Publications of B. A. Tulupov sorted by title
Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are , and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.
Investigation of the energy-averaged double transition density of isoscalar monopole excitations in medium-heavy mass spherical nuclei, , , and , Nuclear Physics A 955, 116 - 132 (2016) |
pub id: 468 [DOI] [URL]![]() |
On unitarity of the particle--hole dispersive optical model, , , and , Nuclear Physics A 970, 353--365 (2018) |
pub id: 798 [DOI] [URL]![]() |
Properties of high-energy isoscalar monopole excitations in medium-heavy mass spherical nuclei, , , and , Physics of Atomic Nuclei 78, 551-556 (2015) |
pub id: 190 [DOI] [URL]![]() |
Properties of isoscalar monopole particle-hole-type excitations in 208Pb, , , and , in: International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Related Topics (NSRT-2015), EPJ Web of Conferences 107, Dubna, Russia, pages 05008, 2016 |
pub id: 469 [DOI] [URL]![]() |
Properties of Isoscalar Giant Multipole Resonances in Medium-Heavy Closed-Shell Nuclei: A Semi microscopic Description, , , and , Phys. Rev. C 103, 034302 (2021) |
pub id: 1097 [DOI] [URL]![]() |
Semimicroscopic description of isoscalar giant multipole resonances in medium-mass closed-shell nuclei, , , and , Phys. Rev. C 108, 014328 (2023) |
pub id: 1327 [DOI] [URL]![]() |