Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (SSTEM)

The NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics funded the five-year, $600,000 grant, providing scholarships to students studying biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics at Palo Alto College (PAC), then completing their four-year degree by transferring to Texas A&M.

College of Science Transfer Learning Community: Supporting STEM Student Success


Expanding Opportunities through the Science Scholars Program: STEM transfer from Community College to a Tier 1 Research University

Journals or Juried Conference Papers

Scott, Timothy, A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2016). Transfer Learning Community: A Model to Support STEM Majors after Transfer from Two-Year Institutions.  Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.


Other Conference Presentations / Papers

Scott, Timothy P., S. Walton, A. Mattice, A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2013). Academic Success Boot Camp for STEM Majors San Antonio, Texas (October 3-6).. Society for the Advancement Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Annual Conference, Strengthening the Nation through Diversity, Innovation & Leadership in STEM. San Antonio, Texas.

Scott, Timothy P., A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2014). College of Science Transfer Learning Communities. Conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students. Atlanta, Georgia.

panelist – Scott, Timothy, along with M. Storksdieck, M. Feder S. Malcolm A. Kezar L. Slakey (2015). Paving Smoother Pathways for All Students: Systemic Undergraduate STEM Reform – panelist. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting. San Jose, California.

Scott, Timothy, S. Thigpin (2015). Supporting STEM Transfer Student Success. Network for Academic Renewal Conference Crossing Boundaries: Transforming STEM Education of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Seattle, Washington

Scott, Timothy P. (2013). Transfer Learning Community Orientation: Supporting STEM Student Success. Conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students. Frisco, Texas.

Scott, Timothy, A. Bentz (2015). Transfer Learning Community: A Model for Supporting STEM Student Success. National Conference on Students in Transition. Baltimore, Maryland.

Scott, Timothy P., A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2014). Transfer Learning Community: Supporting STEM Student Success. 21st National Conference on Students in Transition. Denver, Colorado.

Scott, Timothy P., A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2013). poster – College of Science Transfer Learning Community: Supporting STEM Student Success. National Conference on Students in Transition. Atlanta, Georgia

Scott, Timothy P., A. Bentz, S. Thigpin (2013). poster – The Science Scholars Program, Palo Alto College and the College of Science, Texas A&M University. Conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students. Frisco, Texas. Other Publications

Malcom, Shirley & M. Feder, Editors; Committee on Barriers and Opportunities in Completing 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees; Board on Science Education; Policy and Global Affairs; National Academy of Engineering; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2016). Barriers and Opportunities for 2-year and 4-year STEM Degrees System Change for Support Diverse Student Pathways..  TAMU S-STEM Program and Transfer Learning Community featured as an example program developed to support STEM students.