Nuclear Theory Seminars at Texas A&M: Fall 2006

Location: Cyclotron Building (434), Seminar Room

Friday, December 01, 2:00pm

Dr. Lorenzo Ravagli, Texas A&M University
Phase of the fermion determinant at finite μ


In this seminar we address the issue of QCD at finite chemical potential, where the Dirac operator is complex and Monte Carlo simulations are not applicable straightforwardly. For investigating this subject we use a class of 1-dimensional lattice-QCD models, with both U(N) and SU(N) gauge symmetries: analytical results are available, and they turn out to be particularly simple in the limit of large nt (number of lattice sites in the temporal direction), where several regimes of the theory can be studied. In particular, we discuss the validity of the quenching procedure, and we try to establish a connection with the phenomenologically relevant 3+1 theory.

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Last updated: Nov/21/06
Maintained by Hendrik van Hees