J. A. Behr
First name(s): J. A.
Last name(s): Behr
Institute: TRIUMF

Publications of J. A. Behr sorted by recency

Authors associated with the Cyclotron Institute are underlined, and those associated with Center of Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR) have a * next to their name.

Physics beyond the standard model with trapped atoms in the LHC era, D. Ashery, M. Anholm, S. Behling, J. A. Behr, I. Cohen, B. Fenker, A. Gorelov, G. Gwinner, K. P. Jackson, J. McNeil, I. Korover, D. G. Melconian* and M. R. Pearson, in: Les XXIX Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste, Il Nuovo Cimento 39 C, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, pages 346, 2017 pub id: 671 [DOI] [URL]
access data
Optical pumping at the ISAC polarizer, A. Hatakeyama, Y. Hirayama, J. A. Behr, H. Izumi, C. D. P. Levy, D. Melconian* and T. Shimoda, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Polarized Sources and Targets, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Polarized Sources and Targets, Nashville, Indiana, pages 339, World Scientific Publishing, 2002 pub id: 70  [URL]
Progress towards precision measurements of $\beta$-decay correlation parameters using atom and ion traps, D. Melconian*, R. S. Behling, B. Fenker, M. Mehlman, P. D. Shidling, M. Anholm, D. Ashery, J. A. Behr, A. Gorelov, G. Gwinner, K. Olchanski and S. Smale, in: The Xth Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications (LASNPA 2013), Proceedings of Science X LASNPA, Montevideo, Uruguay, pages 010, 2014 pub id: 65  [URL]
The $\beta^+$ decay of $^{37}\mathrm{K}$ as a multi-faceted probe of fundamental physics, D. Melconian*, R. S. Behling, J. A. Behr, D. Ashery, A. Gorelov, K. P. Jackson, T. Kong, M. Mehlman, M. R. Pearson and P. D. Shidling, in: 2nd International Ulaanbaatar Conference on Nuclear Physics and Applications 1342, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, pages 53-58, AIP Publishing, 2011 pub id: 59 [DOI] [URL]
The FrPNC experiment at TRIUMF: Atomic parity non-conservation in francium, S. Aubin, E. Gomez, J. A. Behr, M. R. Pearson, D. Sheng, J. Zhang, R. Collister, D. Melconian*, V. V. Flambaum, G. D. Sprouse, L. A. Orozco and G. Gwinner, in: 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 11), AIP Conference Proceedings 1441, pages 555-557, AIP Proceedings, 2012 pub id: 54 [DOI]
Atomic parity non-conservation: the francium anapole project of the FrPNC collaboration at TRIUMF, S. Aubin, J. A. Behr, R. Collister, V. V. Flambaum, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner, K. P. Jackson, D. Melconian*, L. A. Orozco, M. R. Pearson, D. Sheng, G. D. Sprouse, M. Tandecki, J. Zhang and Y. Zhao, in: The 5th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP 2012), Hyperfine Interactions 214, Groningen, The Netherlands, pages 163-171, Springer Netherlands, 2013 pub id: 53 [DOI]
The Francium facility at TRIUMF, S. Aubin, J. A. Behr, G. Chen, R. Collister, V. V. Flambaum, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner, K. P. Jackson, D. Melconian*, L. A. Orozco, M. R. Pearson, M. C. Ruiz, D. Sheng, Y. H. Shin, G. D. Sprouse, M. Tandecki, J. Zhang and Y. Zhao, in: Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: Twenty-Second International Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 1525, Fort Worth, TX, pages 530--537, AIP Publishing, 2013 pub id: 52 [DOI]
TRINAT: measuring $\beta$-decay correlations with laser-trapped atoms, J. A. Behr, A. Gorelov, K. P. Jackson, M. R. Pearson, M. Anholm, T. Kong, R. S. Behling, B. Fenker, D. Melconian*, D. Ashery and G. Gwinner, in: ISAC and ARIEL: The TRIUMF Radioactive Beam Facilities and the Scientific Program, Hyperfine Interactions 225, Vancouver, Canada, pages 115--120, Springer, 2014 pub id: 50 [DOI] [URL]
Release of K from catcher foils, D. Melconian*, M. Trinczek, A. Gorelov, W. P. Alford, J. A. Behr, J. M. D’Auria, M. Dombsky, U. Giesen, K. P. Jackson, T. B. Swanson and W. Wong, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 538, 93 - 99 (2005) pub id: 13 [DOI] [URL]
Measuring isospin mixing in $^{36}\mathrm{Ar}$ using a polarized, neutral atom trap, D. Melconian*, D. Ashery, G. C. Ball, J. A. Behr, P. G. Bricault, B. A. Brown, M. Dombsky, K. P. Jackson, S. Fostner, A. Gorelov, M. N. Groves, S. Gu, M. R. Pearson, I. S. Towner, M. Trinczek and I. Vollrath, in: 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications (EMIS14), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 204, Victoria, BC, Canada, pages 540 - 543, Elsevier Science, 2003 pub id: 5 [DOI] [URL]
Polarized radioactive beam at ISAC, C. D. P. Levy, A. Hatakeyama, Y. Hirayama, R. F. Kiefl, R. Baartman, J. A. Behr, H. Izumi, D. Melconian*, G. D. Morris, R. Nussbaumer, M. Olivo, M. R. Pearson, R. Poutissou and G. W. Wight, in: 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 204, Victoria, BC, Canada, pages 689 - 693, Elsevier Science, 2003 pub id: 4 [DOI] [URL]
Efficient transfer in a double magneto-optical trap system, T. B. Swanson, D. Asgeirsson, J. A. Behr, A. Gorelov and D. Melconian*, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 15, 2641--2645 (1998) pub id: 2 [DOI] [URL]
Beta-decay experiments of neutral atoms in a magneto-optical trap, J. Dilling, J. A. Behr, A. Gorelov, T. B. Swanson, O. Häusser, D. Melconian*, K. P. Jackson, M. Trinczek, U. Giesen and J. M. D’Auria, in: 3rd Euroconference on Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions, Hyperfine Interactions 115, pages 159-164, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998 pub id: 1 [DOI]