Matt McCleskey
First name(s): Matt
Last name(s): McCleskey
Institute: Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University
This author is also known under the following synonyms:
(All publications of this author under all names are included in the publication list below)

Publications of Matt McCleskey sorted by recency

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Implantation-decay station for low-energy $\beta$-delayed proton measurements, M. McCleskey, L. Trache, A. Saastamoinen, A. Banu, E. Simmons, B. Roeder, G. Tabacaru, R. E. Tribble, T. Davinson, P. J. Woods and J. Äystö, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 700, 124--129 (2013) pub id: 362 [DOI] [URL]
AstroBox: A novel detection system for very low-energy protons from $\beta$-delayed proton decay, E. Pollacco, L. Trache, E. Simmons, A. Spiridon, M. McCleskey, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, R. E. Tribble, G. Pascovici, M. Kebbiri, J. P. Mols and M. Raillot, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 723, 102 - 108 (2013) pub id: 346 [DOI] [URL]
Measurement of the $\gamma$ emission probability of $^{173}\mathrm{Yb}$ using surrogate reactions, O. Delaune, A. Blanc, J. T. Burke, R. Casperson, P. Chau Huu-Tai, E. McCleskey, M. McCleskey, V. Méot, V., O. Roig, O. and A. Saastamoinen, in: CGS15 – Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, EPJ Web of Conferences 93, Dresden, Germany, pages 02010, 2015 pub id: 278 [DOI]