- CI publication
- CENTAUR publication
- guest
Authors for topic DOE funded (2020-2023)
- A
- Abdallah, M. S.
- Abdulhamid, M. I.
- Aboona, B. E.
- Aboud, E.
- Adam, J.
- Ahn, D. S.
- Ahn, S. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Albers, H. M.
- Alcorta, M.
- Almaraz-Calderon, S.
- Anastasiou, M.
- Anderson, D. M. (Anderson, Derek)
- assess potential systematic uncertainties for β spectroscopy over the full (MeV) energy range. To our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of cyclotron radiation from individual highly relativistic β’s in a waveguide. This work establishes the application of CRES to a variety of nuclei, opening its reach to searches for new physics beyond the TeV scale via precision β-decay measurements.
- Assunção, M.
- Atar, L.
- Atchison, J.
- Aumann, T.
- b
- β+’s from 19Ne decays to demonstrate the broadband response of our detection system
- Baba, H.
- Baby, L. T. (Baby, L.)
- Barbui, M. (Barbui, Marina)
- Barney, J. (Barney, Jon)
- Beck, C.
- Behr, J. A.
- Bennett, E. A.
- Berkman, J.
- Bishop, J. (Bishop, Jack)
- Bonasera, A. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Boretzky, K.
- Bosh, A.
- Brzychczyk, J.
- Buzinsky, N.
- Byron, W.
- C
- Canete, L.
- Cardozo, E. N.
- Carpenter, M. P.
- Catford, W. N.
- Cerizza, G.
- Cha, S. M.
- Charity, R. J.
- Cherubini, S.
- Chiara, C. J.
- Chiga, N.
- Christian, G. (Christian, Gregory)
- Cognata, M. La
- Cozma, M. D.
- Cvetinović, A.
- D
- D'Agata, G.
- DeGraw, W.
- Dodson, B.
- Doherty, D. T.
- Dronchi, N.
- E
- Elson, J. M.
- Estee, J.
- F
- Fertl, M.
- Figuera, P.
- Fukuda, N.
- Fülöp, Zs.
- G
- Gagliardi, C. A.
- Gallop, H.
- García, A. (University of Washington, Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics)
- Garvey, G.
- Gašparić, I.
- Gorelov, A.
- Graner, B.
- Greene, J. P. (Greene, John P.)
- Guardo, G. L.
- Guigue, M.
- Guimarães, V.
- Gulino, M.
- Gyürky, Gy.
- H
- Hahn, K.
- Halász, Z.
- Hallam, S.
- Hamed, A. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Han, S.
- Harrington, H.
- Harris, E.
- Hayakawa, S.
- Hayen, L.
- Hoffman, C. R.
- Hong, B.
- Hons, Z.
- Hooker, J.
- Horvat, A.
- Hunt, C.
- Huyan, X.
- I
- Ichihara, T.
- Ieki, K.
- Igamov, S. B.
- Ikeno, N.
- Inabe, N.
- Indelicato, I.
- Isobe, T. (Isobe, Tadaaki)
- J
- Janssens, R. V. F.
- Jayatissa, H.
- Jhang, G. (Jhang, Genie)
- José, J.
- K
- Kaneko, M.
- Kankainen, A.
- Khaw, K. S.
- Kim, C. H.
- Kim, D.
- Kim, S. H.
- Kim, Y. J.
- Kiss, G. G.
- Klimo, J.
- Knutsen, K.
- Ko, Che Ming (Ko, C.-M.)
- Kobayashi, T.
- Kondo, Y.
- Kootte, Brian
- Koshchiy, E. (Koshchiy, Y.)
- Kurata-Nishimura, M.
- Kuvin, S. A.
- L
- Lamia, L.
- Lasko, P.
- Lattuada, M.
- Lauritsen, T.
- Lee, H. S.
- Lee, J. W.
- Leifels, Y.
- Lin, T. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
- Liu, X.
- Liu, Y.
- Lotay, G.
- Lubian, J.
- Łukasik, J.
- Luktuke, C.
- Lukyanov, S.
- Luo, Z.
- Lynch, W. G. (Lynch, William G.)
- M
- Ma, Yu-Gang
- Malecek, R.
- Manfredi, J.
- Marley, S. T.
- Matta, A.
- McClain, D.
- McIntosh, A. B. (McIntosh, Alan)
- McNeil, J. C.
- Melconian, D. (Melconian, Dan)
- Melconian, D. G. (Melconian, Dan)
- Mioduszewski, S.
- Morfouace, P.
- Moukaddam, M.
- Moustakidis, Ch. C.
- Mrazek, J.
- Mudò, F.
- Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Müller, P.
- Munch, M.
- Murakami, T.
- N
- Nakamura, T.
- Nakatsuka, N.
- Natowitz, J. B. (Natowitz, Joseph B.)
- Nishimura, S.
- Novitski, E.
- O
- O'Dwyer, R.
- Oblath, N. S.
- Olsen, R.
- Ono, A.
- Ota, S. (Ota, Shuya)
- Otsu, H.
- P
- Pais, H.
- Palmerini, S.
- Park, C.
- Parker, C. E.
- Pawłowski, P.
- Pelczar, K.
- Penionzhkevich, Y.
- Petousis, V.
- Pizzone, R. G.
- Pollacco, E. C.
- Pruitt, C. D.
- R
- Rapisarda, G. G.
- Rijal, N.
- Robertson, R. G. H.
- Roeder, B. T. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Rogachev, G. V. (Rogachev, Grigory)
- Romano, S.
- Roosa, M.
- Röpke, G.
- Rossi, D.
- Rybka, G.
- S
- Saastamoinen, A. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Sahoo, N. R. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Sakurai, H.
- Sakuta, S. B.
- Santamaria, C.
- Sanzhur, A. I.
- Sato, H.
- Savard, G. (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Scheit, H.
- Schmidt, B.
- Scriven, D. P.
- Sergi, M. L.
- Settlemyre, T.
- Seweryniak, D.
- Shaffer, R. M.
- Shane, R.
- Shen, Chun
- Shimizu, Y.
- Shlomo, S. (Shlomo, Shalom)
- Simon, H.
- Smith, E.
- Snoch, A.
- Sobotka, L. G. (Sobotka, Lee G.)
- Sochocka, A.
- Somorjai, E.
- Souliotis, G. A. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University; University of Athens)
- Spartá, R.
- Spitaleri, C.
- Stancil, D. D.
- Sternberg, M.
- Storm, D. W.
- Sumikama, T.
- Sun, Kai-Jia (Sun, K.-J.)
- Suzuki, D.
- Suzuki, H.
- Swanson, H. E.
- Szücs, T.
- T
- Takeda, H.
- Tang, X. (Tang, X. D.)
- Tangwancharoen, S.
- Taylor, R. J.
- Tedeschi, J. R.
- Thomas, A. G.
- Toernqvist, H.
- Togano, Y.
- Törnqvist, H.
- Tribble, R. E. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
- Trippella, O.
- Tsang, C. Y.
- Tsang, M. B. (Tsang, M. Betty)
- Tumino, A.
- Tursunmakhatov, K. I.
- U
- Upadhyayula, S.
- V
- VanDevender, B. A.
- Vargas-Calderon, B. M.
- Veselsky, M.
- Volya, A. S. (Volya, A.)
- W
- Wang, R.
- Wang, Rui
- Wiedenhöver, I. (CENTAUR; Florida State University)
- Wietfeldt, F. E.
- Wilkinson, R.
- X
- Xiao, Z.
- Xiao, Z. G.
- Y
- Yarmukhamedov, R.
- Yennello, S. J. (Yennello, Sherry J.)
- Young, A. R.
- Yurkon, J.
- Z
- Zamora, J. C.
- Zhang, Y.
- Zheng, H. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
- Zhu, S.
- Zhu, X.} abstract = {We present an apparatus for detection of cyclotron radiation yielding a frequency-based β± kinetic energy determination in the 5 keV to 2.1 MeV range, characteristic of nuclear β decays. The cyclotron frequency of the radiating β particles in a magnetic field is used to determine the β energy precisely. Our work establishes the foundation to apply the cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) tec
processing time: 0.0735 seconds.