First name(s): |
M. I. |
Last name(s): |
Abdulhamid |
Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
Longitudinal and transverse spin transfer to Λ and ˉΛ hyperons in polarized p+p collisions at √s=200 GeV, M. I. Abdulhamid and the STAR collaboration (including D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble), Phys. Rev. D 109, 012004 (2024)
pub id: 1352 [DOI] [URL]
Elliptic flow of heavy-flavor decay electrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 and 54.4 GeV at RHIC, M. I. Abdulhamid, D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble, Physics Letters B 844, 138071 (2023)
pub id: 1342 [DOI] [URL]
Energy dependence of intermittency for charged hadrons in Au + Au collisions at RHIC, M. I. Abdulhamid, D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble, Physics Letters B 845, 138165 (2023)
pub id: 1341 [DOI] [URL]
Global polarization of Λ and ˉΛ hyperons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 and 27 GeV, M. I. Abdulhamid, D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble, Phys. Rev. C 108, 014910 (2023)
pub id: 1338 [DOI] [URL]
Measurement of electrons from open heavy-flavor hadron decays in {Au}+{Au} collisions at √sNN = 200~GeV with the {STAR} detector, M. I. Abdulhamid and the STAR collaboration (including D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble), Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 176 (2023)
pub id: 1322 [DOI] [URL]
Measurements of dielectron production in {Au}+{Au} collisions at √sNN = 27, 39, and 62.4~GeV from the {STAR} experiment, M. I. Abdulhamid, D. M. Anderson, J. Atchison, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Hamed, T. Lin, X. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, N. R. Sahoo and R. E. Tribble, Phys. Rev. C 107, L061901 (2023)
pub id: 1321 [DOI] [URL]