Recap of Summer 2005 Program

2005 Group Photo

Participating Students: (1st Row L to R) Scot McGregor, Colin Young, Whitney Rockwell, Laniece Miller, Carson Fuls;
(2nd Row L to R) Adil Bahalim, Jonathan Kalodimos;
(3rd Row L to R) Nathan Williams, Junaid Farooqi, Myles Akin, Carl Schrek;


Summer 2005 Student Presentations and Posters

Myles Akin: Completeness of the Coulomb Eigenfunctions    
(poster, presentation)

Adil Bahalim: Using GEMINI to Study Multiplicity Distributions of Light Particles     
(poster, presentation)

Junaid Farooqi: Modification and Repair of the Oxford Detector    
(poster, presentation)

Carson Fuls: Microscopic Description of the Breathing Mode and Nuclear Compressibility   
(poster, presentation)

Jonathan Kalodimos: A Desktop Particle Accelerator: Employing a Pyroelectric Crystal
 (poster, presentation)

Scot McGregor: Plastic Scintillator Response to Light Ions      
(poster, presentation)

Laniece Miller: Addition of a potential to the pion-Klein-Gordon equation to determine �fireball' size
 (poster, presentation)

Whitney Rockwell: Precision tests of calculated internal-conversion coefficients: the case of 134Cs
(poster, presentation)

Carl Schreck: N/Z Dependence of Isotopic Yield Ratios as a Function of Fragment Kinetic Energy
(poster, presentation)

Nathan Williams: Limits on Muon Decay from Recent Measurements
(poster, presentation)

Colin Young: Effect of Parton Momentum Spread on Hadron Elliptic Flow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
 (poster, presentation)



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