Prof. Folden has been promoted to Professor of Chemistry.

Our collaboration with the Consortium for Nuclear Forensics has been funded for five years! (Press releases: DOE and Univ. of Florida)

Vera Zakusilova has received her Ph.D. Congratulations, Vera! You can read her thesis here.

Our newest paper on nuclear forensics has been published, and it focuses on a sample that has multiple signatures consistent with being part of the Manhattan Project!

Our collaboration in the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium has been renewed for another five years! (Press Release)

Welcome to our new students Isaac Haynes, Sarah Loftin, and Jordan Mildon!

Kevin Glennon has received his Ph.D. Congratulations, Kevin!

Prof. Folden was featured in an article on superheavy elements in the Dutch newspaper NRC (in Dutch).

Prof. Folden has received the Association of Former Students University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching. You can read the press release from Texas A&M Today. He is also featured in a video about the award.

Mariah Ramirez has received a Seaborg Fellowship from Los Alamos National Laboratory. Congratulations, Mariah!

Meri Volia’s paper on Extraction of Indium and Thallium into Betainium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquid has been published.

Jenna Garcia has joined our group. Welcome, Jenna!

Meri Volia has received her Ph.D. Congratulations, Meri!

Prof. Folden has been featured in an article on superheavy elements in inChemistry, the American Chemical Society’s magazine for students.

Evgeny Tereshatov’s paper on polymerized ionic liquids has been published in the New Journal of Chemistry.

Kevin Glennon has received a Seaborg Fellowship from Los Alamos National Laboratory. Congratulations, Kevin!

Prof. Folden has been featured in a blog post about nuclear forensics on

Kevin Glennon’s first paper on nuclear forensics has been published in the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Congratulations, Kevin!

Prof. Folden will be featured in the American Chemical Society’s Program-in-a-Box on “The Evolving Periodic Table and its Incredible Elements!” on February 26, 2019. He will be discussing superheavy element science.

We have recently published three papers on nuclear forensics. We have also published several papers on interactions of ionic liquids.

Prof. Folden has received the 2018 Distinguished Achievement College-Level Award in Teaching from the Association of Former Students. (Follow the link and search for “Folden”).

We have added new video links to our media page.

Marisa Alfonso has received her Ph.D. Congratulations, Marisa!

Our group’s work has been featured in a DOE Science Highlight!

Prof. Folden has received tenure at Texas A&M.

Tyler Werke has received his Ph.D. Congratulations, Tyler!

Our first paper on nuclear forensics has been published in Nuclear Technology. A second paper on decontamination factors has been published in Applied Radiation and Isotopes.

We have recently published papers on extraction of metals using “designer” solvents in Green Chemistry, the Journal of Physical Chemistry B, and Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange.

Our papers on the reactions of 44Ca, 45Sc, 50Ti, and 54Cr with lanthanide targets have been published in Physical Review C.

Prof. Folden has been selected for the DOE Early Career Award! Read his abstract by following the link and searching for “Folden”.