaru, Kang Wang, Meixiang Yu, Paulo Zanotti-Fregonara, Justin Mabiala, Jedidiah Romo, Georgios A. Souliotis and Aldo Bonasera, in: HINPw6 – Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, {EPJ} Web of Conferences 252, Athens, Greece, Virtual conference, pages 08002, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1151 [DOI] [URL]
Advances in $^{211}\mathrm{At}$ production at Texas A{\&}M University, S. J. Yennello*, L. A. McIntosh*, J. D. Burns, E. E. Tereshatov, G. Tabacaru, L. McCann, S. Schultz, K. Lofton, A. Abbott*, G. Avila, M. Berko, E. Engelthaler, K. Hagel, A. Hannaman, B. Harvey, A. Hood*, M. McCarthy, A. B. McIntosh, M. Sorensen*, Z. Tobin and A. Vonder Haar, in: HINPw6 -- Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, {EPJ} Web of Conferences 252, Athens, Greece (virtual), pages 03002, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1171 [DOI] [URL]
access data
Enhanced production of $^{99}\mathrm{Mo}$ in inverse kinematics heavy ion reactions, Justin Mabiala, Marcia R. D. Rodrigues, Georgios A. Souliotis, Victor E. Iacob, Ninel Nica, Brian Roeder, Gabriel Tabacaru, Kang Wang, Jedidiah Romo, Dustin Scriven, Nolan Tenpas and Aldo Bonasera, in: HINPw6 – Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, {EPJ} Web of Conferences 252, Athens, Greece, Virtual conference, pages 08003, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1152 [DOI] [URL]
Texas A\&M US Nuclear Data Program, Ninel Nica, in: HINPw6 – Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, {EPJ} Web of Conferences 252, Athens, Greece, Virtual conference, pages 08001, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1150 [DOI] [URL]


High and low energy nucleon productions in intermediate heavy ion collisions, R. Wada, Q. Hu, G. Tian, W. Lin, Z. Chen, R. Han, X. Liu, M. Huang and H. Zheng, in: IWM-EC2021, Il Nuovo Cimento C 45, Ganil, France, pages Jun, SIF, 2022 pub id: 1245 [DOI] [URL]
Temperatures of compound nuclei produced in complete and incomplete fusion and the role of neutron excess, A. B. McIntosh, K. Hagel, L. A. McIntosh* and S. J. Yennello*, in: International Workshop on the Multi-facets of the Equation of state and Clustering, Il Nuovo Cimento C 45, GANIL, Caen, France, pages May, SIF, 2022 pub id: 1297 [DOI] [URL]


Expanding {RIB} capabilities at the Cyclotron Institute: $^3$He-{LIG} production with an isobar separator {LSTAR}, D. Melconian*, G. P. A. Berg, P. D. Shidling, M. Couder, M. Brodeur, G. Chubarian, V. E. Iacob, J. Klimo and G. Tabacaru, in: EMIS 2022, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 541, RAON, Daejeon, South Korea, pages 99, Elsevier {BV}, 2023 pub id: 1312 [DOI] [URL]


New Era of Resonance Reaction Studies, V. Z. Goldberg and G. V. Rogachev*, in: LXIX Nucleus 2019: Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics, Nuclei at Borders of Nucleon Stability, High Technologies, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 83, Dubna, Russia, pages 513--519, Pleiades Publishing Ltd, 2020 pub id: 1160 [DOI] [URL]
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