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Investigating the possible existence of hyper-heavy nuclei in a neutron-star environment
Pub type: Article
Citation: PhysRevC.106.L012802
Status: Published
Journal: Phys. Rev. C
Volume: 106
Year: 2022
Month: Jul
Pages: L012802
Publisher: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.106.l012802
Abstract: The synthesis of hyper-heavy elements is investigated under conditions simulating neutron star environment. The constrained molecular dynamics approach is used to simulate low energy collisions of extremely n-rich nuclei. A new type of the fusion barrier due to a “neutron wind” is observed when the effect of neutron star environment (screening of Coulomb interaction) is introduced implicitly. When introducing also a background of surrounding nuclei, the nuclear fusion becomes possible down to temperatures of 108 K and synthesis of extremely heavy and n-rich nuclei appears feasible. A possible existence of hyper-heavy nuclei in a neutron star environment could provide a mechanism of extra coherent neutrino scattering or an additional mechanism, resulting in x-ray burst or a gravitational wave signal and, thus, becoming another crucial process adding new information to the suggested models on neutron star evolution.
Month_val: 7
Sig contrib: Aldo Bonasera
Authors: Veselsky, M.
Petousis, V.
Moustakidis, Ch. C.
Souliotis, G. A.
Bonasera, A.
Added by: [DGM]
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