Recap of Summer 2006 Program

Conference Experience for Undergraduates

Students that participate in our summer REU program have the opportunity to present their research at the annual Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU). The conference also provides students with a chance to discuss graduate school possibilities by talking with faculty and senior scientist from various graduate institutions.

The CEU is usually held in conjunction with the Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society. This year's meeting was held in Nashville, Tennessee. Several of our 2006 REU students were able to attend and present their work.


2006 Students at CEU

2006 REU participants with Dr. Yennello at the 2006 CEU. From left to right: Christopher Crane, Brian Newman, Kristen Williams, Dr. Sherry Yennello, Amanda Gehring, Trenton Strong, and Zhon Butcher.



2006 Group Photo

1st Row (L to R): Amanda Gehring, Christine Balonek, Catharine Talbert, Kristen Williams; 2nd Row (L to R): Gustaf Olson, Zhon Butcher, John Saathoff; 3rd Row (L to R): Aaron Swindell, Daniel Schmitt, Trenton Strong, Christopher Crane, Brian Newman


Summer 2006 Student Presentations and Posters

Christine Balonek: New Precise alpha-K Measurement as a Test of Electronic Conversion Theory - 165 keV Transition in 139La
(poster, presentation)

Zhon Butcher: Characterization of Silicon Tetra-lateral Position Sensitive Detectors  
(poster, presentation)

Christopher Crane: Graphic User Interface for the NIMROD Silicon Detectors
(poster, presentation)

Amanda Gehring: A Pyroelectric Crystal Particle Accelerator
(poster, presentation)

Brian Newman: Single Particle Energies In Skyrme Hartree-Fock and Woods-Saxon Potentials
(poster, presentation)

Gustaf Olson:  Decay Detector Development for Giant Resonance Studies
(poster, presentation)

John Saathoff: Nuclear Temperature and Moving Source Analysis
(poster, presentation)

Daniel Schmidt: Dark Energy and the Inflection Points of Cosmic Expansion in Standard and Brane Cosmologies
(poster, presentation)
Astrophysical S(E)-factor of the 15N(p,α)12C reaction at sub-Coulomb energies via the Trojan-horse method
(poster, presentation)

Trenton Strong: Finite Size Effects on Dilepton Propertiesin Heavy Ion Collisions
(poster, presentation)

Aaron Swindell: Forward-Backward Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
(poster, presentation)

Catharine Talbert: Upsilon Particles in High-Energy Au+Au Collisions
(poster, presentation)

Kristen Williams: Setting Limits on a New Parameter Outside of Standard Model Muon Decay
(poster, presentation)



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