Homework will be assigned throughout
the semester on an approximately bi-weekly basis and account for 80% of
the course grade.
05:30-06:45pm Room:
class: Tue Aug 26, last class: Tue Dec 02,
classes on Thu Nov 27 due to Thanksgiving break)
Course Instructor Dr.
Ralf Rapp
Office : Cyclotron
(Building 434) Room 211
Office-Hrs : Tue, Wed + Thu 3-4pm
or by appointment
Phone : 845-1411 (ext. 226)
E-mail : rapp@comp.tamu.edu
Teaching Assistant (Homework
email : tba@physics.tamu.edu
Phone: as announced in class
Consultation concerning homework: by appointment
Material and Mandatory Prerequisite 1.) TEXTBOOK:
The first half of the course will be largely based on the book
"Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics" (2. edition),
by J.D. Walecka, World
Scientific, Imperial College Press;
the second half of the course will also draw material
"The QCD Vacuum, Hadrons and
Superdense Matter" (2. edition),
by E.V. Shuryak, World
Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 71 (2004) 2.)
- PHYS 606 (Quantum Mechanis)
Scope The course will give an
introduction, overview and advanced discussion on several topics in
nuclear physics, including nuclear structure, hadron
structure and Quark-Gluon Plasma.
the lectures can be found here.
Course Grade
The total course grade is decomposed as follows:
homework assignments
(approximately 7-8): 80%
final exam: 20% (date and time of final exam: Wed, Dec 10,
Notes on Lectures Attendance in the
lectures, as well as taking notes of the material presented, is mandatory;
the homework (HW) and final exam will be closely related
to what has been discussed in class.
Furthermore, you are responsible for all announcements
in class (including the regular
HW assignments).
Note on Homework
For the approximately
bi-weekly assignment of homework problems click here.
Once a homework problem set is assigned (via paper
hand-out in class), it will be due at the beginning
of the third subsequent class (e.g. if assigned on Tue, it
is due on Thu the following week).
Late hand-in will be penalized by subtracting 25% of the
score per day late.
Cooperative work and discussions
are encouraged, but every student must
generate and hand in his/her
individual solution set by the due date. Questions can be
addressed to your course instructor
or teaching
assistant, who will be happy to help you (preferably
during, but not restricted to, office hours).
Strategy To pass the course, you will have to keep up
with the material of the course by attending the lectures
and thoroughly working through the homework
assignments. The course material subsequently builds on
earlier chapters.
AGGIE Honor Code
An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.
Also see http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor
Any type of
cheating (e.g., copying homework or during the final exam) is
strictly prohibited
and seriously penalized.
ADA Statement The Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute
that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with
disabilities. Among other things, this
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that
provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe
you have a disability
requiring an accommodation, please contact
the Department of Student Life, Services for Students
with Disabilities, in Room 126 of the Koldus Building or call 845-1637; for more
info see also here.
of Student Life, SSD, will review your concerns and determine, with you, what
accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation concerning
disability is kept confidential.