******************************************************************************** PROGRAM SIMPLE_MC ******************************************************************************** * Simple example of using Monte Carlo techniques * * All it does is calculate the value of pi, in a really dumb (but * * therefore easy to follow) way. * ******************************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*30 sys_call,N_txt REAL*8 myrndm,x,y,r,A,l,A_square,dA,N,N_accept,dN_accept,N_counter INTEGER*4 IJKL,IJKL_in,i INTEGER istat *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * by default, initial the random seed based on the UTC time sys_call = 'date +%s | cut -c3- > tmp.tmp' ! is an 8-digit integer saved ! to a new file "tmp.tmp" CALL SYSTEM(sys_call,istat) ! execute the shell command OPEN(UNIT=99,FILE='tmp.tmp',STATUS='OLD') ! open the tmp.tmp file READ(99,*)IJKL ! read in the 8-digit integer CLOSE(99) sys_call = 'rm -f tmp.tmp' ! remove the temporary file CALL SYSTEM(sys_call,istat) * check if user wants to type one in; will accept the time-based one WRITE(*,'(a,i8,a,$)')'Enter a random 8-digit integer: [ = ', & IJKL,'] ' READ(*,'(i8)')IJKL_in IF( (IJKL_in.GT.0) ! user didn't just hit & .AND. (IJKL_in.LT.1000000) )THEN ! it isn't too big a number IJKL = IJKL_in ! set the seed to the user input ELSE IF(IJKL_in.GT.0)THEN ! number is either negative or too big WRITE(*,*)'Number must be 8 digits! You gave IJKL = "', & IJKL_in,'"' STOP END IF * now that we have a seed, initialize the subroutine which will give * us our pseudo-random numbers CALL RM48IN(IJKL,0,0) ! from CERN. The 2nd and 3rd values can be ! used to resume a series of psuedo-random #s * define a square of arbitrary length, L L = 2.d0 ! let's make it 2 so that the biggest circle ! that fits has a radius of 1 * initialize counters N_accept = 0.d0 ! # of accepted events N_counter = 2.d0 ! # for frequency of displaying progress N = 1.e8 ! # of events to simulate * again, check if user doesn't want to go with the defaults WRITE(*,'(a,1pe6.0,a,$)')'Enter the number of events to throw:'// & ' [ = ',N,'] ' READ(*,'(a)')N_txt ! a silly trick to enable responses IF(N_txt.NE.' ')THEN ! user didn't just hit READ(N_txt,*)N ! read the # to simulate from the text variable END IF * set up the table of the output to the screen WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(a)')' N pi = A/r^2' WRITE(*,'(a)')'----------------------------------' A_square = l*l ! area of the square * save the results to a file as we go along OPEN(UNIT=1,FILE='pi-calculated.asc',STATUS='UNKNOWN') DO i = 1,INT(N)+1 x = 1.d0 - 2.d0*myrndm() ! x and y are independent random variables y = 1.d0 - 2.d0*myrndm() ! spanning [-1,1]; uniformly fills a square r = sqrt(x*x + y*y) ! calculate the radius IF (r.LE.1.d0) THEN ! if within a circle of radius 1 N_accept = N_accept+1.d0 ! "pass" -- accept the event END IF * stats go like 1/sqrt(N), so best to show info logarithmically with * the number of trials IF (log10(REAL(i))*2.d0.GT.REAL(N_counter)) THEN N_counter = N_counter+1.d0 dN_accept = sqrt(REAL(n_accept)) A = A_square*N_accept/REAL(i) ! this is the area of the events that ! landed within the circle. We know the area ! of the square, so it's just that times the ! ratio of accepted to total events dA = A*abs(dN_accept/N_accept) ! given that i events have been ! simulated, the uncertainty is only in how ! many passed instead of failed. So dA/A = ! (dN/N)_accepted WRITE(1,'(i12,2(1pe14.6))')i,A,dA ! write out the cumulative result WRITE(*,'(1pe12.4,0pf10.4,a,f6.4)')REAL(i), & A,'+/-',dA ! also display it on the screen in the table END IF END DO * we're done looping over all events * make sure the area calculation and it's uncertainty are updated A = A_square*N_accept/REAL(i) dA = A/sqrt(N_accept) * print result to screen WRITE(*,'(a)')'----------------------------------' WRITE(*,'(a,f6.4,a,f6.4)')' => pi = ',A,'+/-',dA WRITE(*,'(a)')'----------------------------------' * and also update the output file WRITE(1,'(i12,2(1pe14.6))')i,A,dA CLOSE(1) STOP END ******************************************************************************** * * Id: rm48.F,v 1.2 1996/12/12 16:32:06 cernlib Exp * * Log: rm48.F,v * Revision 1.2 1996/12/12 16:32:06 cernlib * Variables ONE and ZERO added to SAVE statement, courtesy R.Veenhof * * Revision 1996/04/01 15:02:55 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * SUBROUTINE RM48(RVEC,LENV) C Double-precision version of C Universal random number generator proposed by Marsaglia and Zaman C in report FSU-SCRI-87-50 C based on RANMAR, modified by F. James, to generate vectors C of pseudorandom numbers RVEC of length LENV, where the numbers C in RVEC are numbers with at least 48-bit mantissas. C Input and output entry points: RM48IN, RM48UT. C!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C!!! Calling sequences for RM48: ++ C!!! CALL RM48 (RVEC, LEN) returns a vector RVEC of LEN ++ C!!! 64-bit random floating point numbers between ++ C!!! zero and one. ++ C!!! CALL RM48IN(I1,N1,N2) initializes the generator from one ++ C!!! 64-bit integer I1, and number counts N1,N2 ++ C!!! (for initializing, set N1=N2=0, but to restart ++ C!!! a previously generated sequence, use values ++ C!!! output by RM48UT) ++ C!!! CALL RM48UT(I1,N1,N2) outputs the value of the original ++ C!!! seed and the two number counts, to be used ++ C!!! for restarting by initializing to I1 and ++ C!!! skipping N2*100000000+N1 numbers. ++ C!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C for 32-bit machines, use IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z), INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION RVEC(*) COMMON/R48ST1/U(97),C,I97,J97 PARAMETER (MODCNS=1000000000) SAVE CD, CM, TWOM24, NTOT, NTOT2, IJKL,TWOM49, ONE, ZERO DATA NTOT,NTOT2,IJKL/-1,0,0/ C IF (NTOT .GE. 0) GO TO 50 C C Default initialization. User has called RM48 without RM48IN. IJKL = 54217137 NTOT = 0 NTOT2 = 0 KALLED = 0 GO TO 1 C ENTRY RM48IN(IJKLIN, NTOTIN,NTOT2N) C Initializing routine for RM48, may be called before C generating pseudorandom numbers with RM48. The input C values should be in the ranges: 0<=IJKLIN<=900 OOO OOO C 0<=NTOTIN<=999 999 999 C 0<=NTOT2N<<999 999 999! C To get the standard values in Marsaglia's paper, IJKLIN=54217137 C NTOTIN,NTOT2N=0 IJKL = IJKLIN NTOT = MAX(NTOTIN,0) NTOT2= MAX(NTOT2N,0) KALLED = 1 C always come here to initialize 1 CONTINUE IJ = IJKL/30082 KL = IJKL - 30082*IJ I = MOD(IJ/177, 177) + 2 J = MOD(IJ, 177) + 2 K = MOD(KL/169, 178) + 1 L = MOD(KL, 169) c WRITE(*,'(A,I10,2X,2I10)') ' RM48 INITIALIZED:',IJKL,NTOT,NTOT2 CCC PRINT '(A,4I10)', ' I,J,K,L= ',I,J,K,L ONE = 1.d0 HALF = 0.5d0 ZERO = 0.d0 DO 2 II= 1, 97 S = 0.d0 T = HALF DO 3 JJ= 1, 48 M = MOD(MOD(I*J,179)*K, 179) I = J J = K K = M L = MOD(53*L+1, 169) IF (MOD(L*M,64) .GE. 32) S = S+T 3 T = HALF*T 2 U(II) = S TWOM49 = T TWOM24 = ONE DO 4 I24= 1, 24 4 TWOM24 = HALF*TWOM24 C = 362436.d0*TWOM24 CD = 7654321.d0*TWOM24 CM = 16777213.d0*TWOM24 I97 = 97 J97 = 33 C Complete initialization by skipping C (NTOT2*MODCNS + NTOT) random numbers DO 45 LOOP2= 1, NTOT2+1 NOW = MODCNS IF (LOOP2 .EQ. NTOT2+1) NOW=NTOT IF (NOW .GT. 0) THEN c WRITE(6,'(A,I15)') ' RM48IN SKIPPING OVER ',NOW DO 40 IDUM = 1, NTOT UNI = U(I97)-U(J97) IF (UNI .LT. ZERO) UNI=UNI+ONE U(I97) = UNI I97 = I97-1 IF (I97 .EQ. 0) I97=97 J97 = J97-1 IF (J97 .EQ. 0) J97=97 C = C - CD IF (C .LT. ZERO) C=C+CM 40 CONTINUE ENDIF 45 CONTINUE IF (KALLED .EQ. 1) RETURN C C Normal entry to generate LENV random numbers 50 CONTINUE DO 100 IVEC= 1, LENV UNI = U(I97)-U(J97) IF (UNI .LT. ZERO) UNI=UNI+ONE U(I97) = UNI I97 = I97-1 IF (I97 .EQ. 0) I97=97 J97 = J97-1 IF (J97 .EQ. 0) J97=97 C = C - CD IF (C .LT. ZERO) C=C+CM UNI = UNI-C IF (UNI .LT. ZERO) UNI=UNI+ONE RVEC(IVEC) = UNI C Replace exact zeros by 2**-49 IF (UNI .EQ. ZERO) THEN RVEC(IVEC) = TWOM49 ENDIF 100 CONTINUE NTOT = NTOT + LENV IF (NTOT .GE. MODCNS) THEN NTOT2 = NTOT2 + 1 NTOT = NTOT - MODCNS ENDIF RETURN C Entry to output current status ENTRY RM48UT(IJKLUT,NTOTUT,NTOT2T) IJKLUT = IJKL NTOTUT = NTOT NTOT2T = NTOT2 RETURN END *************************************************************************** REAL*8 FUNCTION RANGAUSS(AVER,RMS) *************************************************************************** * returns normally distributed pseudo-random real number with average * value = averag, and dispersion = rms ************************************************************* IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8 rms,x1,x2,aver,v1,v2,s,tmp,myrndm LOGICAL called ! number of previous calls DATA called/.false./ ! toggle returned value IF(called) THEN ! called once with these random pair RANGAUSS= rms*x2+aver ! so, use second number, don't loose it called = .false. ! reset toggle ELSE ! use 2 new random numbers 10 v1 = 2.d0*myrndm()-1.d0 v2 = 2.d0*myrndm()-1.d0 s = v1*v1+v2*v2 IF(s.GT.1.d0) GOTO 10 IF(s.EQ.0.d0) GOTO 10 tmp = sqrt((-2.d0)*LOG(s)/s) x1 = v1*tmp x2 = v2*tmp RANGAUSS = rms*x1+aver called = .true. ENDIF RETURN END *************************************************************************** REAL*8 FUNCTION myrndm() *************************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8 rndm(1) CALL RM48(rndm,1) myrndm = rndm(1) RETURN END