Opportunities for Excellence

Palo Alto College-Texas A&M University Science Scholars

The inaugural students of the program pictured with the project administrators, including Prof. Yennello at Palo Alto College in San Antonio, Texas.

In 2008, the Palo Alto College – Texas A&M University Science Scholars Program, a partnership funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), designed a unique opportunity for students pursuing a careers in science and technology in the San Antonio area.

The NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics funded the five-year, $600,000 grant, providing scholarships to students studying biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics at Palo Alto College (PAC), then completing their four-year degree by transferring to Texas A&M.

For more information, read the College of Science’s article featuring Prof. Yennello.

DNP Allies Program

The Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) Allies Program works to protect the exchange of ideas in the nuclear physics workplace and act as a safe contact to report harassment. Prof. Yennello serves on the DNP ad-hoc Committee of Harassment Prevention. 

For more information about the program, click here

CSWP Professional Skills

Chair, Prof. Yennello, pictured with committee members at a CSWP Professional Skills Development Workshop.

The Committee on the Status of Women in Physics, an appointed group of distinguished women by the American Physical Society (APS), focuses on the career development and retention of women in the physical sciences field. Prof. Yennello served as Chair in 2006, and during her three-year term, hosted the Professional Skills Development Workshops.


REU Summer Scholars Program with the College of Science

REU student, Jacqueline Van Slycke, presents her research to Prof. Yennello in 2017.

The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Scholars Program program provided professional development opportunities and research-revelant fundamentals students at Texas A&M, helping students find community in academia. Prof. Yennello started this program while serving as the Associate Dean for Diversity and College Climate. The College of Science has become the College of Arts & Sciences, for more information click here.

Participants in the 2018 REU program with the Cyclotron Institute.








TREND – Texas Research Expanding Nuclear Development

The Texas Research Expanding Nuclear Development (TREND) collaboration, led by Texas A&M University, exists to provide nuclear science research opportunities for students from four Texas universities that serve primarily underserved communities: Prairie View A&M UniversityTexas A&M University’s Higher Education Center at McAllenTexas Lutheran University, and The University of Texas at El Paso.