Nuclear Theory Seminars at Texas A&M: Spring 2007
Location: Cyclotron Building (434), Seminar Room
Friday, May 18, 4:00pm
Dr. Lorenzo Ravagli, Texas A&M University
Quark Coalescence based on a Transport Equation
In recent years, quark coalescence has given new insights in the
understanding of the hadronization mechanism in Heavy Ion Collisions in
the intermediate regime. We present an interpretation of this
phenomenon based on a transport equation: in our approach, limited for
the moment to mesonic states, recombination of quarks is achieved by
considering resonant
processes as the
dominant interaction channels. The finite width,
, of the meson
ensures energy conservation in the process and leads to a natural
equilibration time
. We present results for
spectra of the
-meson and discuss the scaling properties of the
elliptic flow,
, for several particles.