Lecture Syllabus - PHY401 (Spring
1: Introduction to Progamming and Numerical Solutions (Jan 20+22)
- 1.Order differential equations
(DEQs) and Euler method for numerical solution
- Code
design and construction
- Code
debugging, checking results, independence of numerical parameters
- plotting
Chapter 2: Projectile Motion with Drag (Jan 25, 27, 29)
- 1-D:
car/bicycle with velocity-dependent force
- 2-D: smooth cannon shell
- Turbulence and wind effects
- Effects
of spinnng
3: Oscillatory Motion and Chaos (Feb 01, 03, 05, 08)
- 2.Order
DEQ: Simple Harmonic Motion, Euler-Cromer method
- Driven Harmonic Motion,
transition to chaos, Lyapunov exponent
- Bifurcation, Logistic Map
- Billard
4: Planetary Motion (Feb 10, 12, 15, 17)
- Kepler's laws in cartesian
- Elliptic orbits and stability of the inverse-square force law
- Correction to 1/r2-orbits:
general relativity, 3-body; least-square fit
- 3-Body problem, Kirkwood Gaps
5: Potentials and Fields (Feb 19, 22, 24)
- Partial differential equations
(PDEs): Laplace equation and relaxation algorithm
- Inclusion of charges: Poisson
- Magnetic fields (wire, solenoid),
numerical integration
6: Waves (Feb 26, Mar 01, 03, 05)
- Ideal wave equation (in
space-time, DEQ), stability
- Frequency spectra, (fast) Fourier analysis, power
- Realistic string: stiffness and friction
- Spectral methods
Chapter 7: Random Systems (Mar 08, 10, 12, 22, 24, 26, 29)
- Random
Number Generators
- Random Walk, Self-Avoiding Walk, Flory Exponent
- Diffusion equation, entropy
- Cluster growth
- Fractal dimensions
- Percolation and 2. order phase transition
Chapter 8: Statistical Mechanics, Ising Model and Phase
Transitions (Mar 31, Apr 05, 07, 09, 12, 14)
- Ising Model, Mean-Field Theory
- Monte-Carlo method
- Ising model and 2.order phase transition, critical exponents,
correlation function
- External magnetic field, 1.order phase tranition
9: Molecular Dynamics (Apr 16, 19, 21, 23)
- Dilute gas, equations of motion,
Verlet method
- Boundary conditions and initialization
- Equilibrium and equipartition theorem
- Solidification and Melting Transition
Chapter 10: Quantum Mechanics (Apr 26, 28, 30, May 03+04)
- Time-independent Schroedinger
equation (SEQ)
- Numerical solutions (shooting+matching method)
- Matrix methods
- Energy minimization and variational approach
- Time-dependent SEQ: higher-order DEQ