First name(s): |
D. E. M. |
Last name(s): |
Hoff |
Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
Precise measurements of the $\gamma$-ray intensities following the $\beta$ decay of $^{144}\mathrm{Ce}$ and $^{147}\mathrm{Nd}$, K. Kolos, N. D. Scielzo, V. E. Iacob, J. C. Hardy, A. M. Hennessy, D. E. M. Hoff, M. A. Stoyer, A. P. Tonchev, M. Bencomo, J. A. Clark, B. Champine, P. Copp, D. Melconian*, E. B. Norman, W. J. Ong, H. I. Park, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, G. Savard, A. J. Shaka and S. Zhu, Phys. Rev. C 110, 024307 (2024)
pub id: 1381 [DOI] [URL]
Large longitudinal spin alignment generated in inelastic nuclear reactions, D. E. M. Hoff, G. Potel, K. W. Brown, R. J. Charity, C. D. Pruitt, L. G. Sobotka*, T. B. Webb, B. Roeder and A. Saastamoinen, Phys. Rev. C 97, 054605 (2018)
pub id: 910 [DOI] [URL]
Large Longitudinal Spin Alignment of Excited Projectiles in Intermediate Energy Inelastic Scattering, D. E. M. Hoff, R. J. Charity, K. W. Brown, C. D. Pruitt, L. G. Sobotka*, T. B. Webb, G. Potel, B. Roeder and A. Saastamoinen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 232501 (2017)
pub id: 804 [DOI] [URL]