Location: Cyclotron Building (434), Seminar Room
Dr. Daniel Cabrera, Texas A&M University
T-Matrix Approach to Quarkonium Correlation Functions in the QGP
Dr. Hendrik van Hees, Texas A&M University
(1) Heavy-Quark Energy Loss in the QGP and non-photonic Single-Electron Observables
(2) In-medium Modifications of Hadrons and the NA60 dimuon measurements
Talks, prepared to be given at the 2006 DNP Meeting
and the preceding workshop on "Properties and signatures of the sQGP".
Dr. Ben-Wei Zhang
Quark-quark double scattering in nuclei with twist-expansion approach
Dr. Wei Liu
Heavy-quark energy loss due to three-body scattering in a quark-gluon
Dr. Hendrik van Hees
Theoretical interpretation of recent SPS dilepton data
Dr. Ralf Rapp
Properties of vector mesons in matter