Fundamental Electroweak Studies on Trapped Ions & Atoms

Melconian Group's Research

In a global sense, all of the Melconian's group research is focussed on studying β decay with the goal of searching for physics beyond our current understanding. In order to reach our goal of ≤0.1% precision in our measurement of angular correlations to be competitive with other searches, we utilize cutting-edge technologies to keep systematic uncertainties to a minimum.

Further information

Below are links to the specific projects we are working on.

TAMUTRAP – using the world's largest Penning trap
TRINAT – angular correlations of β decay with ultracold neutral atoms at TRIUMF
He6-CRES – measuring the Fierz parameter using the novel cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) technique
He-LIG – a light-ion guide RIB production station (in development)
LSTAR – a mass separator to transport RIB from the He-LIG to TAMUTRAP (in development)
Fission yields – improving fission γ yield data for national security