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Studying correlations in $^{40}\mathrm{Ar}+^{58}\mathrm{Fe}$ with FAUST
Pub type: Inproceedings
Citation: heilborn-nuovocimento39-2016
Status: Published
Journal: Il Nuovo Cimento
Booktitle: International Workshop on Multi facets of Equation of state and Clustering
Volume: 39 C
Year: 2017
Month: March
Pages: 398
Location: Caen, France
DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2016-16398-2
Abstract: The recent detector upgrade of the Forward Array Using SiliconTechnology (FAUST) is discussed along with novel implementation of energy, position and particle identification (PID) calibrations which solve challenges introduced by the position-sensitive nature of the new silicon detectors. A slight position-dependence of the energy deposited in the silicon detectors can be accounted for by using corrections derived from a 228 Th source calibration. The position will be calibrated by using α particles from a point-like source at the target position through a tungsten mask of precision-cut stripes, which was positioned on the front-plate of the FAUST array. The PID can be calibrated with equations based on the energies deposited in silicon and CsI detectors, which can be verified with the proton-alpha calibration beam used in the experiment. The status and prospects for these calibrations are discussed. Calibration runs and data from the 40 Ar + 58 Fe reaction are shown.
Month_val: 3
Conference_dates: May 9-12, 2016
Sig contrib: S. J. Yennello
Authors: Heilborn, L.
Lawrence, C.
McIntosh, A. B.
Youngs, M. D.
Yennello, S. J.
Added by: [DGM]
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