Systematic analysis of hadron spectra in p+p collisions using Tsallis distribution
H. Zheng, Lilin Zhu, and A. Bonasera

Asymptotic normalization coefficients and radiative widths                                            
A.M. Mukhamedzhanov  and  D.Y. Pang

Improvement of the high-accuracy 17O(p,α)14N reaction-rate measurement via the Trojan Horse method for application to 17O nucleosynthesis
M.L. Sergi, C. Spitaleri, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, R.G. Pizzone, G.G. Rapisarda, X.D. Tang, B. Bucher, M. Couder, P. Davies, R. deBoer, X. Fang, L. Lamm, C. Ma, M. Notani, S. O’Brien, D. Roberson, W. Tan, M. Wiescher, B. Irgaziev, A. Mukhamedzhanov, J. Mrazek, and V. Kroha

New approach to folding with the Coulomb wave function
L.D. Blokhintsev, A.S. Kadyrov, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, and D.A. Savin

The cosmological lithium problem revisited
C.A. Bertulani, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, and Shubhchintak

THM determination of the 65 keV resonance strength intervening in the 17O(p,α)14N reaction rate
M.L. Sergi, C. Spitaleri, V. Burjan, S. Cherubini, A. Coc, M. Gulino, F. Hammache, Z. Hons, B. Irgaziev, G.G. Kiss, V. Kroha, M. La Cognata, L. Lamia, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, R.G. Pizzone, S.M.R. Puglia, G.G. Rapisarda, S. Romano, N. de Séréville, E. Somorjai, and A. Tumino

Updated THM astrophysical factor of the 19F (p, α)16O  reaction and influence of new direct data at astrophysical energies
M. La Cognata, S. Palmerini, C. Spitaleri, I. Indelicato, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, I. Lombardo, and O. Trippella

Divergence of the isospin asymmetry expansion of the nuclear equation of state
C. Wellenhofer, J.W. Holt, and N. Kaiser

Investigation of the energy-averaged double transition density of isoscalar monopole Excitations
M.L. Gorelik, S. Shlomo, B.A. Tulupov, and M.H. Urin

Isoscalar giant monopole resonances in 92,96,98,100Mo and 90,92,94Zr and the incompressibility coefficient of nuclear matter
G. Bonasera, S. Shlomo, D.H. Youngblood, Y.-W. Lui, Krishichayan, and J. Button

Isovector giant dipole resonances in 40,48Ca, 68Ni, 90Zr, 116Sn, 144Sm, and 208Pb and the energy weighted sum rule enhancement factor
G. Bonasera, M.R. Anders, and S. Shlomo

The symmetry energy density and isovector giant resonances energies in 208Pb     
M.R. Anders and S. Shlomo

Theoretical corrections for the superallowed β decays of the proton-rich nuclei:  42Ti, 46Cr, 50Fe, and 54Ni
I.S. Towner and J.C. Hardy

An in-medium heavy-quark potential from the  free energy                                             
Shuai Y.F. Liu and Ralf Rapp
Massive Yang-Mills for vector and axialvector spectral functions at finite temperature
Paul M. Hohler and Ralf Rapp

Sequential regeneration of charmonia in heavy-ion collisions                                         
Xiaojian Du and Ralf Rapp

Thermal dileptons as fireball thermometer and chronometer                                          
Ralf Rapp and Hendrik van Hees

Thermal photon emission from the πρω system                                                                  
Nathan Holt, Paul Hohler, and Ralf Rapp

Anomalous transport model study of chiral magnetic effects in heavy ion collisions
Y.F. Sun, C.M. Ko, and Feng Li

Heavy quark correlations and the effective volume for quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions
J.P. Liu,1 C.M. Ko, and F. Li

Jet fragmentation via recombination of parton showers in vacuum                              
K. Han, R. Fries, and C.M. Ko

Light (anti-)nuclei production and flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
L.L. Zhu, C.M. Ko, and X.J. Yin

Spinodal instability in baryon-rich quark matter
F. Li and C.M. Ko

The JET collaboration
R.J. Fries and C.M. Ko

Early time dynamics of gluon fields in high energy nuclear collisions                           
G. Chen, R.J. Fries, J.I. Kapusta, and Y. Li

Jet fragmentation via recombination of parton showers                                                   
K. Han, R.J. Fries, and C.M. Ko