D. Santiago-Gonzalez
First name(s): D.
Last name(s): Santiago-Gonzalez

Publications of D. Santiago-Gonzalez sorted by first author

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.






Structure of light nuclei in resonance scattering experiments, G. V. Rogachev*, M. Avila, L. T. Baby, J. Blackmon, V. Z. Goldberg, E. D. Johnson, M. Matos, K. Macon, J. P. Mitchell, L. Linhardt, A. Kuchera, E. Koshchiy, K. Kemper, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, A. Volya and I. Wiedenhöver*, in: International Conference on Recent Trends in Nuclear Physics-2012: ICRTNP-2012, AIP Conference Proceedings 1524, Barotiwala, India, pages 58-63, 2013 pub id: 377 [DOI] [URL]
Clustering in non-self-conjugate nuclei $^{10}\mathrm{Be}$ and $^{18}\mathrm{O}$, G. V. Rogachev*, M. L. Avila, A. N. Kuchera, L. T. Baby, J. Belarge, J. C. Blackmon, V. Z. Goldberg, E. D. Johnson, K. W. Kemper, E. Koshchiy, L. E. Linhardt, K. Macon, D. Santiago-Gonzalez and I. Wiedenhöver*, in: 3rd International Workshop on “State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 569, IOP Publishing, Yokohama, Japan, pages 012004, IOP Publishing, 2014 pub id: 150 [DOI] [URL]
Clustering in ${A}=10$ nuclei, G. V. Rogachev*, L. T. Baby, J. Belarge, J. C. Blackmon, V. Z. Goldberg, E. D. Johnson, E. Koshchiy, A. N. Kuchera, J. Lail, L. Linhardt, K. Macon, M. Matos, D. Santiago-Gonzalez and I. Wiedenhöver*, in: 10th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (CLUSTER'12), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 436, Debrecen, Hungary, pages 012041, 2013 pub id: 378 [DOI] [URL]


Studies of Exotic Nuclei at the Resolut Facility of Florida State University, I. Wiedenhöver*, L. T. Baby, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, A. Rojas, J. C. Blackmon, G. V. Rogachev*, J. Belarge, E. Koshchiy, A. N. Kuchera, L. E. Linhardt, J. Lail, K. Macon, M. Matos and B. C. Rascol, in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on ICFN5, Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, FL, pages 144-151, World Scientific, 2013 pub id: 152 [DOI] [URL]