Physics 201  -  College Physics

(Texas A&M University, Spring 2004)

Homepage  for Sects. 513-516

   Announcements (updated regularly)



    Tue+Thu  11:10am-12:25pm
    Room:  Heldenfels 107
     (1st class:  Tue Jan 20,   last class:  Tue May 04
        Spring Break: March 15-19 )

                              Recitations                   LABS

     Room:                         Heldenfels 121                Heldenfels 220
    Sect. 513:  Wed,        12:40-01:30 pm               01:40-03:30pm
    Sect. 514:  Fri,            08:00-08:50 am               09:00-10:50am
    Sect. 515:  Thu,          02:20-03:10pm                03:20-05:10pm
    Sect. 516:  Fri,            10:20-11:10am                11:20-01:10pm

     For the Lab Schedule,  click  here

   Course Instructor

    Dr. Ralf Rapp
    Office          :  Cyclotron (Building 434)  Room 211
    Office-Hrs  : Tue 2-3pm,   Wed 3-4pm, Thu 10-11am
    Phone          :  845-1411 (ext. 226), home: 268-3164
    E-mail         :

   Teaching Assistants

      all TA's listed below are either simultaneously responsible for Recitation and Lab
      in the respective sections, or listed separately. For questions on the Lab, Lab-reports
      or homework/quizzes outside the standard Lab and Recitation times, please schedule
      an appointment via email.

      Sect. 513
      Der-Chyn Jong
      Office  :  ENPH 437

      Sect. 514
      Samuel Gooding
      Office  :  ENPH 423

       Sect. 515
       Der-Chyn Jong
       Office :  ENPH 437

        Sect. 516
        Ching-Ming Chen  (REC)                                                        Mario Francisco Borunda (LAB)
        Office  :    ENPH 422                                                                   Office:  tba
        E-mail :                               E-mail:

      Supplemental Instruction (Group Sessions)

     The University provides free Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions to further
      improve your study options. The name of the SI leader assigned to PHY201 is
     Domenic. His 50-minute sessions are open to all PHY201 students. They are held in
    BLOC 111 during the following evening hours:
    Sun, 8:00-8:50pm
    Mon, 9:00-9:50pm
    Tue, 9:00-9:50pm
    You are very much encouraged to take advantage of this additional University

   Personal Tutoring by International Graduate Students

   The physics department provides another learning resource by offering  free
    personal tutoring sessions with an international physics graduate student (GANT).
   For our PHYS 201 course, the names and email addresses of the GANT's are:
       Yunfeng Li (Rapp),   
      Feng Xie    (Kocharovsky),
   Each GANT will attend the lectures indicated in the parentheses, and solve the
   complete homework assignments. Therefore, they will be well-prepared to help
     you with any class-material related question. Be aware that these GANTs are
     not native english speakers, but they are eager to improve in this respect, also by
     the tutoring. They are available for individual appointments with you for up to 9 hrs
     per week, Monday through Friday during daytime (i.e., before 8pm) in Held 211.
     To schedule an appointment, contact any of the above  GANTs at least one day
     (preferably somewhat more) in advance by email.
     Again, you are very much encouraged to make use of this opportunity. I recommend
     that you try out the tutoring soon to see whether it could improve your PHYS 201
     skills.     Make sure not to miss out on something useful!

    Required Material

     1.)  TEXTBOOK:
             The course will be based on the book
               Physics, 6. Edition, by Cutnell and Johnson

      2.)  LAB MANUAL:
           PHY201 Lab Manual  (published by Hayden-McNeil)

      3.) optional:
           Student Solutions Manual;   Student Study Guide


    The course will cover the basic concepts and applications of Newtonian Mechanics,
    Thermodynamics and Waves+Sound,  corresponding to chapters 1-17 in the textbook.

    Course Grade

    The total course grade is decomposed as follows:

      If the grade on the final is significantly better than on one of the intermediate exams,
      the final grade will be used to replace that ONE intermediate exam grade (note that
      this rule effectively makes the final exam worth 45%).
     This DOES NOT apply to a missed intermediate exam (which are counted as zero).


   The exams are closed book, and are held in the classroom (HELD107) during standard
    lecture times (except for the Final); you should only bring a pen and pocket calculator,
    capable of evaluating trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan) and logarithms.
    Formula sheets will be provided.  Special review sessions held by the course instructor
    on an evening ca. 2-3 days before each exam, see announcements on top of page.
    For files of old exams, see  .

   Intermediate I:  Tue, February 17, in class (Held 107,  11:10am-12:25pm),
                                 material covered: Chap 1-5
   Intermediate II:  Tue, March 23, in class (Held 107, 11:10am-12:25pm),
                                   material covered: Chap 6-10
   Intermediate III: Tue, April 20, in class (Held 107, 11:10am-12:25pm),
                                     material covered: Chap 11-15
   FINAL:   Friday, May 07 (Held 107, 03:00-05:00pm)
                       material covered corresponds to the entire semester

    Notes on Lectures

    Attendance in the lectures , as well as taking notes of the material presented, is
    mandatory. Furthermore, you are responsible for all announcements made
    in class (including information on review sessions, etc.).
    The material discussed in the lectures, together with the homework problems,
    esssentially defines the scope of the exams. Formula sheets to be used in the exams
    are handed out in the lectures at the time the material is started to be discussed
    (this will allow you to get acquainted with the notation well ahead of the exam).

    Notes on Homework  and  Recitation

    For the weekly assignment of homework problems drawn from the texbook, cf. the
    main Syllabus  here.
    Cooperative work and discussions are encouraged, but every one of you should
    generate his/her individual solution set. Questions can be addressed to your course
    or recitation instructor, who will be happy to help you (preferably during office hours).
    Recitation attendance is mandatory; each week, a quiz will be given and graded,
    which will determine your recitation grade (the semester-average on your quizzes
    makes up 5% of your total course grade).

     Notes on Laboratory Experiments

      Lab attendance is mandatory. It follows the recitation session of your section each
      week in which an experiment is scheduled.
       Your Lab-instructor (who is usually the same person as the recitation instructor)
       will advice you on when (typically no more than one week after the experiment)
       and where to hand in the Lab reports which are based on the data you take.
       In certain weeks there are no formal Labs scheduled, but this extra time will be used
       by the recitation instructor to provide additional exam preparation or discussion
       of the solutions after an exam.
        Information on policies on missed labs can be found at .

      Other Notes

       To pass the course ,you will have to keep up with the material of the course
       by attending the lectures (besides the recitation and Lab) and thoroughly work
       through the weekly homework problems (which, in addition, is the best preparation
       for the recitation quizzes). Otherwise, pile-up of not understood material is likely to
       lead to a failing grade.
       It is impossible to get a passing grade without hard work in this course.
       Any type of cheating (copying homework , lab reports,  during exams, etc.) is
       strictly prohibited and seriously penalized.
       If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical or learning disability that may impact
       on your ability to carry out assigned course work, you may want to contact the
       staff in the Office of Support Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in the
       Department of Student Life. SSD will review your concerns and determine, with
       you, what accomodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and
       documentation concerning disability is kept confidential. For more information
       on this, see , or call (979) 845-3111

       Despite all the above regulations and rules (which are needed for a fair assessment
       of your grades), we hope that you will enjoy this course, and that you will achieve
       knowledge that will both be helpful in your further career and provide deeper
       insights into daily-life encounters with physics!
       If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your course/
       recitation instructors who shall be glad to help you!