Fundamental Electroweak Studies on Trapped Ions & Atoms

Publications from group members

  1. N. Buzinsky, et al., "Larmor power limit for cyclotron radiation of relativistic particles in a waveguide", New Journal of Physics 26, 083021 (2024). [doi]
  2. K. Kolos, et al., "Precise measurements of the $\gamma$-ray intensities following the $\beta$ decay of $^{144}\mathrm{Ce}$ and $^{147}\mathrm{Nd}$", Phys. Rev. C 110, 024307 (2024). [doi]
  3. B. Kootte, et al., "Analog-antianalog isospin mixing in $^{47}$K $\beta^-$ decay", Phys. Rev. C 109, L052501 (2024). [doi]
  4. G.P.A. Berg, et al., "LSTAR - An isobar separator for expanding radioactive ion beam production at the Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment169944 (2024). [doi]
  5. 2023
  6. W. Byron, et al., "First Observation of Cyclotron Radiation from MeV-Scale $e^{\pm}$ following Nuclear $\beta$ Decay", Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 082502 (2023). [doi]
  7. D. Melconian, et al., "Expanding {RIB} capabilities at the Cyclotron Institute: $^3$He-{LIG} production with an isobar separator {LSTAR}", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 541, 99 (2023). [doi]
  8. 2021
  9. P.D. Shidling, et al., "The {TAMUTRAP} facility: A {P}enning trap facility at {Texas A\&M University} for weak interaction studies", International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 468, 116636 (2021). [doi]
  10. 2020
  11. X. Sun, et al., "Improved limits on Fierz interference using asymmetry measurements from the Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry (UCNA) experiment", Phys. Rev. C 101, 035503 (2020). [doi]
  12. 2019
  13. P.D. Shidling, et al., "Ion-trap application: Fundamental weak interaction studies using ion traps", AIP Conference Proceedings 2160, 070011 (2019). [doi]
  14. B.E. Glassman, et al., "Doppler broadening in $^{20}\mathrm{Mg}(\beta p\gamma)^{19}\mathrm{Ne}$ decay", Phys. Rev. C 99, 065801 (2019). [doi]
  15. P.D. Shidling, et al., "TAMUTRAP facility: Penning trap facility for weak interaction studies", Hyperfine Interactions 240, 40 (2019). [doi]
  16. 2018
  17. L.W. May, et al., "Neutron-proton equilibration in $35~\mathrm{MeV}/u$ collisions of $^{64,70}\mathrm{Zn}+^{64,70}\mathrm{Zn}$ and $^{64}\mathrm{Zn}$, $^{64}\mathrm{Ni}+^{64}\mathrm{Zn}$, $^{64}\mathrm{Ni}$ quantified using triplicate probes", Phys. Rev. C 98, 044602 (2018). [doi]
  18. P.D. Shidling, et al., "High-precision half-life measurement of the $\beta^+$ decay of $^{21}\mathrm{Na}$", Phys. Rev. C 98, 015502 (2018). [doi]
  19. X. Sun, et al., "Search for dark matter decay of the free neutron from the {UCNA} experiment: $n\rightarrow\chi+e^+e^-$", Phys. Rev. C 97, 052501 (2018). [doi]
  20. B.E. Glassman, et al., "$\beta$-delayed $\gamma$ decay of $^{20}\mathrm{Mg}$ and the $^{19}\mathrm{Ne}(p,\gamma)^{20}\mathrm{Na}$ breakout reaction in {Type I} {X}-ray bursts", Physics Letters B 778, 397 (2018). [doi]
  21. M.A. Brown, et al., "New result for the neutron $\beta$-asymmetry parameter $A_0$ from {UCNA}", Phys. Rev. C 97, 035505 (2018). [doi]
  22. B. Fenker, et al., "Supplemental Material for Precision measurement of the $\beta$ asymmetry in spin-polarized $^{37}\mathrm{K}$ decay", 062502 (2018). [doi]
  23. B. Fenker, et al., "Precision Measurement of the $\beta$ Asymmetry in Spin-Polarized $^{37}\mathrm{K}$ Decay", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 062502 (2018). [doi]
  24. 2017
  25. K.P. Hickerson, et al., "First direct constraints on Fierz interference in free-neutron $\beta$ decay", Phys. Rev. C 96, 042501(R) (2017). [doi]
  26. C. Wrede, et al., "New portal to the $^{15}\mathrm{O}(\alpha,\gamma)^{19}\mathrm{Ne}$ resonance triggering {CNO}-cycle breakout", Phys. Rev. C 96, 032801 (2017). [doi]
  27. G. Christian, et al., "The Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University", Nuclear Physics News 27, 5 (2017). [doi]
  28. D. Ashery, et al., "Physics beyond the standard model with trapped atoms in the LHC era", Il Nuovo Cimento 39 C, 346 (2017). [doi]
  29. 2016
  30. B. Fenker, "Precise measurement of the $\beta$-asymmetry in the decay of magneto-optically trapped, spin-polarized $^{37}\mathrm{K}$", Ph.D. Thesis, Texas A\&M University (2016). [url]
  31. B. Fenker, et al., "Precision measurement of the nuclear polarization in laser-cooled, optically pumped $^{37}\mathrm{K}$", New Journal of Physics 18, 073028 (2016). [doi]
  32. E. Uberseder, et al., "Nuclear structure beyond the neutron drip line: The lowest energy states in $^9\mathrm{He}$ via their ${T} = 5/2$ isobaric analogs in $^9\mathrm{Li}$", Physics Letters B 754, 323 (2016). [doi]
  33. 2015
  34. B.E. Glassman, et al., "Revalidation of the isobaric multiplet mass equation for the ${A}=20$ quintet", Phys. Rev. C 92, 042501 (2015). [doi]
  35. P. Cammarata, et al., "Studying heavy-ion collisions with coverage near zero degrees using {FAUST}-{QTS}", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 792, 61 (2015). [doi]
  36. M. Mehlman, "Development of the {TAMUTRAP} facility for precision $\beta$-decay studies", Ph.D. Thesis, Texas A\&M University (2015). [url]
  37. M. Mehlman, et al., "Status of the {TAMUTRAP} facility and initial characterization of the {RFQ} cooler/buncher", Hyperfine Interactions 235, 77 (2015). [doi]
  38. P. Cammarata, et al., "Studying heavy-ion collisions with {FAUST}-{QTS}", EPJ Web of Conferences 88, 00019 (2015). [doi]
  39. R.S. Behling, "Measurement of the standard model beta asymmetry parameter, ${A}_\beta$, in $^{37}\mathrm{K}$", Ph.D. Thesis, Texas A\&M University (2015). [url]
  40. 2014
  41. P.D. Shidling, et al., "Precision half-life measurement of the $\beta^+$ decay of $^{37}\mathrm{K}$", Phys. Rev. C 90, 032501(R) (2014). [doi]
  42. D. Melconian, et al., "Progress towards precision measurements of $\beta$-decay correlation parameters using atom and ion traps", Proceedings of Science X LASNPA, 010 (2014). [url]
  43. L.J. Broussard, et al., "Measurement of the Half-Life of the ${T}=1/2$ Mirror Decay of $^{19}\mathrm{Ne}$ and its Implication on Physics Beyond the Standard Model", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 212301 (2014). [doi]
  44. A. García, et al., "Decay studies for neutrino physics", Hyperfine Interactions 223, 201 (2014). [doi]
  45. J.A. Behr, et al., "{TRINAT}: measuring $\beta$-decay correlations with laser-trapped atoms", Hyperfine Interactions 225, 115 (2014). [doi]
  46. 2013
  47. D. Melconian, "Isospin-symmetry-breaking effects in nuclear $\beta$ decay", AIP Conference Proceedings 1560, 604 (2013). [doi]
  48. M. Mehlman, et al., "Design of a unique open-geometry cylindrical {P}enning trap", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 712, 9 (2013). [doi]
  49. S. Aubin, et al., "The {F}rancium facility at {TRIUMF}", AIP Conference Proceedings 1525, 530 (2013). [doi]
  50. M.P. Mendenhall, et al., "Precision measurement of the neutron $\beta$-decay asymmetry", Phys. Rev. C 87, 032501(R) (2013). [doi]
  51. S. Aubin, et al., "Atomic parity non-conservation: the francium anapole project of the {FrPNC} collaboration at {TRIUMF}", Hyperfine Interactions 214, 163 (2013). [doi]
  52. A. Saunders, et al., "Performance of the Los Alamos National Laboratory spallation-driven solid-deuterium ultra-cold neutron source", Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 013304 (2013). [doi]
  53. 2012
  54. P.D. Shidling, et al., "{TAMUTRAP} facility - program for the study of fundamental weak interaction", Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 57, 155 (2012). [url]
  55. P.D. Shidling, et al., "Precise life-time measurement of the ${T}= 1/2$ mirror $\beta$ transitions", Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 57, 580 (2012). [url]
  56. B. Plaster, et al., "Measurement of the neutron $\beta$-asymmetry parameter ${A}_0$ with ultracold neutrons", Phys. Rev. C 86, 055501 (2012). [doi]
  57. C. Wrede, et al., "$\gamma$-ray constraints on the properties of unbound $^{32}\mathrm{Cl}$ levels", Phys. Rev. C 86, 047305 (2012). [doi]
  58. S. Aubin, et al., "Atomic parity non-conservation in francium: The {FrPNC} experiment at {TRIUMF}", Il Nuovo Cimento 35 C, 85 (2012). [doi]
  59. Z. Kohley, et al., "Sensitivity of intermediate mass fragment flows to the symmetry energy", Phys. Rev. C 85, 064605 (2012). [doi]
  60. S. Aubin, et al., "The {FrPNC} experiment at {TRIUMF}: Atomic parity non-conservation in francium", AIP Conference Proceedings 1441, 555 (2012). [doi]
  61. T. Roger, et al., "Precise Determination of the Unperturbed $^{8}\mathrm{B}$ Neutrino Spectrum", Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 162502 (2012). [doi]
  62. P. Marini, et al., "Constraining the symmetry term in the nuclear equation of state at subsaturation densities and finite temperatures", Phys. Rev. C 85, 034617 (2012). [doi]
  63. D. Melconian, et al., "$\beta$ decay of $^{32}\mathrm{Cl}$: Precision $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy and a measurement of isospin-symmetry breaking", Phys. Rev. C 85, 025501 (2012). [doi]
  64. 2011
  65. D. Melconian, et al., "Experimental Validation of the Largest Calculated Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Effect in a Superallowed {F}ermi Decay", Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 182301 (2011). [doi]
  66. T. Kong, et al., "Specific mass shift measurements in rubidium by {D}oppler-free two-photon transitions", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44, 215004 (2011). [doi]
  67. Z. Kohley, et al., "Intermediate Mass Fragment Flow as a Probe to the Nuclear Equation of State", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 312, 082030 (2011). [doi]
  68. D. Melconian, "Nuclear $\beta$-decay measurements and $|V_\mathrm{ud}|$", eConf C100906, 1 (2011). [url]
  69. D. Melconian, et al., "The $\beta^+$ decay of $^{37}\mathrm{K}$ as a multi-faceted probe of fundamental physics", 1342, 53 (2011). [doi]
  70. Z. Kohley, et al., "Transverse collective flow and midrapidity emission of isotopically identified light charged particles", Phys. Rev. C 83, 044601 (2011). [doi]
  71. 2010
  72. J.L. Liu, et al., "Determination of the Axial-Vector Weak Coupling Constant with Ultracold Neutrons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 181803 (2010). [doi]
  73. 2009
  74. D. Melconian, "$\beta$ decay correlation studies using very cold, highly polarized sources", Revista Mexicana de Física Suplemento 55, 81 (2009). [url]
  75. A.A. Kwiatkowski, et al., "Precision test of the isobaric multiplet mass equation for the ${A}=32$, ${T}=2$ quintet", Phys. Rev. C 80, 051302 (2009). [doi]
  76. C.M. Mattoon, et al., "Line-shape analysis of {D}oppler-broadened $\gamma$ lines following the $\beta$ decay of $^{11}\mathrm{Li}$", Phys. Rev. C 80, 034318 (2009). [doi]
  77. A.L. Sallaska, et al., "Characterization of thin-foil ultracold neutron detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 603, 421 (2009). [doi]
  78. G.C. Ball, et al., "Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at {TRIUMF}-{ISAC}: the New Frontier of Radioactive Ion Beam Research", AIP Conference Proceedings 1109, 19 (2009). [doi]
  79. J.R.A. Pitcairn, et al., "Tensor interaction constraints from $\beta$-decay recoil spin asymmetry of trapped atoms", Phys. Rev. C 79, 015501 (2009). [doi]
  80. R.W. Pattie, et al., "First Measurement of the Neutron $\beta$ Asymmetry with Ultracold Neutrons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 012301 (2009). [doi]
  81. 2008
  82. S.K.L. Sjue, et al., "Electron-capture branch of $^{100}\mathrm{Tc}$ and tests of nuclear wave functions for double-$\beta$ decays", Phys. Rev. C 78, 064317 (2008). [doi]
  83. M. Bhattacharya, et al., "$\mathit{ft}$ value of the $0^+\rightarrow0^+$ $\beta^+$ decay of $^{32}\mathrm{Ar}$: A measurement of isospin symmetry breaking in a superallowed decay", Phys. Rev. C 77, 065503 (2008). [doi]
  84. K.G. Leach, et al., "Internal $\gamma$ Decay and the Superallowed Branching Ratio for the $\beta^+$ Emitter $^{38}\mathrm{K}^{m}$", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 192504 (2008). [doi]
  85. 2007
  86. T.A.D. Brown, et al., "$^{3}\mathrm{He}+^{4}\mathrm{He}\rightarrow^7\mathrm{Be}$ astrophysical ${S}$ factor", Phys. Rev. C 76, 055801 (2007). [doi]
  87. D. Melconian, et al., "Measurement of the neutrino asymmetry in the $\beta$ decay of laser-cooled, polarized $^{37}\mathrm{K}$", Physics Letters B 649, 370 (2007). [doi]
  88. E.F. Zganjar, et al., "Superallowed Beta Decay Studies at {TRIUMF} -- Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Symmetries", Acta Physica Polonica B 38, 1179 (2007). [url]