- CI publication
- CENTAUR publication
- guest
Authors for topic Undergraduate co-authored
- A
- Abbott, A. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR)
- Abbott, Austin
- Adamson, P.
- Adsley, P. (Adsley, Philip)
- Anderson, Benedict
- Aslin, M. W.
- Avila, G.
- Avila, Geoffrey
- B
- Bakhtiari, L. A.
- Baley, Colton
- Bastin, B.
- Behr, J. A.
- Berko, M.
- Berko, Matthew
- Boltoeva, Maria (Boltoeva, M. Yu.)
- Bryant, J. B.
- Burns, J. D.
- Burns, Jonathan D.
- C
- Cammarata, P. (Cammarata, Paul)
- Carrasco-Rojas, D. P.
- Chubarian, G. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Churchman, E.
- Cooper, L.
- d
- de Séréville, N.
- Du, Xiaojian (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
- Duran, G.
- E
- Edgecomb, Joseph M.
- Engelthaler, E.
- Engelthaler, Emily
- F
- Faestermann, T.
- Flanagan, Will
- Folden III, C. M. (Folden III, Charles M.)
- Folden III, Charles M. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University)
- Fougères, C.
- G
- Gallop, H.
- Gauthier, J.
- Gilg, E.
- Glennon, K. J.
- Glennon, Kevin J.
- Gonzalez-Ortiz, C.
- Gorelov, A.
- Green, Brooklyn D.
- H
- Haar, A. Vonder
- Haar, Amy L. Vonder
- Hagel, K. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Hagel, Kris (Hagel, K.)
- Hall, Michael B.
- Hammache, F.
- Hankins, Travis
- Hannaman, A. (Hannaman, Andrew)
- Hannaman, Andrew (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University)
- Hardy, J. C. (Hardy, John)
- Harrouz, D. S.
- Harvey, B.
- Harvey, Bryan
- Harvey, Bryan M.
- Heilborn, L. (Heilborn, Lauren A.)
- Hertenberger, R.
- Hoekstra, Lauren
- Hood, A. (Hood, A. A.)
- Hood, Ashley
- Horvat, V. (Horvat, Vladimir)
- Hossain, Tim
- I
- Iacob, V. E. (Iacob, Victor E.)
- J
- James, X. K.
- Jedele, A. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University)
- Julson, Dale
- K
- Klimo, J.
- Kolhinen, V. S. (Kolhinen, Veli S.)
- Kootte, Brian
- Krieble, K.
- L
- La Cognata, M.
- Lamia, L.
- Lawrence, C.
- Lawrence, C. B.
- Lofton, K.
- Lofton, Kylie
- Lofton, Kylie N.
- Lui, Y.-W. (Lui, Y. -W.)
- Luktuke, C.
- M
- Manso, A. Rodriguez (Rodriguez-Manso, A.)
- Marble, K. S.
- May, L. W. (May, Larry W.)
- Mazan, Valérie (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
- McAfee, R.
- McCann, L.
- McCann, Laura A.
- McCarthy, M.
- McCarthy, Mallory A.
- McClain, D.
- McDonough, M.
- McIntosh, A. B. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- McIntosh, L. A. (Heilborn, Lauren A.)
- McIntosh, Lauren A. (Heilborn, Lauren A.)
- McNeil, J. C.
- Medcalf, Aidan
- Mehlman, M.
- Melconian, D. (Melconian, D. G.)
- Melconian, D. G. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR)
- Meyer, A.
- N
- Nasser, M. (Nasser, Morgan)
- Nica, N. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- O
- Ozmetin, A. (Ozmetin, Asim)
- P
- Pajouhafsar, Y.
- Palit, Sharanya
- Palmerini, S.
- Park, H. I.
- Peaslee, G. F.
- Picayo, Gabriela A.
- Pizzone, R. G.
- R
- Rapp, Ralf (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR)
- Regener, Sebastian
- Rider, Robert
- Rodriguez Manso, A. (Rodriguez-Manso, A.)
- Romano, S.
- S
- Sabla, V. I.
- Salas, E.
- Santos, F. de Oliveira
- Schroeder, B.
- Schultz, S.
- Schultz, Steven J.
- Shidling, P. D. (Shidling, P.)
- Sibila, Matthew
- Sorensen, M. (Sorensen, Maxwell Q.)
- Sorensen, M. Q. (Sorensen, Maxwell Q.)
- Sorensen, Maxwell
- Sorensen, Maxwell Q. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR)
- Soulard, M.
- T
- Tabacaru, Alexandra
- Tabacaru, G. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Tabacaru, Gabriel C. (Tabacaru, G.)
- Tereshatov, E. E. (Tereshatov, Evgeny E.)
- Tereshatov, Evgeny E. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Thomas, David
- Tobar, Justin (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University)
- Tobin, Z.
- Tobin, Z. N.
- Tobin, Zachary
- Trzhaskovskaya, M. B.
- Tumino, A.
- V
- Vargas-Calderon, B. M.
- Vonder Haar, Amy L.
- W
- Wada, R. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Wakhle, A.
- Werke, T. A.
- Williams, M.
- Wirth, H. -F.
- Wu, Biaogang (Wu, B.)
- Y
- Yennello, S. (Yennello, Sherry J.)
- Yennello, S. J. (Yennello, Sherry J.)
- Yennello, Sherry J. (Cyclotron Institute and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University; CENTAUR)
- Youngs, M. (Youngs, M. D.)
- Youngs, M. D. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Youngs, Mike (Youngs, M. D.)
- Z
- Zante, Guillaume
- Zarrella, A. (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University)
- Zhang, Bowen
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