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Modern Energy Density Functional for Properties of Finite Nuclei and Nuclear Matter
Pub type: Inproceedings
Citation: shlomo2014modern
Status: Published
Booktitle: The 4th International Conference Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (NPAE-Kyiv2012)
Series: The 4th International Conference Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (NPAE-Kyiv2012)
Chapter: 9
Year: 2013
Month: September
Pages: 70-77
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Address: Kyiv, Ukraine
ISBN: 978-1-62808-548-8
Abstract: We describe a method, based on the simulated annealing approach, for determining a modern energy density functional within the Skyrme Hartree - Fock (HF) theory by carrying out a fit to extensive set of experimental data and including important constraints on the Skyrme parameters. We then present results of calculations for the excitation strength functions and centroid energies of giant resonances within the HF-based random phase approximation and discuss the current status of the nuclear matter (NM) in compressibility coefficient and the symmetry energy density, which are the needed ingredients for extending our knowledge of the equation of state (energy as a function of neutron and proton densities) of symmetric and asymmetric NM beyond the saturation point of the symmetric NM.
Month_val: 9
Sig contrib: S. Shlomo
Authors: Shlomo, S.
Added by: [DGM]
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