A. Vonder Haar
First name(s): A. Vonder
Last name(s): Haar
Institute: Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University

Publications of A. Vonder Haar sorted by journal and type

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Publications of type Inproceedings


Advances in 211At production at Texas A\&M University, S. J. Yennello*, L. A. McIntosh*, J. D. Burns, E. E. Tereshatov, G. Tabacaru, L. McCann, S. Schultz, K. Lofton, A. Abbott*, G. Avila, M. Berko, E. Engelthaler, K. Hagel, A. Hannaman, B. Harvey, A. Hood*, M. McCarthy, A. B. McIntosh, M. Sorensen*, Z. Tobin and A. Vonder Haar, in: HINPw6 -- Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics; 6th International Workshop; Perspectives on Nuclear Physics; From Fundamentals to Applications, {EPJ} Web of Conferences 252, Athens, Greece (virtual), pages 03002, {EDP} Sciences, 2021 pub id: 1171 [DOI] [URL]
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