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$\beta$ decay correlation studies using very cold, highly polarized sources
Pub type: Inproceedings
Citation: melconian:SNP2009
Status: Published
Journal: Revista Mexicana de FĂ­sica Suplemento
Booktitle: XXXII Symposium on Nuclear Physics
Volume: 55
Year: 2009
Month: December
Pages: 81--87
Abstract: The modern technologies of neutral atom traps and the production of ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) have opened up new vistas in the field of precision beta decay studies which search for physics outside the Standard Model. The TRINAT collaboration uses a magneto-optical trap and optical pumping techniques to produce a highly polarized source of short-lived 37K from which the positron and recoiling nucleus escape with negligible distortions to their momenta. The UCNA collaboration is utilizing the favourable aspects of UCN (may be transported far from production backgrounds and are easily polarized) to measure correlations. These two experiments are discussed in the context of measuring the Vud element of the CKM mass-mixing matrix and as a test of weak right-handed currents.
Month_val: 12
Userfields: issue = {2}
Sig contrib: D. Melconian
Keywords: Angular distribution and correlation measurements, Weak interaction and lepton aspects
Authors: Melconian, D.
Added by: [DGM]
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