Homepage of Ralf Rapp

Department of Physics & Astronomy and Cyclotron Institute
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas, U.S.A.



Dr. Ralf Rapp                                                                             Office: Cyclotron CYCL-329
Professor of Physics                                                                    Tel.:  (+1) 979-845-1411 ext. 226        
Texas A&M University                                                               Fax.: (+1) 979-845-1899
Cyclotron Institute, MS-3366                                                      Email: rapp@comp.tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-3366



     Former Courses held at SUNY Stony Brook:


Outreach:    Saturday Morning Physics at Texas A&M


Research:   Nuclear Theory at Texas A&M


Research: Fields of Interest 

(funded in part by the US National Science Foundation under Grants No. PHY-0449489, PHY-0969493, PHY-1306359, PHY-1614484, PHY-1913286, PHY-2209335 and by the US Department of Energy under Grant no. DE-SC0023547. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.)

QCD at High Baryon Density

  • Electromagnetic Emission from Color-Superconducting Quark Matter
  • Color Superconductivity and Chiral Crystal
  • Instanton-Antiinstanton Molecule Formation
  • Photon Emission from Color-Flavor-Locked Superconductors

Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma

  • Hadronic Matter under extreme conditions
  • Medium Modifications of Baryons
  • Intermediate-Mass Dilepton Radiation at SPS and RHIC Energies
  • Transport Approach to Quarkonium Kinetics in Heavy-Ion Collisions (SPS, RHIC and LHC)
  • Quarkonium Spectral and Correlation Functions in Quark-Gluon Plasma, T-matrix Approach

  • Heavy-Quark Transport in the Quark-Gluon Plasma: Fokker-Planck/Langevin approach, c- and b-quark observables at RHIC and LHC

  • Thermal Description of Antiproton Production
  • Charge Fluctuations and Medium Effects
  • Direct Photons at SPS, RHIC and LHC

  • Quark Coalescence in Hadronic and Heavy-Ion Collisions; Resonance Recombination Model

Hadronic/Nuclear Physics: Meson Exchange Interactions in Vacuum and in Nuclear Matter

  • Pion-Pion Interaction
  • Correlated Two-Pion Exchange in the N-N Interaction and Nuclear Saturation
  • In-Medium S-Wave Pion-Pion Correlations and Two-Pion Production off Nuclei

Research: Publications


Research: Federally Funded Multi-Institutional Collaborations

  • DOE Topical Collaboration in Nuclear Theory on ``HEavy-Flavor TheorY for QCD Matter": HEFTY, see also here
  • DOE/NNSA "Center for Excellence in Nuclear Training and University-Based Research": CENTAUR
  • NSF Focused Research Hub on ``Nuclear Physics from Multi-Messenger Mergers": NP3M

Research: Working Groups

  • Convener of Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) working group on "In-medium Excitations" and editor of CBM Physics Book; for the working group report, click here, and for the CBM Physics Book here

Research: Conference Organization

  • International Coordinator of KITPC program on "sQGP and Extreme QCD", Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China), May 11 - June 05, 2015      
  • Co-Organizer of Int. Workshop on "Electromagnetic Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter: Status and Future of Low-Mass Lepton-Pair Spectroscopy", ECT*, Trento (Italy), May 20-24, 2013 
  • Co-Organizer of Int. Workshop on "Heavy-Quark Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions", Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana), Jan. 04-06, 2011
  • Co-Convener of the Session on "Heavy Flavors", XXXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Paraty (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Sept. 02-08, 2006
  • Co-Convener of the Parallel Session on "Quark Matter & Heavy-Ion Collisions", 32. International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP04), Beijing (China), Aug. 16-22, 2004

Awards and Fellowships


Last changed in Nov. 2023 by Ralf Rapp