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The Texas Research Expanding Nuclear Development (TREND) collaboration, led by Texas A&M University, exists to provide nuclear science research opportunities for students from four Texas universities that serve primarily undergraduate communities: Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University's Higher Education Center at McAllen, Texas Lutheran University, and The University of Texas at El Paso.

Students selected for participation in this program will have the opportunity to build a muon detector and work on research projects during the semester under the dual tutelage of a local mentor and a faculty member from Texas A&M University's Cyclotron Institute (a paid opportunity, 15 h/week).

During the summer, the student will perform paid research in person (40 h/week) at the Cyclotron Institute. Minimum participation in the program will be one year, but it is anticipated that successful candidates will return for a second year. So if you are interested in seeing what life in scientific research is all about or just want to learn new things from some of the best minds in the field, come join us!

Supported by DE-SC0022469

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