2015 Program
The Texas
A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with
the National Science Foundation,
is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during
the summer of 2014.
This REU site focuses on research in nuclear
physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity
to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at
a major university-based nuclear facility.
Undergraduates will gain research experience
by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision
of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly
discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry
will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity
to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)
Erin Bertelsen / Dickinson State University / Dr. Cody Folden
"Development of the Focal Plane Detection System for the Future Gas-Filled
(poster/ presentation / abstract)
Matthew Breen / Texas A&M University / Dr. Saskia Mioduszewski
"Simulation Study of Background Particles in the Muon Telescope Detector at
the STAR Experiment at RHIC"
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Tianen Chen / Carleton College / Dr. Che-Ming Ko
"Electromagnetic Field Generation Using a Multiphase Transport Model in
Heavy-Ion Collisions"
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Jordan Fox / Seattle University / Dr. Ralf Rapp
"Momentum spectra of bottomonium in heavy-ion collisions
(poster / presentation abstract)
Chris Marble / Tarleton State University / Dr. Saskia Mioduszewski
"A PYTHIA Simulation Study of Direct-Photon- and pi0 - Triggered Hadron
Correlation in p+p Collisions at sqrt(Snn)=200 GeV in Comparison to STAR
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Kenneth Ofodile / Chicago State University / Dr. John Hardy
"Precise Measurement for the 109.3 keV transition in 125mTe: Extended Test of
Internal Conversion Theory"
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Eric Palmerduca / Colgate University / Dr. Rainer Fries
"Hard and Thermal Photon Absorption in a Quark-Gluon Plasma"
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Anna Poulsen / University of Dallas / Dr. Carl Gagliardi
A Study of the Contribution from Non-Perturbative Effects to Di-jet Yields at
Forward Rapidity" (poster / presentation / abstract)
Brandon Roach / University of Notre Dame / Dr. Shalom Shlomo
"The 132Sn giant dipole resonance as a constraint on nuclear matter properties"
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Maxime Soulard / Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Ingenieurs De Caen & Centre De Recherche / Dr. Dan Melconian
MacKenzie Warrens / University of Dallas / Dr. Aldo Bonasera
"Distribution of Ions in Laser-Driven Fusion Reactions
(poster / presentation / abstract)
Daniel Yates / Pacific University / Dr. Grigory Rogachev
"Electrical properties of various gas mixtures for active target detector
(poster / presentation / abstract)