Summer 2018 Program

The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during the summer of 2018.

This REU site focuses on research in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at a major university-based nuclear facility.

Undergraduates will gain research experience by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster session.

2018 REU Group

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)

Sophia Andaloro
Sophia Andaloro / University of Dallas / Dr. Rogachev
"Using Machine Learning to Improve Gamma-Neutron Discrimination in P-terphenyl and 6Li Glass Detectors"    
(poster/ presentation / abstract)

 Lupe Duran
Lupe Duran / Brandeis University / Dr. Melconian
"Mass Measurements of 23Na and Beamline Upgrades for TAMUTRAP Facility "
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Joseph Edgecomb
Joseph Edgecomb / Saint Martin's University / Dr. Folden
"Extraction of Indium into Hydrophobic Amine Based Mixtures from Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Medium"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Bryan Harvey
Bryan Harvey / Moravian College / Dr. Yennello
"Dynamical Fragment Formation in CoMD Simulations"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Ethan Hunt
Ethan Hunt / Seattle University / Dr. Shlomo
"Sensitivity of Electric Dipole Polarizability to Bulk Nuclear Properties"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Xavier James
Xavier James / University of Wisconsin - La Crosse / Dr. Hardy
"Precise Measurement of aK and aT for the 39.8-keV E3 g transition into 103Rh b- decay to Improve the Internal Conversion Theory"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Ian Jeanis
Ian Jeanis / Texas A&M University / Dr. Yennello
"TDHF Calculation of 238U+232Th at 7.5 MeV/nucleon"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Cristhian Ortiz
Cristhian Ortiz / Universidad de Los Andes / Dr. Melconian
"Mass Measurements Using TAMUTRAP and Upgrades to its Control System"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Sarah Peery
Sarah Peery / Willamette University / Dr. Gagliardi
"Designing Dichroic Filters For Use In A Microwave Camera to Study Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Esha Rao
Esha Rao / Rutgers University / Dr. Christian
"Study of 22Ne(6Li,t)25Mg three particle transfer reaction using TIARA and MDM spectrometer"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Elysia Salas
Elysia Salas / Texas A&M University / Dr. Yennello
"Using PIXE and PIGE for Elemental Composition Analysis"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Robert Stahulak
Robert Stahulak /University of Utah / Dr. Holt
"Bayesian Modeling of the PSR J0737-3039A Moment of Inertia "
(poster / presentation / abstract)

John Thomas
John Thomas / Texas A&M University / Dr. Rapp
"Coherent Dilepton Pair Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and SPS Energies"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Tyler Zellar
Tyler Zellar / University of West Florida / Dr. Rogachev



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